It seems that there are people who want this government to no longer to be "of the people, by the people and for the people" but to be for the rich and the corporations. I have seen political ads where conservatives claim to want to help the people. They are backed by the mega rich people like the Koch brothers. They have no interest in the needs of the people. They are only interested in getting power and protecting the profits of big corporations. They do not look at the long-term effects that the acts of the oil companies on the planet. Carbon emissions are killing this planet. The big corporations complain that government regulations cost them too mush money. We need to find renewable forms of energy, not just in the United States but all over the world. In Germany there are good examples of what needs to be done. Solar energy needs to be expanded. We need to end fracking. When people can set the water that comes out of the faucets in their homes there is a big problem. There are ads that fracking is safe, but this is a big lie. If things go the way that the Tea Party wants it will be the corporations will have rights, but the people will not have any rights. It is time for a non-violent in this country. We need more people like Elizabeth Warren in government. I would like to see her as president.
To be honest I am afraid that if the Republican party gets their way the Affordable Care Act will be done away with. If that happens I will and up without insurance. That is scary for me, because I need medication to keep from having seizures. I know that my current financial situation is temporary, but without the Affordable Care Act I could end up without insurance because I would have a pre-existing condition. Millions of people would have this problem.
People act like socialism is evil. What is so sacrosanct about commercialism? Socialist or Capitalist we need those in the government to remember that they are employed by the people. We also need to insure the rights of all people.
To move on to a different topic: I wish faith was something that came easily for me, but this is not the way it is. I am always questioning. I just need to accept the answers that my mind gives me. I sometimes question too much why I enjoy the things that I do. I am slowly learning to just accept myself the way I am. I cannot expect others to accept me as I am if I do not fully do so myself. I do not want to lose my faith, but I cannot accept the view of the Christians who are intolerant of other beliefs and atheism. I cannot accept the view that Christians hold a monopoly on morality. I know atheists who are good people. Wherever I end up with my views on faith I know I will not lose true friends.
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