Friday, December 30, 2016

Books I Recently Read

Why Are Faggots so Afraid of Faggots: Flaming Challenges to Masculinity, Objectification, and the Desire to Conform is a collection of essays edited by Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore. I can relate to the theme of most of the essays. Among other things they deal with those of us who do are outsiders in the mainstream gay community and transgender issues. I was reminded of not fitting in with the other gay male students when I was attending university. Disco music was popular with most of the gay community, and I was more interested in contemporary composers and punk music. I could not find other gay men who were punks like me. I have never felt the need to conform to norms in the straight or straight communities. I was lonely at times, but true happiness came from accepting myself. (Well, I am still working on that.) We in the LGBTIQ communities need to be more accepting of others in our community who march to the beats of different drummers. I highly recommend this book.

Make Something Up: Stories You Can't Unread is a collections of  stories and a novella by Chuck Palahniuk. I was disappointed with this book. It lacked something that Fight Club and Diary had. It seemed like a book that would be popular with teachers of literature. It lacked their punch. It did have some entertaining passages, but it is not his best writing.

The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos is the latest book by Brian Greene. It is an entertaining, educational book. It is more obvious in this book than it was in The Elegant Universe that the author wants to write popular books. There are more references to popular cultures. To me these references are distracting. One reason that this is true is I am not familiar to most of the things to which he referred. An example is the TV programme "South Park," I have only seen one episode. It is an interesting book, but the author lets some of his preconceived ideas get in the way. He has a very view of conditions in which life can exist. Since this book was published it has been discovered that life exists under conditions in which it was not thought that life could exist on this planet. I would still recommend this book to those who want to learn more about physics and the possibility that we are living in a multiverse.

The book I finished reading most recently is Side Trips from Cowboy: Addiction, Recovery and the Western American Myth by Sandy Compton. Its author wrote about his addiction with gambling and his travels through lands that had belonged to the Nez Perce tribe. He also wrote about twelve-step programs. He seems to have a slight understanding of the spirituality of Native Americans, but his knowledge seems very superficial. His views on addiction seem questionable. He says that addicts are addicted to pain. I think that addicts try more to avoid pain. I do agree with him that addiction has a spiritual source, but true addiction also has a physical aspect. I did enjoy this book somewhat, but U was left unsatisfied.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

I Need to Be a Better Professional Asshole

Often I tell tell other people to accept themselves as they are and that I accept them as they are, but I have a tendency to really accept myself as I am. I am happy with myself, but I forget that I am worthy of love and acceptance. I have a tendency to want to take care of everybody else while I forget to take good care of myself. I am working on changing that. I do enjoy pleasing men and I do enjoy doing things for my friends, but I am worthy of love without doing these things. Being altruistic is part of who I am, but I have to take care of myself first. That does not mean that I do not want to suck cock as often as I can, but I have to do it for myself too. I need to do a better job of being a Professional Asshole. Practice makes perfect.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

More Kinky Stuff

I will be happy when I can spend more time with my Master. It makes me feel to know that I can make him feel good using my oral talents. I think that pleasing him makes me feel as good as it makes him feel. When we are together his pleasure is more important than my own. I enjoy being obedient. I did not know before I met him that not cumming can be as satisfying as cumming when I am being obedient to him. His cum and pee taste great! I still enjoy pleasing a young friend, but I rarely get to do that. I hope that I am able to please both of them tomorrow. I have not tasted the young guy's cum, but I have had his tasty pee. He is a great kisser. It would be fun if I could please them together. They could both have me on my knees anytime and any place.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Kinky Adult Content

I have been thinking about some hot fun I had with a young friend. We were sitting in a secluded section of a park, and he decided that he wanted to suck his cock. He unzipped his pants, and I took it in my mouth. Unfortunately he was too nervous to cum. I told him that I wanted to drink his pee. Later the same day we were walking down a street. We stopped next to a fence. He put his cock into my mouth and pissed. I was not able to swallow all of it, and some got on my face. I liked that though. He had never done that before, and he enjoyed it. I would like to do both of those things with him again some day. He knows that he owes me kisses, cum and pee.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Я хочу эмигрировать или путешествия. (adult content, контент для взрослых)

I still dream of emigrating  to or travelling in Central Europe or Eastern Europe. This is because of the results of the presidential election. I want to be in a place where English is not the primary language spoken. I know that it will be a challenge to learn to speak Russian, Czech, Polish, Slovak, Ukrainian, and other languages, but I want to make an effort to do this. I would also suck the cocks of men throughout this part of the world. I can use my tongue to speak languages and to please a man.

I am proud of my talent for sucking cock. Not all men like to be sucked in the same way. In order to please a man it is necessary to learn how he like to have his sucked. I am good at remembering what a man likes. I have been getting better at pleasing my Master, and I am happy to be his sexual slave. I also have a young friend whose cock I sucked, and I would like to suck it again.

I will have a home soon, and I am excited about that.

