I wrote this from the point of view of a character I created for a role-playing game. I just wanted to come up with a twisted character I could have fun with. In no way do I endorse his behavior, except for standing up against bullies.
In school I would protect the brains from the fists.I was always in trouble for breaking the faces of the fists, I dont think the fists had nuthing behind their faces, I was kicked out for trying to find out. I couldn't help it if one of the freaks lost sight in his left eye and most of his teeth. I shoulda used a blade. I spent some time behind bars after I was caught lifting Sartre in a bookstore. In that something besides my mind was expanded. One o' the receevers had a pair of the biggest tits I ever seen on a dude. He/she (whatever) had tried to knock over a flower shop to pay for the next step at Johns Hopkins.
When I got out I left Baltimore for awhile and got a job busting faces for Sly Stallone. He eventshully gave me the axe, I think it was because my dickshun was better than his.
I came back and landed a job with John Waters. I started off hauling stuff and drilling. (I dint get paid for the drillin'.) Almost daily I would pop a nut with one of the dudes or dames. One o' the cameram men had to take a day off when I axidently knocked his lights out. I handled his equipment (his camera, that is) that day. I found out I was pretty good at it.
Then I thought, if that pencil-necked geek, Sly Stallone, could make flicks and get rich, even I could do the same thing.
For my first flick I turned The Stranger by Camus into a sexploitation monster fable. It suffered from a lack of audience. For later flicks I got babes with bigger tits, and the rest is histry.
(I realize the spelling is not consistent in that, but I decided to leave it like it was written)
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