Thursday, December 31, 2015

Getting Desperate Again

It seems like things settle down for awhile, then they get bad again. I desperately need to move. I cannot take my current situation any longer. I wish I knew what to do, but I do not know. I do not know what is going to happen. I am a bit scared. Something will work out, but I may not have much time. I am not giving up, but if anybody can help I really do need it.

I Have an International Family Online

I am finding more of a family online than I have through blood relationship. I find more people around the world who accept me as I am. I have very little in common with my biological family. I am told that I do not make conversation easy. They do not make it easy for me either. They do not accept me as I am. I amexcluded from family events. I prefer to be with people who do not expect me to conform to fit in with them. I thought families were supposed to be accepting. This is often not true. If my only family is my online family I will accept. I am thankful for all of you. A new year is starting soon. This will be another year of personal growth, learning and change.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Two Short Films by Jan Svankmajer

I watched two short films by Jan Svankmajer, "The Death of Stalinism in Bohemia" and "Kostnice" ("The Ossuary"). I may have written about the former previously. The film starts with a bust of Stalin having its head and a bust of a Czech leader being removed like the bust is giving birth. I am embarrassed that I do not know the name of the Czech leader. Then a worker is shown making clay solfiers who all march and are hanged. Their bodies fall into a bucket where they merge with the clay there and are made into soldiers again. Reference is made to the Prague Spring. Soviet tanks moving  into Prague are represented by rolling pins on cobblestones. Later a hand is seen painting the Czech flag on various objects including a bust of Stalin. The film ends as this bust is giving birth again, but we do not see who is born. In  "Kostnice" a group of children are visiting the Czech ossuary where a church is decorated with art made out of thousands of human skeletons. We do not see the children or the person talking to them. We only see the decorations. The origins of the bones and the story behind the making of the decorations is given. They are the bones of people who died from plague, torture and death. There are signs that people have written on some of the skulls. The person keeps mentioning a fine for touching the bones. The former film was made in 1990 and the latter in 1970.

A New Day

I may not be where I want to be, but I will get there. I am making contacts. Most important of all I am building my self confidence. I know I am not perfect, but I do have something to contribute to the world.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Feeling Good

I am in a good mood. I got emails from my Russian friends that show that they are paying some attention to what I write them. I am still sad about the human rights situation in Russia, especially the LGBTQ communities. I wish I could something real to join the fight there. I am happy to meet people there and to hear music from there. I am happy too to be able to contact friends nearby and around the world. I know that some day I will be with someone and will be able to show him love. I need to study languages more. I am happy to be studying history. I know I will be able to learn Russian. Maybe some day I will be able to spend time in that country with someone to whom I can learn the language and whom I can please and to whom I am able to show love. As long as I am breathing I have hope. To paraphrase a couple of national anthems, I have not yet perished. Hugs and kisses to all my friends worldwide.

Things Will Get Better

I am not going to give up on believing that things will get better. I have my phone back, so that helps me to keep in touch with people. It makes me feel less alone. I will be glad when I can have both a cell phone and internet at home. I guess I can be a greedy bitch as well as a professional asshole. I still dream of travelling abroad. It may not happen any time soon, but I will not give up that dream.

Continuing to Learn about Ukraine

I am posting this on a computer in the public library. It is easier than doing it on my phone. I am more prone to errors on my phone because of the size of the screen.

I am still reading the history of Ukraine. I am learning a lot. Starting in the 1570's the elected kings of Poland swore allegiance to "articles" that included freedom of religion for the nobility. I am also learning about the divisions and reunifications of what is now Ukraine, sometimes called Little Russia. Ukrainian was also referred to as "Little Russian." There have at times been a struggle between Polish and Russian over power of this area with a division between the two parts of the region. There were also a movement to have the Ukrainian language written in Polish letters, but some felt that this would lead to too much Polish influence. At times nothing could be published in Ukrainian. The colors of the Ukrainian flag refer to the unification of these two parts of Ukraine. I am now reading the part dealing with World War II. It is sad to read about the large number of Ukrainians who died because of the actions of the Soviet and German governments before and during the war. Millions of people died. It is interesting to me how different groups of people, the Poles, Ukrainians, and Belarus for example, despite efforts by other people to wipe them out, were able to survive. It strengthens my hunger to learn more about this area.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Дневной Дозор и Человек с кино аппаратом