Я до сих пор мечтаю о эмигрировать или путешествовать в Центральной Европе и Восточной Европе. Это происходит из-за результатов президентских выборов. Я хочу быть в таком месте, где английский язык не является основным языком. Я знаю, что это будет непростой задачей, чтобы научиться говорить на русском, немецком, чешском, польском, словацком, украинском и других языках, но я хочу, чтобы приложить усилия, чтобы сделать это. Я также хотел бы сосать петухи мужчин на протяжении этой части мира. Я могу использовать свой язык, чтобы говорить языками и угодить человеку.

Я горжусь своим талантом сосать хуй. Не все мужчины любят сосать таким же образом. Для того, чтобы угодить человеку необходимо узнать, как он хотел, чтобы его сосала. Я хорошо запоминают то, что любит человек. Я получаю лучше радуя мой господин, и я счастлив быть его сексуальным рабом. У меня также есть молодой друг, чей член я сосал, и я хотел бы, чтобы сосать его снова.

У меня будет дом в ближайшее время, и я очень рад этому поводу.

Ich träume immer noch davon, in Mitteleuropa oder Osteuropa zu emigrieren oder zu reisen. Dies ist wegen der Ergebnisse der Präsidentschaftswahl. Ich möchte in einem Ort, wo Englisch ist nicht die primäre Sprache gesprochen werden. Ich weiß, dass es eine Herausforderung sein wird, Russisch, Deutsch, Tschechisch, Polnisch, Slowakisch, Ukrainisch und andere Sprachen zu lernen, aber ich möchte mich bemühen, dies zu tun. Ich würde auch die Schwänze von Männern in diesem Teil der Welt saugen. Ich kann meine Zunge benutzen, um Sprachen zu sprechen und einen Mann zu gefallen.

Ich bin stolz auf mein Talent für saugen Hahn. Nicht alle Männer lieben es, gleich gesaugt zu werden. Um einem Mann zu gefallen, ist es notwendig zu lernen, wie er gerne sein gesaugt hat. Ich bin gut daran, mich daran zu erinnern, was ein Mann mag. Ich bin immer besser gefallen, meinen Meister zu gefallen, und ich bin glücklich, sein sexueller Sklave zu sein. Ich habe auch einen jungen Freund, dessen Schwanz ich gelutscht habe, und ich möchte es wieder saugen.

Ich werde bald ein Haus haben, und darüber freue ich mich sehr.

Pořád sním k emigraci do střední Evropy nebo východní Evropy nebo cestovat. To je vzhledem k výsledkům prezidentských voleb. Chci být místem, kde angličtina není primární jazyk mluvený. Vím, že to bude výzva, rusky, německy, naučit se česky, polské, slovenské, ukrajinské a jiné jazyky, ale chci v mých silách, aby tak učinily. Byl bych sát kohouty mužů v této části světa. Mohu používat svůj jazyk mluvit jazyky a potěšit muže.

Jsem hrdý na svůj talent pro sání kohout. Ne všichni muži milují být rovna olizovat. Aby potěšil člověka, je třeba se naučit, jak se mu líbí být nasáván. Jsem dobrý v tom, aby mi připomínají to, co člověk chce. Mám stále lepší chtěl potěšit svého pána, a jsem rád, že je jeho sexuální otrok. Mám také mladého přítele, jehož penis jsem cucal, a chci to znovu sát.

Budu brzy mít dům, a jsem rád o velmi.

Ciągle marzy o wyjeździe do lub podróży w Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej Europie. To dlatego, że z wyników wyborów prezydenckich. Chcę być w miejscu, gdzie angielski nie jest językiem podstawowym zna. Wiem, że będzie to wyzwanie, aby nauczyć się mówić po rosyjsku, czeski, polski, słowacki, ukraiński, inne języki, ale chcę dołożyć starań, aby to zrobić. Chciałbym również ssać kurki ludzi w całej tej części świata. mogę używać mojego języka mówić językami i zadowolić mężczyznę.

Jestem dumny z mojego talentu wysysających kurek. Nie wszyscy chcą być zasysane w taki sam sposób. Aby zadowolić mężczyznę, konieczne jest, aby dowiedzieć się, jak on chciałby mieć jego dupy. Jestem dobry w pamiętając, co człowiek lubi. Byłem coraz lepiej zadowolić moim panem, a ja cieszę się jego niewolnicą seksualną. Mam też młodego przyjaciela, którego kogut ssać i chciałbym ssać go ponownie.

będę mieć w domu szybko i jestem podekscytowany.

Napriek tomu sníva o emigráciu alebo cestovať v strednej Európe alebo východnej Európy. Dôvodom je, že výsledky prezidentských volieb. Chcem byť na mieste, kde angličtina nie je primárny jazyk hovorený. Viem, že to bude náročná úloha naučiť sa hovoriť po rusky, česky, poľsky, slovenskom, ukrajinsky, a iné jazyky, ale chcem sa snažiť to urobiť. Tiež by som sať kohúty mužov v celej tejto časti sveta. Môžem používať svoj jazyk hovoriť jazykmi a potešiť muža.

