"Peter's Friends" is a delightful movie with an outstanding cast. It was written by Rita Rudner and Martin Bergman and directed by Kenneth Brannagh in 1992. The cast included Kenneth Brannagh, Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie, Phyllida Law, Emma Thompson and Rita Rudner. Peter, played by Stephen Fry, invites a group of friends to celebrate the New Year at the manor that he has just inherited. There are a couple of newer additions to the group. All of them are dealing with various issues, the death of a child, rocky relationships, insecurity, etc... This is a movie that made me laugh out loud, and it also brought some tears to my eyes. It has been compared to "The Big Chill." I do not know how similar they are, because I have not seen "The Big Chill." I could empathize with the characters. It is very difficult to find this movie, and I am glad that I finally did.
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