I did not do as much studying as I wanted to do this weekend, but I was able to get some needed rest. I also enjoyed watching some DVD's. I had a good time chatting with a Slovenian friend on Facebook. I did have to use Google translate, but I am slowly learning some words and phrases. I would like to be able to communicate with him in Slovenian without using a translator, but it is hard to find books on that language in the U.S. I enjoy meeting people from other countries online. Slovenia looks like a beautiful country, and it is one of the countries I would like to visit. I have been slowly learning about its history.
It is funny that before I went to Prague I was telling someone about my plans. He asked if I was going to visit family in Yugoslavia. I told him that I did not have family there, but he would not believe me. I could not get him to believe that I was not from there. At that time Yugoslavia had split into several countries.
For me learning about different cultures and learning new languages is exciting. I plan on doing more research in Slovenian history and culture. If anybody can recommend sources I would appreciate it.
Nisem naredil toliko študira, kot sem si želel narediti ta vikend, vendar sem bil sposoben, da bi dobili nekaj potreben počitek. Prav tako sem užival gledal nekaj DVD-jev. Imel sem dober čas poklepetati s slovenskim prijateljem na Facebooku. Sem moral uporabiti Google translate, vendar sem počasi učenje nekaj besed in fraz. Rad bi, da bi lahko komuniciral z njim v slovenskem jeziku, ne da bi s pomočjo prevajalca, vendar je težko najti knjige na ta jezik v ZDA uživam spoznavanje ljudi iz drugih držav na spletu. Slovenija izgleda lepo državo, in to je ena od držav, bi rad na obisk. Bil sem počasi spoznavanje njeni zgodovini.
To je smešno, da je, preden sem šel v Prago, sem komu povedati o mojih načrtih. Je vprašal, če sem bil tekoč, da bi obiskali družino v Jugoslaviji. Rekel sem mu, da nisem imel družino tam, ampak me ne bi verjeli. Nisem mogel priti do njega, da verjamem, da nisem od tam. V tistem času se je Jugoslavija razdeljena na več držav.
Za mene, spoznavanje različnih kultur in učenje novih jezikov je razburljivo. I načrt o tem več raziskav v slovenski zgodovini in kulturi. Če lahko kdo priporoči virov sem cenil.
My name is Vlk Leafe and I am a gay professional asshole. I am usually a pretty laid back guy, but I am not going to let anyone tell me that is not all right for me to be who I am. I have no tolerance for racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic or self-righteous people. I have been accused of being a heterophobe, but that's silly. My posts may ramble sometimes, but I hope they entertain and sometimes inform.
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