Last night I had bad dreams. I do not remember much, but people were threatening to have me arrested for trespassing. Eventually I started saying that I had as much right as anyone else to be where I was. I do not remember where I was in the dreams. I also dreamt about not having a place to live (I don't have a lot of time left at the homeless shelter where I am living, so I do need to find a new home soon.) I cannot remember the rest of my dreams, but I do remember a sense of foreboding but not giving up.
Вчера вечером у меня были плохие сны. Я не очень много помню, но люди угрожали арестовать меня за вторжение. В конце концов я начал говорить, что у меня было такое же право, как и все, чтобы быть там, где я был. Я не помню, где я был во сне. Я также мечтал о том, чтобы не иметь места для жизни (у меня не осталось много времени в приюте для бездомных, где я живу, поэтому мне нужно скоро найти новый дом.) Я не могу вспомнить остальные мои мечты , но я помню чувство предчувствия, но не сдавался.
Вчора ввечері я мав погані мрії. Я багато не пам'ятаю, але люди загрожували заарештувати мене за порушення. Врешті-решт, я почав говорити про те, що маю так само добре, як і будь-який інший, де я був. Я не пам'ятаю, де я був у снах. Я також мріяв про те, що нема місця для проживання (у мене не вистачає часу на притулок для бездомних, де я живу, тому мені доведеться незабаром знайти новий дім). Я не можу згадати решту моїх мрій , але я пам'ятаю почуття передчуття, але не відмовуся.
Letzte Nacht hatte ich schlechte Träume. Ich erinnere mich nicht viel, aber die Leute drohten, mich wegen Hausfriedensbruchs festnehmen zu lassen. Schließlich fing ich an zu sagen, dass ich genauso viel Recht hatte wie jeder andere, wo ich war. Ich erinnere mich nicht, wo ich in den Träumen war. Ich träumte auch davon, keinen Platz zum Leben zu haben (ich habe nicht mehr viel Zeit in dem Obdachlosenheim, in dem ich lebe, also muss ich bald ein neues Zuhause finden.) Ich kann mich nicht an den Rest meiner Träume erinnern Aber ich erinnere mich an ein Gefühl der Vorahnung, aber ich gab nicht auf.
My name is Vlk Leafe and I am a gay professional asshole. I am usually a pretty laid back guy, but I am not going to let anyone tell me that is not all right for me to be who I am. I have no tolerance for racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic or self-righteous people. I have been accused of being a heterophobe, but that's silly. My posts may ramble sometimes, but I hope they entertain and sometimes inform.
Saturday, March 31, 2018
A Storm Of Swords: Book Three of A Song of I ca and Fire by George R.R. Martin
I have read three of the books of A Sing of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin. My main complaint about A Storm of Swords concerns the length of the books. The post of the book has lots of twists. I am happy with some of the developments and unhappy with others. At times the alternate spelling of words gets to be annoying. Some of the characters use catch phrases too often. I took a break from reading the book at page 659 when I discovered that part of a page was missing from the copy that I had borrowed from the library. I think this book could have been broken up into two books. Fortunately the fourth book is not as long. It is still long. Well, back to this book, I have grown fond of some of the characters, and I have grown to despise some of the others. I do find some things about these books annoying, but I still find them entertaining. I look forward to reading A Feast for Crows, the next book.
"The Last Days of New Paris: A Novella" by China Miéville
While reading the diaries of Anaïs Nin that she wrote between 1937 and 1939 I saw The Last Days of New Paris: A Novella by China Miéville in the library. The novella takes place in an alternate Paris. It takes place in 1950 and 1941. During and after World War II. The Surrealists are resistance fighters against the Nazis. There are surrealist pieces of art that have come to life. There are also "exquisite corpses," which were based on drawings art works that were collaborative games done by surrealist artists and writers. I want to read more of China Miéville's books. It does remind me of the writings of the surrealists, but it is a bit watered down. I have been interested in surrealist and dadaist art for a long time. I also like the author's politics.
