Thursday, January 8, 2015

Why I Do Not Consider Myself a Patriot

I do not consider myself patriotic. As long as any groups of people are treated as second-class citizens this will be true. I also do not understand the thinking that any single country is better than all others. Prejudice is pervasive in this society. The judicial  system in this country definitely needs a lot of work. There is too much racism displayed in the imbalance of sentencing. Blacks too often get stiffer than whites do even when they have committed the same crimes. LGBTQ rights have come a long way, but we still have a long way to go. I will continue to fight for marriage equality. There are conservatives who act that this infringes on their rights. I do not understand this. There are fundamentalist Christian churches who act like they are being attacked. They want to be free to preach hatred. They can preach what they want, but I have the right to speak up against the hatred that they preach. There are places in this country where atheists are not allowed to run for office. There is definitely something wrong with that. We should all have the freedom to worship or not to worship as we believe. Voters' rights need to put in place. In too many parts of the country there are too many restrictions on who can vote. Big money needs to be taken out of elections. The megarich and big corporations have too much influence on politicians. As I have said before this country needs to become a true democracy. Corporations should not be treated as people. Too much power has been given to corporations as rights are slowly being taken away from individuals. It might seem trite, but I do consider myself to be a citizen of the world not just of this country.

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