Thursday, June 18, 2015

Sometimes I Am Uncertain

Sometimes I am afraid of offending friends with what I write here, but if they are true friends they will accept me as I am. I am only completely when I do not hide who I am. I know that not everybody will like everything that I write here. I have to remind myself that my primary goal here is self expression. I hope to entertain and/or educate. I am a gay asshole slut. I am not ashamed of that. I have sucked a lot of cocks, and I have made a lot of men feel good. Some people think I am serious all of the time. That is far from true. I definitely enjoy laughing. I can have a twisted sense of humor. I enjoy making other people laugh. I still have questions about faith that I will explore. I also have intellectual pursuits about which I will write. I have more sexcapades and fantasies to share. I am afraid that I will bore people or lose people with my rambling style. As I stated, I am of the Andy Warhol school of editing. The way things come out here is the way they stay. A big thank you to all my readers. Hugs and kisses and more for the men.


  1. Big deep tongue french kiss sexy..hey and your never boring..!!...look forward to more of your writing xox