I did watch a couple of movies while I could not get online. "Day Watch" and "Man with a Movie Camera." It has not been long since I watched the latter. "Дневной дозор" is one of my favorite films. It has a good story, good acting and great special effects. It deals with a battle between forces of light and forces of dark, but the line between the two is not always clear. The line is crossed at times by those on both sides. There are vampires on the dark side, and they need to get a license from the light side in order to drink blood. It is not explained how a decision is made about who can drink blood or how they are supposed to get it. It is a thoroughly entertaining movie. The forces of light use deception when it is in the cause of good. One thing I really like is the way the production credits are done at the end. They are billboards that are commented on by one of the characters in the film as he drives by them in a truck.
Dziga Vertov, the director of "Man with a Movie Camera," said that narrative cinema was impotent. He said that being concerned with dramatic features was "like studying your own ass." I have written earlier about this film. It does not have plot or characters, but it is a very interesting snapshot of Soviet life. It is one of the films I can watch multiple times.

I mentioned exchanging emails with guys in Russia. I am really starting to think that they do not pay attention to what I write to them. I wrote about having studied Russian and dreaming of travelling in Russia, but they do not seem to notice these things. I think they must be sending the same emails to other guys too.

Saturday, December 26, 2015


No internet at home, but phone is back in service. So I will be posting from my phone from time to time.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Does It Matter What the Founders of the U.S.A. Intended?

People debate what the founders of this country intended in the constitution. Does it really matter? It was amended soon after it was ratified. The founders of this country did not want a true democracy. They wanted the country to be run by white men. Does this make it right? No. Whether or not the founders of this country were Christian is not what matters today. What is important today is the diversity of the population of the country today. This country has been becoming a democracy, but it has a long way to go. Citizens of American Samoa, Guam and Puerto Rico, territories of the U.S.A., are not allowed to vote in federal elections. They can serve in the military for this country, but these territories are not represented in Congress and they cannot vote in the presidential election. The reason for this is a racist law that was meant to be temporary. I guess the intentions of the founders of this country can be forgotten in some circumstances. Remember "No taxation without representation?" People use the U.S. Constitution and the Bible in similar ways. Usually people say that something is unconstitutional when it is something they do not like. As mentioned above, the constitution can be changed. The constitution is not perfect. Does that mean that I think it should be ignored? No, but it should not be treated like a holy relic. Some people want to use the constitution to back up their views when it suits them and the Bible when it fits their views. The laws of this country are still based on the former not the latter. Even though the founders of this country wanted to limit who could vote does not make this right. All people have the right to have their voice heard.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Where Is the Land of the Free?

The U.S.A. calls itself the land of the free, but this is not an accurate description. Twenty-five of the people imprisoned worldwide are in the U.S.A. The population of the U.S.A. is less than the world's population. Most of those in prisons in this country are not white. There are definitely race issues in the justice system in this country. Prison sentences for whites are usually more lenient than they are for non-whites. We are told that the U.S. stands against tyranny in other countries. This is only true if the tyrants in other countries interfere with the interests of the U.S. During World War II there were people from Spain who fought with the Allies in the hope that something would be done about Franco in Spain. This did not happen. I guess that Spain did not have oil or anything that this country wanted, so Franco's activities in Spain were mostly ignored by the U.S. government. The U.S. has a history of supporting tyrants who help the U.S. get oil. American companies can get cheap labor in China, so the human right violations in that country are overlooked. The megarich and megacorporations have more influence in Congress than the average citizens. Where is the land of the free? It is not the U.S.A.

More Monday Morning Musings

I have gotten accustomed to being alone on holidays. To me they are just days like any others except I don't work usually. At Christmas too much emphasis is placed on giving gifts. I know this is not a new observation. What I enjoy more is giving gifts when they are not expected. I prefer doing things for people out of love instead out of a sense of obligation. The holiday season can be stressful for those of us who do not have money to buy gifts and lonely for people who not have anyone with whom to celebrate. I think it would be much better to show love throughout the year. We become too busy with the things of life throughout the year and forget to let the people who matter in our lives know how much they mean to us. I am guilty of this at times. Reaching out to others in love to others in our lives helps us too. I tend to forget that people might want to hear from me. I tell others that we are all important, but I sometimes forget that I too have something to give others. I tend to be shy about contact others. I need to change this. I have a tendency to judge myself by society's standards and focusing on the things I have not accomplished. I need to stop thinking of myself as not good enough, because I am good enough. I will find the help I need to get out of my current situation. I will make a difference in this world.

Much love to all.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Макс Корж

Макс Корж is another singer whose music is new to me. I am enjoying his music on YouTube. A Russian guy with whom I have been communicating via email mentioned T9 to me. I looked them up on YouTube, and because of that I have found other Russian and Ukrainian musicians. I have found a lot of music that I really like. I am reminded about how universal music can be. I may not be able to understand all of the lyrics of the songs, but I focus on what I can understand instead of what I cannot understand. Hopefully someday I will be able to understand Russian well enough to understand all of the lyrics. I will listen to other music, but for now listening to Russian and Ukrainian music is a great way to start and end a day.

