"Shiner," a film directed by Christian Calson, deals with S & M. It was influenced by the films of Jean Genet and other underground, mostly gay, filmmakers. Some have said that the acting is bad in the movie, but I think that the style of acting was intentional. Some parts are uncomfortable to watch, but these are intended to be awkward. There is a shy gay guy who stalks an amateur boxer with low self esteem. They meet several times as the boxer is leaving the gym.The stalker has stolen shoes and other items from the boxer. These encounters are some of the most uncomfortable moments in the movie. The stalker is too shy to act out on his desires, and the boxer does not understand how anyone could find him desirable. I think he would have let the stalker suck him. There is a heterosexual couple in which the woman hits the man. They both enjoy this. There are two straight guys who spend a lot of time together, one of them does not seem completely straight. One of the guys gets turned on by being hit by the other. He jerks off while the other one punches him until he is bleeding. He also goes out gay baiting. He picks up a guy in a bar and after the gay guy sucks him he beats him. The gay guy ends up having to go to the hospital. After one of the beatings the two guys are in bed together. His head is on the belly of the other. There is blood on the other guys boxers. Maybe the one who liked to be punched sucked the other guy off. I think that the director accomplishes what he aimed to do with this film. Some people compare this movie to "Fight Club," but the resemblances are very superficial. They are two very different kinds of movies.
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