"15" is an interesting, heartbreaking film from Singapore in Mandarin. The title comes from the age of the main characters. There is a mix of narrative styles that bring to mind music videos, anime, video games, etc. The characters cling to each other, because they feel marginalized by the society in which they live. They also resort to drug use, alcohol and violence. The issue of teen suicide is dealt with. The characters are tender with each other, but there is a limit to how close they will get to each other. Sometimes they lash out at others they see as looking at them judgmentally. There is an overwhelming feeling of despair. There is humor that is always tinged some with sadness. There is a scene where two of the characters go around Singapore with a blow-up sex doll. This scene seems to reflect their lack of connection with the society around them. It is a well made movie that leaves me with a feeling of sadness.
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