Friday, September 26, 2014

Writings from the 90s

Here are a few pieces I wrote in the early 90s:


he got up in the morning and decided that he would make a career of travelling from town with a big fish sticking out of his left nostril.
pretty soon he was so successful at this that he did not have to worry about whether he should use a deodorant or an antiperspirant.
after a few years of this he was able to retire and spend this spare time redecorating the interiors of grains of salt.


he killed language with words.he sliced its veins with sharp words and bludgeoned it with blunt words. ink covered the walls, floors, doors and windows of his mind. he was arrested for this action,but he had a strong alibi.He established that he was meditating on the big crunch with the aid of a buddhist physicist.

what happens when nothing happens

either she was swept up and carried away by the groom or she swept the room with a broom, the manuscript was untidy and the language had no scent,so the council was unable to come to a decision in this matter although it deliberated for seven years without stopping for coffee and doughnuts. her mother during the meanwhile rode away on a broom and started a photographic revolution in instanbul. if you are waiting for an end to this piece you are wasting your time, it does not have one.

I have other early writings that I may post,but I have to find them. They're in boxes somewhere in my room. One of my influences was the Theatre of the Absurd. These are not the best.. They are just the ones I found tonight.

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