Thursday, July 9, 2015

What Is Freedom of Religion?

Some people get confused about what freedom of religion means. It means the freedom to worship or not worship as one wants. It does not mean having the right to discriminate or spread hatred. It does not mean not letting others enjoy the same rights that you have. People want to use the Bible to justify whatever prejudice they have. They want to pick certain portions of the Bible to speak out against others. They ignore the parts that would condemn their own actions. The Bible does say "Love your neighbor." Nowhere does it say "Judge your neighbor."

One thing that I do not understand is that in places in the Bible it says that our sins are forgiven and forgotten, yet in other places it speaks of a judgment day where everything we have said and done are brought up. Which is it? Why would a loving God bring up every slip of the tongue that we have done? This is one of the stumbling blocks for me in Christianity.

I only know that I am only happy when I do not try to please others with my views on religion, politics and sex. I do not have the courage yet to completely become an atheist, but that may be what I am becoming. I am a socialist. I am a pervert and a queer. I will keep my head up, unless I lower it to give a blow job.

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