Saturday, September 20, 2014

God Sent Me to Piss the World Off

I have worked at places where employees are told not to wear t-shirts or anything else that might offend somebody. I do have t-shirts that I would not wear in many places, but if we put too much energy into not offending we waste our energy. If someone is offended by the expression of a different point of view the problem is not with the expression but with the person who is easily offended. I have a t-shirt that says, "Fuck White Supremacy." I rarely wear it, but it expresses my feeling on the subject perfectly. One thing that I find offensive is seeing someone wearing a t-shirt with Christian symbols or messages while acting in a hateful way. It should not have to be a courageous act to wear a t-shirt in support of LBGT rights, racial equality, beliefs in different faiths or non-belief or different political views. It should not be a radical act to wear a shirt depicting two men or two women kissing.
I have seen things that  say "It's Merry Christmas, not Happy Holidays." Someone who is Christian should have the right to say "Merry Christmas," but this does not take away the rights of others to say "Happy Holidays." This should be a non issue. This may piss some people off, but I have problems with Christian holidays being federal holidays. This seems to be going against the amendment that reads, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." I am in no way saying that people should not have the right to celebrate these holidays. I am only saying that I am questioning them recognized as holidays by the government. If these holidays are recognized then Holidays of other faiths should also be recognized. If this pisses you off, that's OK. To borrow from Eminem, "God sent me to piss the world off." I am a Christian. I know that not everyone will agree with what I just wrote, but if I lose friends over this I am not really losing a true friends.
I also want to make it clear that I do support the rights of Christians to wear clothing and jewelry showing their faith. I also support the rights of Christians to share their faith with others as long as they do not try to shove their beliefs down others throats. There is only one thing that I would want forced down my throat, and I think you know what that is (with my consent of course).....That's a joke, so don't get your panties in a knot.
Here is a quote from Brennan Manning that I think is very true:

“The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians: who acknowledge Jesus with their lips, walk out the door, and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.”


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