The first few are from the years when I was living in Greensboro, North Carolina, from college through my early 30s. Once I was walking down the street and someone called me a dyke, and I had a mustache at the time. For a few years I would be whistled at by women driving trucks. Once I was walking along a walking path wearing a backpack. I was stopped by the police who said that people in the neighborhood thought I looked suspicious. I was not wearing anything unusual or doing anything unusual. They stopped me on a busy street and searched me on the sidewalk. Once I was walking close to the university, and a guy offered to pay me $4.00 to smoke a joint with him. I have enjoyed smoking from time to time, but this just seemed a bit too odd even for me. For a period of time I wore bright colors and sometimes strands of beads. Once I was going down the street wearing such attire, I don't remember whether or not I was wearing beads. A fire truck went by with sirens on, and most, if not all, of the firemen turned and looked at me. Usually it is the other way around. Once I was walking by some road work downtown, and one of the guys working asked if I cared for some good sex. I was tempted to say either that I was or to ask him where I could find some. I have regretted since then that I just acted like I did not hear him and continued walking down the street.
When I was in Prague I had two straight roommates. They complained that the women there never paid attention to them. When I walked anywhere I often had women smile and wave at me. They were younger and better-looking than I, yet I was the one who got attention from women on the street.
One of the things I liked about Lawrence, Kansas was the friendliness of the people. A lot of times when I would walk anywhere people driving would honk their horns and wave. Almost always people I did not know, but it made me feel welcome in that city.
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