Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The Republicans, Especially those in the Tea Party, Are full of Shit

I get tired of Republicans saying that regulations of carbon emissions are harmful to the economy. They  are very short sighted. They neglect the damage that these emissions are doing to the environment. The tax breaks for the rich are harming the economy. Another thing that is harming the economy is the exportation of jobs to other countries where the workers there can be exploited. The economy is not helped by companies who move their headquarters overseas to avoid paying taxes in the U.S. There are also the rich people who want to keep their money in countries where the tax rates are lower. An increase in the minimum wage would benefit the economy. People would have more money to spend. Another thing that is not helping the economy is the large pension that is paid to members of Congress when they retire. I really do not think that members of either party would vote to decrease that. It seems ridiculous that if someone serves one term in Congress they receive this pension. This pension needs to be abolished or greatly decreased. The other benefits that the members of Congress get need to be decreased. The economy is far from being in perfect shape, but it has improved during Obama's administration. He is not the first president to be blamed for a bad economy that he inherited from his predecessor. A flat tax rate would definitely improve the economy.

The healthcare system still is very broken, but because of the Affordable Care Act there are fewer people without health insurance than there were before. It is unfortunate that the cost of healthcare in the United States is still too high.

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