Hoarding is considered a mental illness or a sign of mental illness. Well it if what you're hoarding is not money. What is money in the bank other than a number? The mega rich buy influence over politicians. What is their primary reason that they want this power? So that they can keep more of their money. Exactly what benefit do they gain from having billions of dollars? They and other rich people want to be sure that they keep their wealth. They fight hard to keep tax breaks for themselves. They are so afraid that their magic number will get smaller. They are afraid that the people who are struggling day to day to meet the basic necessities of life will get some of their mostly inherited wealth. They claim that by having tax breaks they can invest more in their companies and keep workers employed, but they hoard most of they money that they are able to keep because of these tax breaks. Many companies, like Walmart, have a large number of part-time workers. They refuse to pay their workers a living wage. They have mostly part-time workers so they do not have to give them the benefits that come with full-time jobs. Their employees have to depend on government programs to be able to survive. They claim that their tax breaks help the economy, but this has been proven to be untrue. When workers earn more money they buy things. They do not hoard it like the rich sick fucks. Some people say they do this because they are careless with their money. No, they do this because they are not obsessed with hoarding money in the bank. They claim that if the minimum wage is raised it will cost jobs. The only reason this would cost jobs is because the owners and CEOs refuse to lower their already excessive incomes. They ignore the fact that companies like Costco who pay their workers a fair wage have seen their profits increase. They ignore the fact that in the places where the minimum wage is increased the economy has improved.
Another disturbing trend is for companies to hire more temp workers. This is another way for companies to avoid giving employee benefits. They want disposable workers. They lose sight of the workers as people. For them they may as well be robots.
Workers who are happy are better workers. If companies took better care of their workers and gave them a reason to want to do a good job production would be increased. Companies tend to focus on punishing bad job performance instead of rewarding good job performance. A better approach would be to say to workers if you do a good job you will be rewarded your work. Instead they tell their workers if they fuck up they will lose their jobs. This adds stress. Stress does not lead to good job performance. It leads to low production and accidents. These end up costing companies more.
Yes, I would like to have more money, but not to become rich but to enjoy life and help others to enjoy their lives. I would like to have enough to share what I have with friends and with people in need. I want to have enough to take care of my health care needs. I would like to travel and learn languages and learn about other cultures too.
There is nothing wrong with having money in the bank in case of emergencies like health issues or job loss. It is when it becomes an obsession and hoarding money like the mega rich do that it becomes an illness.
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