Goodnight to all my great friends who are reading this.

Макс Корж еще один певец, чья музыка является новой для меня. Я наслаждаюсь своей музыки на YouTube.Русский парень, с которым я общалась по электронной почте упоминалось Т9 для меня. Я посмотрел их на YouTube, и из-за этого я нашел другие российские и украинские музыканты. Я нашел много музыки, что я действительно люблю. Я напомнил о том, как Universal Music может быть. Я не могу быть в состоянии понять все тексты песен, но я остановлюсь на то, что я могу понять, вместо того, что я не могу понять. Надеюсь, когда-нибудь я буду в состоянии понять русских достаточно хорошо, чтобы понять все лирика. Я буду слушать другую музыку, но сейчас слушает российской и украинской музыки является отличным способом, чтобы начать и закончить день.

Спокойной ночи всем моим большим друзьям, которые читают это.

Макс Корж ще один співак, чия музика є новою для мене. Я насолоджуюся своєї музики на YouTube. Російський хлопець, з яким я спілкувалася по електронній пошті згадувалося Т9 для мене. Я подивився їх на YouTube, і через це я знайшов інші російські та українські музиканти. Я знайшов багато музики, що я дійсно люблю. Я нагадав про те, як Universal Music може бути. Я не можу бути в змозі зрозуміти всі тексти пісень, але я зупинюся на те, що я можу зрозуміти, замість того, що я не можу зрозуміти. Сподіваюся, коли-небудь я буду в змозі зрозуміти росіян досить добре, щоб зрозуміти все лірика. Я буду слухати іншу музику, але зараз слухає російської та української музики є відмінним способом, щоб почати і закінчити день.

Добраніч всім моїм великим друзям, які читають це.

Макс Корж ist ein weiterer Sänger, dessen Musik ist neu für mich. Ich genieße seine Musik auf YouTube. Ein russischer Mann mit dem ich per E-Mail kommunizieren erwähnt T9 zu mir. Ich sah sie auf YouTube, und aus diesem Grund habe ich anderen russischen und ukrainischen Musiker gefunden. Ich habe viel von Musik, die Ich mag gefunden. Ich bin darüber, wie Universal Music kann erinnert. Ich kann nicht in der Lage, alle Texte der Songs zu verstehen sein, aber ich auf das, was ich kann, statt das, was ich nicht verstehen kann, zu verstehen. Hoffentlich eines Tages werde ich in der Lage sein zu verstehen, Russian gut genug, um alle Texte zu verstehen. Ich werde auf andere Musik zu hören, aber für jetzt, um russischen und ukrainischen Musik zu hören ist eine gute Möglichkeit, beginnen und enden einen Tag.

Gute Nacht, alle meine Freundinnen dies lesen.

Selfies/Self Portraits: Is There a Difference?

I know that I am not the first one to write about this, but looking at the self-portraits of Egon Schiele I started wondering. According to some a self-portrait is meant to last while a selfie is not. Would the early artists who did self portraits do selfies today and would they circulate them as selfies are circulated today? Some artists are known for doing a large number of self portraits. Schiele, Picasso and Warhol for example. Egon Schiele's self portraits have much in common with selfies today. He did nude self portraits and self-portraits showing himself masturbating. I knew people who were taking selfies before that word was around. I had a friend who would take selfies with disposable cameras. I have some of these. One of these is a photo of his cock. If a selfie is printed in a lasting medium does it become a self-portrait. Andy Warhol did many of his self-portraits with Polaroid cameras. Other than the fact that the word "selfie" was not around then, what is the difference between his self-portraits and selfies. I think he would be making selfies today. Does the intent behind the self-portrait or selfie make one different from the other? I take selfies for different reasons, but mostly I take them when someone asks me to do so. I know the dangers of sharing some of my selfies, but I have taken that risk. I have nothing to hide about myself unless it is something that would reveal something that someone else wants to remain hidden.

Na shledanou.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Mixed Signals From a Sexy Guy

I have been getting mixed signals from someone at work. He seems like a friendly guy. He usually speaks to me. I read during breaks. He has commented that any books other than the Bible are trash. At times he asked me if I liked different women at work and how many girlfriends I have. I told him I do not have any. There seems to be a playful side to him. He was asking the usual questions about girlfriends today. Then he asked me if I liked dick. I said that I did.Eventually he said that he had a big dick. I almost got an instant erection. It does not matter to me how big his dick is, but he is a sexy Latin bear. I did not have the nerve to say anything, but if he mentions it again I may ask for proof. I would have to be careful, because people have lost their jobs their for having physical contact with coworkers of the opposite sex. I would definitely suck him if he wanted me to. I just would not do it at work. We'll see what happens.

