Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Electoral System in the U.S.A. Is Fucked Up

We really need more that two major political parties in the U.S.A. We currently have a conservative party and a moderate party. There are some smaller parties, but they are ignored by the media and most of the people of the country. The Republican Party and the Democratic Party have big conventions where their candidates for the presidency are chosen by delegates. These conventions give the illusion of this country being a democracy. We need liberal parties that receive as much media attention as the two major parties. The people of the country need to be able to elect the president directly. The members of the political parties could vote for the candidate from their party. Then there could be an election where people vote for whoever they choose from all the parties. Then there could be an election where the top two people from that election would run against each other. The electoral system in this country needs a major overhaul.

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