Here we go again.
she wanted to know where the children were so i told her that they were upstairs playing parcheesi with an egg plant.
ralph bloch
as a child he was given a set of wooden blocks, blocks with letters and numbers and illustrations engraved on them. he saw this as the first sign that he was meant to be a writer.
he used a pen name when publishing all of his works, having lost his given name amongst the clutter on the top of his desk. the papers from his desk were gathered by a bulldozer and later buried after his unanswered letters fell off and wiped out half of manhattan.
these letters had been sent in response to a letter he had written to the editor of a small weekly newspaper regarding the use of periods as a form of punctuation. he had not as yet submitted anything to any publishers, because he had developed a fear of the post office.
some considered it fortunate that his early writings were lost because they contained no references to the nose hairs of the rich and famous.
after the incident he wrote constantly for the rest of eternity pausing only to pause.
reality state
he was a house breeder. he would mate two chateaux, and in a millennium a hut would be born to the proud parents. he would try to sell the offspring in the first two millennia of its life,because dwellings that are not trained before they become mobile homes are difficult to train. there was one unfortunate couple who bought a town house that had not been trained, the town house went berserk and attacked a tribe of pygmy perverts and rearranged their furniture. the village was declared a disaster area by the secretary of interior decorating. our hero's auntie at one time trained pre-pubescent dwellings, but she retired when she won the multiversal lottery. he had not been trained in training dwellings. after three millennia in the business he sold his stables to a retired brick. this action was followed by a non sequitur.
remember to give it a title
there was much activity, but little being done; much talking, but little being said. the majority of the committee's vocabulary was on strike, only pronouns and indefinite articles were working, and they were out to lunch. the article went to bed without supper.
he was thirty-three years late for the first meeting of the union of left-handed elephant washers. his toaster had broken down and his favourite repair shop was closed temporarily because of a lack of excuses.
meanwhile the other members of the union were occupied with a coin-operated zen coffee machine that was clapping its right hand furiously. after several years of this they went to a chinese gymnasium and practiced a lively dance of death choreographed by dali.
oh, shit, i don't have a period with which to end this piece, i just ran out
the return of the obnoxious vegetarian
the bistro of his mind was selling fast food
logic came and left without its watch
her arm was unique in that it had a hand at the end of it
four lines are not sufficient to feed a starving cockroach
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