Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Two Short Films by Jan Svankmajer

I watched two short films by Jan Svankmajer, "The Death of Stalinism in Bohemia" and "Kostnice" ("The Ossuary"). I may have written about the former previously. The film starts with a bust of Stalin having its head and a bust of a Czech leader being removed like the bust is giving birth. I am embarrassed that I do not know the name of the Czech leader. Then a worker is shown making clay solfiers who all march and are hanged. Their bodies fall into a bucket where they merge with the clay there and are made into soldiers again. Reference is made to the Prague Spring. Soviet tanks moving  into Prague are represented by rolling pins on cobblestones. Later a hand is seen painting the Czech flag on various objects including a bust of Stalin. The film ends as this bust is giving birth again, but we do not see who is born. In  "Kostnice" a group of children are visiting the Czech ossuary where a church is decorated with art made out of thousands of human skeletons. We do not see the children or the person talking to them. We only see the decorations. The origins of the bones and the story behind the making of the decorations is given. They are the bones of people who died from plague, torture and death. There are signs that people have written on some of the skulls. The person keeps mentioning a fine for touching the bones. The former film was made in 1990 and the latter in 1970.

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