Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Humor Should Build People Up Not Put People Down; Listening to Jan Werich

In my post about comedians who make fun of other people I am not advocating censorship, but when a comedian does this they need to learn that this is not funny. When we let them put others down in their jokes we partake in their action. In the past I have just stopped listening to them. I think we all need to do that, but we also need to let the comedian know why we are taking that action. There are many ways of making people laugh without hurting others. I just saw an interview with Norman Lear talking about "All in the Family." He was able to make people laugh, cry and think. I had not been aware that in around 1974 there had been an episode of the show that dealt with the murder of a transgender friend of Edith. I mention this here as an example of comedy that has a positive impact. I definitely love to laugh, but I want to laugh with others not at them. One of the things that I enjoy about the comedies that I have seen from Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic and Slovakia is that they make you laugh and think at the same time.
I am not in favor of censorship. What I am in favor of is being sensitive to how tearing others down makes them feel. Words have the power to wound deeply. When we make jokes that are prejudicial we add to the atmosphere of hate. We should not have to have censorship to stop these types of humor. If we are all sensitive to these things there will a  cessation of humor that bullies.
As a side note: I am listening to Jan Werich while I write this. I understand a word here and there, but I will be happy when I learn enough Czech to understand all that he says.

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