Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Continuing to Learn about Ukraine

I am posting this on a computer in the public library. It is easier than doing it on my phone. I am more prone to errors on my phone because of the size of the screen.

I am still reading the history of Ukraine. I am learning a lot. Starting in the 1570's the elected kings of Poland swore allegiance to "articles" that included freedom of religion for the nobility. I am also learning about the divisions and reunifications of what is now Ukraine, sometimes called Little Russia. Ukrainian was also referred to as "Little Russian." There have at times been a struggle between Polish and Russian over power of this area with a division between the two parts of the region. There were also a movement to have the Ukrainian language written in Polish letters, but some felt that this would lead to too much Polish influence. At times nothing could be published in Ukrainian. The colors of the Ukrainian flag refer to the unification of these two parts of Ukraine. I am now reading the part dealing with World War II. It is sad to read about the large number of Ukrainians who died because of the actions of the Soviet and German governments before and during the war. Millions of people died. It is interesting to me how different groups of people, the Poles, Ukrainians, and Belarus for example, despite efforts by other people to wipe them out, were able to survive. It strengthens my hunger to learn more about this area.

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