We are often told that conforming is a sign of maturity. We are told that rebelling against societal norms is something that one does when one is young. We are expected by the time we reach a certain age to own a house and a car and to have a career. We are told that it is better to be part of a herd of sheep than it is to be a lone wolf. I think that staying true to one's principles in the face of opposition is a better sign of maturity than conforming to societal norms in which we do not believe. Individualism does not preclude altruism. Both of these principles are important to me. I can remain firmly who I am and help others strive to be who they are. One can contribute to the well being of others while rebelling against the norms that society wants to oppose upon us. We can start a revolution by forming communities of mutual aid instead of becoming part of the capitalist machinery that wants us to be content with scraps that fall from the table of those with power.
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