I cannot say that I completely trust either major political party in the United States, but I mistrust the Democrats less than I do Republicans. I doubt that members of congress from either party would vote to reduce the outrageously large pensions that they receive when they leave office. This probably is more of a burden than the social services that many conservatives want to reduce. I doubt that either party will do anything to reduce the influence of big money on election and legislation. There are some whom I would trust to fight for this, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders for example, but I doubt that there are many others. I hope I am wrong, but I am skeptical.
Conservatives say that they want to stop the government to stay out of their lives, but they want the government to keep people from doing things that they do not like. They want to stop two men or two women from marrying each other. They want to control women's healthcare decisions. They want to be able to display Christian symbols in government places and to exclude non-Christian ones. They want to exclude non-Christian refugees from entering the country. They want to continue the prohibition of marijuana. They are only interested in freedom for white, rich Christians. They say that raising the minimum wage would cause the loss of jobs, but this has proven not to be true. It stimulates the economy. If people make more money they are less dependent on government services, and more money enters the economy. When tax breaks are given to the rich the money they save sits in their bank accounts benefiting no one but the rich and banks.
It is time for a strong democratic socialist party. Socialism is not evil. It is just another system that can be good or bad. It is time for the 99% in this country to take this country out of the control of the 1%.
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