Som hrdý na svoj talent pre sania kohút. Nie všetci muži chceli byť nasávaný rovnakým spôsobom. Aby uspokojil človeka je potrebné sa naučiť, ako mu chcel mať jeho nasávania. Som dobrá v zapamätanie, čo človek má rád. Bol som stále lepší na potešujúce môj pán, a som rád, že je jeho sexuálna otrok. Mám tiež mladého priateľa, ktorého penis som cucal, a rád by som to znova sať.

Budem mať čoskoro domov, a som nadšený, že.

Я до сих пір мрію про емігрувати або подорожувати в Центральній Європі і Східній Європі. Це відбувається через результати президентських виборів. Я хочу бути в такому місці, де англійська мова не є основною мовою. Я знаю, що це буде непростим завданням, щоб навчитися говорити російською, чеською, польською, словацькою, українською та іншими мовами, але я хочу, щоб докласти зусиль, щоб зробити це. Я також хотів би смоктати півні чоловіків протягом цієї частини світу. Я можу використовувати свою мову, щоб говорити мовами і догодити людині.

Я пишаюся своїм талантом смоктати хуй. Не всі чоловіки люблять смоктати таким же чином. Для того, щоб догодити людині необхідно дізнатися, як він хотів, щоб його смоктала. Я добре запам'ятовують те, що любить людина. Я отримую краще радуючи мій пан, і я щасливий бути його сексуальним рабом. У мене також є молодий друг, чий член я смоктав, і я хотів би, щоб смоктати його знову.

У мене буде будинок найближчим часом, і я дуже радий цього приводу.

If there are errors in the translations it is because I am using Google Translate. Если есть ошибки в переводах это потому, что я использую Google Translate. Wenn es Fehler in den Übersetzungen ist es, weil ich Google Translate verwenden. Pokud jsou chyby v překladu je to proto, že jsem pomocí Google Translate. Jeśli występują błędy w tłumaczeniu to dlatego używam Google Translate. Ak sú chyby v preklade je to preto, že som pomocou Google Translate. Якщо є помилки в перекладах це тому, що я використовую Google Translate.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Three Men in My Life (Adult Content)

Is it possible for me to love three men at the same time? I love all three of them in different ways. I have been spending time with all three of them. I will be spending more time with one of them. I know how to make him feel good, and I feel very good when I make him feel good. I mostly use my oral skills to make him feel good. He keeps saying that he is afraid that I will get tired of doing this, and I keep trying to reassure him that this will not happen. No one has ever made me feel as good as he does. I could spend hours sucking his cock. He also stimulates my imagination and intellect. I love his taste in clothing and other things. I feel comfortable and safe when I am with him. There are another two friends with whom I spend time when I am not at work, with the guy mentioned above or at the shelter. I enjoy being with both of them even though I think that one of them may only interested in being with me because he wants me to give him money. One of these guys says that he is straight, and I am not sure about the other one. I have told both of them that I love them, and they say the same thing. One of them has mentioned wanting us to get matching bracelets or matching tattoos. I played around with one of them. We sucked each other some. I want to be with the one about whom I wrote first, but I do not want to lose contact with the other two. I need to remember that I need to take care of myself first. I cannot afford to give away all of my money and not have enough for my own needs. When I move into the new place top priority will be to pay my rent. I know that I will be happy living where I am going to live. At the same time I will be a sex slave, and that will make me very happy. I wish there was a way that I could please all three of these men in the ways that they want to be pleased.

Some Books I Read Recently

I have not been online for a few weeks. I have been hanging out with friends, working and sucking dick. No, I did not do all of those things at the same time. I will have a home before the end of the month.

I read a couple of books by Clive Barker, Mister B. Gone and The Scarlet Gospel. He is one of my favorite writers. I also enjoy his films, photography and art. Mister B. Gone is told from the point of Jakabok, a demon, who ends up going from hell to the surface of the earth. In places he begs the reader to burn the book that is being read. It becomes clear why he is making this plea. In this book the line between good and evil is not always clear. This is a book that I did not want to stop reading, but I did not want it to end. The Scarlet Gospels features the detective Harry D'Amour and Pinhead. It contains rich imagery and plenty of erect penises. A couple of the lead male characters are gay men. This is another one that I did not want to end. The plots of both of these books contain twists and are completely entertaining. I need to read and/or reread the rest of his books.

Obsession: An Erotic Tale is a slim novel by Gloria Vanderbilt. I first got interested in her writing when I read the first two books of her autobiographical writings. She is a wonderful writer. In this book Talbot Bingham, a controversial, successful architect has died. His widow, Priscilla, discovers some intimate letters to him. The story is told from Priscilla's point of view, from the point of view of the letters and occasionally from the point of view of a third-person narrator. I had forgotten about her books until recently. I was delighted to find this book soon after I started looking. Now I want to find the others.

The Holographic Universe is a fascinating book by Michael Talbot. The main premise of the book is that the universe has no more substance than a hologram. It deals with mystical, spiritual and psychic experiences. Among other topics it deals with the ideas of reincarnation, miracles, out-of body experiences, near-death experiences, etc. I will try to remember to write more about my thoughts on this book at a later date.