I just finished watching "Mirage" (Original title: Илузија). It is a film from Macedonia with themes that are international. The main character with a troubled home life who is bullied at school. He dreams of leaving his home and finding a better life. He hopes that he can do this through his writing. At first he is mentored by a teacher, but this teacher lets him down. The teacher too is bullied by the same students. Marko ,the main character, meets a mercenary who is passing through town. The mercenary is named Paris. Marko would like to escape to that city. Paris, the mercenary, is also a thief. He teaches Marko that in life "It is eat or be eaten." In this film there are some who have power, those who do not, and those in between. Those in between take out their feeling of powerlessness on those with less power than they. Marko longs for someone to help him out of his situation, and in the end he ends up following a dark path. In ways I can identify with Marko. I remember at times during life when I was attracted to those who did questionable things but were willing to befriend me. I have never felt the desire to hurt anyone, but I can understand the attraction of things that are outside the norms of society. I have seen the attractiveness of living on the edge. Once when I was much younger I rode home on a bicycle carrying a flashing road barrier that was not in use but was still flashing. It was a silly, childish act, but I enjoyed the thrill of being able to make it home with it and put it in my room. I do not know what became of it. I understand the attraction to those who are a little dangerous. I am not recommending this, but I do understand it. I know the feeling of being so lonely that you will put up with questionable behavior to be accepted by someone.
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