I have heard people argue that immigrants are coming into the country and taking jobs away from people who live here. This is absurd. The ones responsible for job loss in the U.S. are the companies that export manufacturing jobs to countries where they can get away with paying extremely low wages and having unsafe work conditions. If manufacturers ship jobs abroad they need to make sure that the work conditions and wages are the same as they would be here. I refuse to shop at stores where clothing made in Bangladesh is sold. The reason for this is that the people working in manufacturing there work for very little money in unsafe work conditions. These companies include WalMart and The Gap. Companies are more interested in making as much money as they can instead of the welfare of those who manufacture the goods that they sell. They seem to forget that these are people who are living in poverty so that they can get richer and richer. When jobs are shipped abroad this weakens our economy, because those who lose their their jobs no longer have money to put into the economy. People who would prefer having jobs are forced to file for unemployment and also depend on other government programs.
I am also very much in favor for the raising of the minimum wage. This is not just because I need to make more money. There are too many large companies who refuse to pay their employees living wages. They prefer having their employees depend on Food Stamps and other programs.
I want to speak again about immigrants coming into this country. It seems obvious to me that not all people coming here do so for the same reason. There is as wide a variety of people coming here as there is among the people already living here. Some people come here to go to universities and return home in the hopes of being to use their educations there. Some people come here in hopes of getting good jobs. Some people come here looking for freedom. There are still countries where it is possible to be executed for being LGBTQ. There are many very talented, educated people who have come into this country for different reasons. We all have something to contribute to this society. We can also learn from those coming into this country. They can learn about the different cultures in this country, and they can teach us about their own cultures. We can all learn from each other by sharing our stories. I remember when I was in school during what was called the Iran Crisis there was a young woman from Iran at the university. Because she was from there she had to stay in school during summer sessions or lose her student visa. She was not able to travel home to visit her family. She was not responsible for the actions of her countries government. She wanted to attend school in the U.S., and the treatment that she received from the U.S. government was not warranted.
All stereotypes need to be smashed.
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