Gute Nacht.

Tend Your Own Garden

I know people who get upset when they see guys with their pants showing their underwear-covered butts or with big ear piercings. Actually I like both of these sights. I do not know why people get upset by this. Is it hurting them? No. If they do not like what they see they can just look the other way. Some people get upset by other people looking at pornography in their own private space. Maybe these upset people should just mind their own business. As long as all of the participants in the making of the porn do so of their own volition I am in favor it. I am only interested in gay porn, but I would not want to stop other people viewing what they want to watch. There are people who want other people to believe as they do regarding politics and religion. There are some who think that others either agree with them or are wrong. Being myself and accepting myself is more important to me than worrying about what other are doing as long as they do not try to force these things on me. Allowing other people be who they are is much easier. Coexistence is possible.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Enjoying Learning About Ukraine

I have been enjoying learning about the history of Ukraine. It is interesting to me how national identities are formed and the development of the languages. It seems that the Christianization of many countries had more to do with power than with actual belief. Alliances were formed in part based on peoples being baptized as Christians. There were some interesting leaders in the region.  Yaroslav the Wise is particularly noteworthy. He was instrumental in the development of literacy in what is referred to as Kyivan Rus'. He was responsible for building some churches and other buildings and the writing of laws. It is also interesting to read about the rise and fall of empires and the growing influence of Poland, Moscow and Kyiv. It is never too late to get excited about learning. I had forgotten how much fun history can be.

Я насолоджувався вивчення історії України. Це цікаво мені, як національна ідентичність формується і розвитку мов. Здається, що християнізація багатьох країнах було більше, щоб зробити з владою, ніж з реальною віри. Союзи були сформовані в частині засновані на хрещення народів як християни. Були деякі цікаві лідерами в регіоні. Ярослав Мудрий особливо примітно. Він зіграв важливу роль у розвитку грамотності в те, що називають Київської Русі. Він був відповідальним за будівництво деяких церков та інших будівель і написання законів. Це також цікаво читати про зліт і падіння імперій і зростаючим впливом Польщі, Москви та Києва. Це ніколи не занадто пізно, щоб захопитися навчання. Я забув, як багато історії весело може бути.

Я наслаждался изучения истории Украины. Это интересно мне, как национальная идентичность формируется и развития языков. Кажется, что христианизация многих странах было больше, чтобы сделать с властью, чем с реальной веры. Союзы были сформированы в части основаны на крещение народов как христиане. Были некоторые интересные лидерами в регионе. Ярослав Мудрый особенно примечательно. Он сыграл важную роль в развитии грамотности в то, что называют Киевской Руси. Он был ответственным за строительство некоторых церквей и других зданий и написание законов. Это также интересно читать о взлете и падении империй и растущим влиянием Польши, Москвы и Киева. Это никогда не слишком поздно, чтобы увлечься обучения. Я забыл, как много истории весело может быть.

Ich habe genießen das Lernen über die Geschichte der Ukraine. Es ist interessant zu mir, wie nationale Identitäten gebildet werden und die Entwicklung der Sprachen. Es scheint, dass die Christianisierung vielen Ländern hatten mehr mit Macht zu tun, als mit den tatsächlichen Glauben. Allianzen wurden zum Teil, gebildet aus den Völkern, die als Christen getauft. Es gab einige interessante Führer in der Region. Jaroslaw der Weise ist besonders bemerkenswert. Er war maßgeblich an der Entwicklung der Alphabetisierung in sogenannten Kiewer Rus "genannt. Er war für den Aufbau einige Kirchen und andere Gebäude und das Schreiben von Gesetzen verantwortlich. Es ist auch interessant, über den Aufstieg und Fall von Imperien und den wachsenden Einfluss der Polen, Moskau und Kiew zu lesen. Es ist nie zu spät aufgeregt über das Lernen zu erhalten. Ich hatte vergessen, wie viel Spaß der Geschichte sein kann.

Am I Becoming a G.A.S. Again?

When I graduated from college I thought of myself as a G.A.S. (gay atheist socialist). In my last Spanish class, Spanish composition, I talked the professor into letting me write an essay on why I no longer wanted to live in the United States. Being any of those things at that time was not popular at that time. I was planning on moving to France. I went as far as making a reservation on a flight there. I do not know if things would have worked out if I had done that. That professor wanted me to translate some of his books from Spanish into French, but I lat my lack of self confidence get in the way. I have regretted that since then. (I know, I need to let that go.)

