For some of us just to appear in public causes controversy. There is not sense in this. People who do not conform to the so called norm are too often expected to walk in shame. It is too seen as an act of bravery for many of us to hold our heads up in self acceptance and pride. We should all be able to walk down the street and say, "I am who I am, and I will not let anyone else define or label me. If someone has multiple tattoos and piercings it does not hurt anyone they encounter. The only reason I do not have more tattoos and piercings is financial. It has nothing to do with what other people might think. If someone's pants are sagging, what harm does it do to you? If someone is large or very thin, and they are happy with who they are that should not be the concern of anyone else. People with scars and deformations are expected to hide these things from public view as if these things were something to be ashamed of. Why is it that those who were wounded fighting for liberty are often led to be embarrassed by the scars left by those injuries? Why is it that there are postings online for ridicule pictures of people who go to WalMart at night revealing parts of their anatomy that they are afraid to show during the day? I am embarrassed and ashamed that I have laughed at these photos too. I no longer do this. These are people with feelings. We do not know what they are going through. Some of these people may wear what is considered to be unusual clothing, but it does not harm anyone. What is harmful is the posting of these photographs with unkind words. Who has the right to criticize a black woman or man for wearing their hair in its natural state? No one has this right. I get angry at the thought of someone using derogatory words to refer to this. Why is it that gender roles in regards to dress and make up are expected to be followed by all people when they are in public? I remember that it took a lot of courage for me to appear in public wearing high-heeled boots. THe spectrum of gender identity is very broad, and we should all be able to wear clothing in which we feel comfortable. We should focus less on how others act, dress, etc. and more on treating other with the respect. All people are worthy of being treated with respect.
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