I started reading Les fleurs du mal yesterday, It is a book of poetry by Charles Baudelaire published in 1857. Well, actually I only read the introduction by Sartre. (The introduction was taken from a book that Sartre wrote on Baudelaire. The poems deal with decadence, death and eroticism. Some of the poems were considered very shocking at the time they were published. They would be popular with goths today. Baudelaire was fond of the writings of Edgar Allan Poe, and he translated his writings into French. This is a book that can be read in parts as I read other things.
I am also reading In Defense of Lost Causes by Slavoj Žižek. On the back cover of the book it says "In this combative, major new work, philosophical sharpshooter Slavoj Žižek looks for the kernel truth in the totalitarian politics of the past." As in his other books, he brings to me a new way of looking at some things, and he also reinforces my point of view concerning others, I definitely would not want to live under a totalitarian regime. I believe too strongly in individual freedoms for that. I will write more on this as I read more of this interesting book.
I am also reading a couple of books on blogging and continuing gradually to read The Making of Americans by Gertrude Stein. I think that after reading the Žižek I may need to take a break and reread Assholes Finish First by Tucker Max. I also want to reread some books by Camus and Sartre.
When I changed my name in Kansas I was tempted to change my last name to Smrt, to make my name Vlk Bruce Smrt, but I would have had to put a legal notice in the paper, because it would be considered a major name change. Changing my first name was considered a minor change. I do like the sound of "smrt." People often want to put a vowel in my first name. It would be funny to see the reactions of people if I had no vowels in my first name or last name.
There is a quote from Gertrude Stein that occasionally pops into my mind, "If perfection is good more perfection is better." "If" is an important word there. She did not say whether or not perfection is good. To me perfection tends not to be very interesting. Sometimes unintended imperfections can make things more interesting if not amusing.
Začel sem branje Les fleurs du mal včeraj, je knjiga poezije Charlesa Baudelaira objavljen v 1857. No, v bistvu sem samo prebral uvod Sartra. (Vnos je bil vzet iz knjige, ki Sartre napisal na Baudelaira. Pesmi se ukvarjajo z dekadenco, smrti in erotike. Nekatere pesmi so bile obravnavane zelo šokantno času, ko so bile objavljene. Prav bi bilo priljubljena z Goti danes. Baudelaire je bil navdušen od spisih Edgar Allan Poe, in je prevedena njegova dela v francoščino. To je knjiga, ki jo je mogoče brati v delih, kot sem prebral druge stvari.
Jaz sem tudi branje v bran Lost Causes Slavoj Žižek. Na zadnji platnici knjige piše "V tem bojevite, večje novo delo, filozofska Snajper Slavoj Žižek išče resnico jedra v totalitarni politiki iz preteklosti." Tako kot v drugih njegovih knjig, mu prinaša zame nov način gledanja na nekatere stvari, in je prav tako utrjuje moje stališče v zvezi z drugim, jaz zagotovo ne bi želeli živeti pod totalitarnim režimom. Verjamem preveč močno v posameznih svoboščin za to. Bom napisal več o tem, kot sem prebral več o tem zanimivo knjigo.
Jaz sem tudi branje nekaj knjig o blogging in se nadaljuje postopno, da se glasi izdelavo Američanov po Gertrude Stein. Mislim, da po branju Žižka sem morda morali vzeti odmor in prebrala kreteni Finish najprej Tucker Max. Rad bi tudi prebrala nekaj knjig po Camusa in Sartra.
Ko sem spremenila svoje ime v Kansasu sem bil v skušnjavi, da spremenim priimek na smrt, da bi moje ime Vlk Bruce smrt, vendar bi moral dati pravno obvestilo na papirju, ker bi se zdelo velika sprememba imena. Spreminjanje moje ime je štelo manjša sprememba. Storim všeč zvok "smrt". Ljudje pogosto želijo postaviti samoglasnik v mojem prvem imenu. Bilo bi smešno, da vidim reakcije ljudi, če bom imel nobenih samoglasnike v mojem imenu ali priimku.
Tukaj je citat iz Gertrude Stein, da občasno pride na misel: "Če popolnost je dobro bolj popolnost je bolje." "Če" je pomembna beseda tam. Ona ni povedal, ali je popolnost dobro. Za mene popolnost nagiba ne bi bilo zelo zanimivo. Včasih lahko nenamerne nepravilnosti bi stvari bolj zanimive, če ni zabavno.
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