Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Taking My Armor Off

Why is that often we think of being willing to appear vulnerable as a sign of weakness? I think is a sign of strength to be expose our weakness or things that may be seen to be weakness. By removing the armor that protects us from the barbs that can come from others we may appear vulnerable. It is only when we allow these barbs to hurt us that we are weak. It takes strength to keep ourselves from the barbs. Often when we expose ourselves to the possibility of receiving barbs we find that we receive warmth and friendship. If others turn away from us because of what we reveal it is their loss. Armor does not change in size. If we want to grow we have to remove armor that can prevent us from growing. I still find it hard to laugh and cry in front of other people. Laughing is the easier of the two. It has taken me a long time to relax enough to laugh in front of other people. The armor I was wearing to protect me kept upright but too rigid to laugh. Laughing is a great release. We are taught that crying is a sign of weakness. It is a great release. If we are willing to share our weaknesses we help others who have the same weaknesses. Needing the help of others is not a sign of weakness. It is obvious that people together have more strength than they would have alone. Of course, there are times when we all need time alone, but this needs to be balanced with being with others whom we trust. True growth comes from within, but we can help each other to grow. I am removing my armor.

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