People who wear t-shirts that insult other people make themselves look bad to me. Yesterday I saw a man who was wearing one that said, "Stand back: I'm allergic to stupid." It would be more effective if it said stupidity instead of stupid. If you are going to insult others lack of intelligence make sure that you do so in correct English or whatever language you use on your t-shirt. I am not fond of trying to make oneself look better by putting others down anyway. I have seen t-shirts that read "Sarcasm: Just one of my many talents." I have been tempted to ask the wearer of that shirt if s/he is being sarcastic and has few talents. I think I will ask the next person I see wearing that shirt. People who wear t-shirts that insult others do not deserve any mercy. Either don't wear clothing that shows your own ignorance while insulting others or be ready pay the consequences.
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