Sunday, March 25, 2018
"Collages" by Anaïs Nin
Collages is a novel by Anaïs Nin. It was published in 1964. The title describes the style of the structure of the novel and artwork described in the novel. The main character, Renate, grew up in Vienna. She travels with a man named Bruce. They travel together and separately. In one place in the book she encounters him kneeling in front of a Mexican boy. It is not explicitly stated what he is doing, but I got the impression that he was giving him a blow job. In the story line there are pieces of art and articles of clothing that are or could resemble collages. There seems to be connection between the sections of the novel, but the connection is implied. The novel ends with someone reading the opening sentences of the book from a novel that she had written. The style of this novel is more conventional than fiction that I have read by Anaïs Nin, but it still very original. It is a book that can easily be read in one sitting.
Feeling Less Depressed
Since I have been taking an anti-seizure medication I am less depressed. The neurologist thought that the depression was caused by other things. Stress about money lack of a home had contributed to it, but I could tell that the main cause was chemical. After a week of taking a new medication I am feeling much better. I am better able to deal with other problems. I still have other problems, but I am able to handle them better. I can usually tell what the source of my mood changes are. I have some very good friends, and that helps too.
Friday, March 23, 2018
A Book by Anaïs Nin and a Book by Henry Miller
I just finished collections of writings by Anaïs Nin and Henry Miller. The former is entitled In Favor of the Sensitive Man and Other Essays and the latter is The Cosmological Eye. I am interested in the writings of both writers, but I find the writings of Anaïs Nin more interesting. They both seemed to have lived their lives to the full. Anaïs Nin seemed to have more of a knowledge of twentieth century writers. I want to read more of the fiction of both authors. Both books make me want to learn more about the subjects of the essays that are included in these books. Henry Miller's book includes surrealistic pieces of fiction. Anaïs Nin and Henry Miller were sexually lovers as well as collaborators in other ways. They were important figures in twentieth-century literature.
Sunday, March 18, 2018
"Nearer the Moon" from "A Journal of Love" by Anaïs Nin
I have not read the expurgated diaries of Anaïs Nin. I started reading her unexpurgated diaries after seeing the film "Henry and June," which was based on some of these diaries. Previously I had read some of her erotica, Delta of Venus and Little Birds. I am inspired by her attitude about truly living. With time she seemed to be truly alive. I would love to enjoy living as much as she seemed to have done. She did not not let herself be limited by inhibitions. At the same time she was careful not to hurt the people whom she loved. She was a wrote books that demonstrated an original style. She was a well-rounded person. She did not need to try to impress anyone. She impressed people simply by being herself. I am reading a collection of her essays, and I am going to read another of her novels. I do not always agree with her opinions, but I enjoy reading her writing.
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Anaïs Nin and Djuna Barnes
Anaïs Nin and Djuna Barnes are two of my favorite authors. Anaïs Nin is mostly known for her diaries and her erotica. She also wrote atmospheric novels. Her novels remind me of the writings of Djuna Barnes. The writings of both of these women are underappreciated. They wrote in very original styles. I wish I could achieve the mastery of language that they did. Most other writing seems bland in comparison. This is especially true concerning my own writing. I am reading a volume of Anaïs Nin's unexpurgated diaries now.
Sunday, March 4, 2018
"The Heroin Diaries: A Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star" by Nikki Sixx with Ian Gittins
The Heroin Diaries: A Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star by Nikki Sixx and Ian Gittins is compelling reading. Nikki Sixx said that he hoped that he hoped that the book would keep its readers from wanting to do drugs. I am not sure that it would be successful. It might make people not want to do drugs to excess. At one place he said something about the possibility of the diaries being published as a book. His main goal when he was writing the diaries was not publication. In the diaries he wrote about dealing with depression and how depression can make daily living more difficult. With depression simple tasks like taking care of personal hygiene and getting out of bed can be difficult. There are commentaries from Nikki Sixx and other people in the book. I got the book from a public library. I would like to find a copy of the book to purchase. The only problem I have with the book is that it is poorly assembled and has a tendency to fall apart. I have heard that this is true about hardback and paperback copies.
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