I have always been a believer in answering questions directly and honestly. People should not ask questions if they are not ready to receive the answer. When I was pledging a fraternity my last year in college I considered myself an atheist. The girlfriend of one of the fraternity brothers asked me why I was an atheist. She was a Christian. I answered with a question that reflected how I felt at that time. I said, "Why believe in something that does not exist?" I remember the look of shock on her face. She should not have asked the question if she did not want an honest response. I ended up not joining the fraternity because of anti gay jokes being told. To return to answering questions honestly. I sometimes wear a collar. People sometimes ask me why I wear a dog collar. I need to be a little more forward in my response to that question. It is more of a wolf collar, because I identify more with wolves than dogs. It mostly has to do with being a furry. I have two tags on it. One Has my name, Vlk and a fake phone number 943-YIFF. If you don't know what yiffing is look it up. The other has the phrase "Property of Aziz." I am not the property or the pet of anyone, but the person mentioned is very special to me. He is like family to me. He is in California now. I hope that we can be together again. He was a roommate when I was in Kansas. I love doing things for him, and I miss him. Mostly the reason I have not mentioned being a furry is that I have not wanted to have to give an explanation. Usually the question is asked when I do not have time to give a full question. I am not ashamed of any part of my personality, and I am open to answering any question that people might have. One of my tattoos is a black heart with a faded pink triangle inside it. The pink triangle is for gay pride, and the black heart is inspired by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts. Another tattoo is a lion that was inspired by the tattoo that the drummer who played for Rage Against the Machine has. The third is a barbed-wire cross. That one is a combination of Christian and punk. I have been a fan of punk music for years. People sometimes ask about these tattoos and I am very honest about them. As I have said before I do not hide who I am.
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