Also in my last year of school I started pledging a fraternity, TKE. One time a naive, Baptist girl who was the girlfriend of one of the fraternity brothers asked me why I was an atheist. My blunt response was, "Why believe in something that doesn't exist?" I have mixed feelings about that response. I do not think that she was expecting such a curt answer. I tend to be more sensitive in the feelings of others when I give my views, but I am believe in giving my honest views. I ended up not joining the fraternity in part because of anti-gay jokes. I was not out in with most of the fraternity. Also I was getting ready to graduate.

This is the start of another day during which I will be happy being myself and not letting anyone, not even myself, damage my self confidence.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Some People Prove Points Without Meaning To Do that

This is not a new point of view, but it gets being reinforced. Often when people accuse other people of things without proof they are guilty of doing what they accuse the other person of doing. I have an on and off online relationship with a frequently sweet guy, but he can be a royal pain in the ass. He calls Facebook a fag site. I did not sign up for Facebook to meet a husband but to stay connected with friends and family. No matter how many times I would tell him this he would not believe. It is fun to meet guys from all over the world, and I might meet a husband. I may have already met him. Anyway, this guy I mentioned above flirts a lot with other guys. He calls me a drama queen, but he is the one who frequently gets upset. He believes what other people say about me before believing me. He has blocked me again on Facebook and Tagged. He will probably change his mind again, but I am tired of his shit. I am not going to believe someone who says they love me when we are online if communication does not go beyond that statement.

I do want to settle down with a man who wants me to please and whom I want to please.

Boa noite.

Three Paragraphs Separated by Spaces.

At work sometimes cucumbers are checked to see if they are big enough in circumference. Those inspecting the cucumbers are given a piece of cardboard with a hole cut in it, and if the cucumber goes through the hole it is not good enough to be a number one. Sometimes jokes are made about this. I am not sure why this is done, but I have never been particularly picky about size. Usually what matters most to me is to whether or not I am allowed to take it in my mouth.

In "Monty Python's Life of Brian" a point is made that makes a lot of sense. In the Gospels Jesus talks to more than 5,000 people. How would they all hear him clearly? They were outside with no sound amplification, yet supposedly everybody heard and understood him. This is not explained in any way. It is not even mentioned as a miracle. Right, "Blessed are the cheesemakers." I'm sorry, but there are some things in the Bible that just do not make sense. According to some studies the majority of atheists know more about the Bible than the majority of Christians. The more I read the Bible the more skeptical I become.

Do any of my readers have any ideas for creative ways in which I could make money? I am open to suggestions. Fell free to comment. Thanks.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Still Dreaming of Having a Man to Please

I would love to find a man with whom I can share my life. I would love to find a dominant man. There is one phrase I would not want to hear from him concerning my tastes and interests, "That is weird." I do not expect him to like everything that I do, and I do not expect to enjoy everything that he does.  I want to be able to please him, but I still want to be able to enjoy my international tastes. My ideal mate would be from Central of Eastern Europe. I would love to find a man in that part of the world and be able to move to be with him there. I know that language would be challenge at first, but I know that I can learn. I was able to learn enough Czech in six weeks in Prague to be able to communicate in stores, in restaurants and on the street. I know I would enjoy the food, music and movies there. It would be a great turn on for a man to teach me in his language what I would need to know to be obedient to him. Being obedient would be made more fun by the knowledge that we are equals yet choosing to be obedient to him. Saying yes would be more meaningful by the knowledge that I have the option of saying no. I would prefer pleasing him by saying, Ja or da or tak or ano or так or да.

There is Nothing Wrong with Being Different

There is nothing wrong with being different. This is a message that needs to be taught starting in childhood. Everybody is unique in some way. Children need to be taught to accept themselves as they are and not to try to be like everybody else. Everybody should be taught how to be self confident. It has taken me a long time to accept it when people say that I am sexy. If I saw somebody else with a similar body type I would find him sexy. I still have a lot of work to do on self confidence, but I am making progress. I encourage other people to think of themselves and explain that there are different kinds of intelligence. I need to remember that this applies to myself as well. Part of the reason I am still in the place where I am is a lack of self confidence. I have known that I am worthy of respect. It is time for me to respect myself. I had someone recently imply that I was at fault for having been bullied as a child and sometimes continuing to be bullied as an adult by immature jerks. The victim is never to be blamed for being bullied. We all ave the right to be ourselves with confidence. Those who cannot accept who we are can go fuck themselves with a cactus.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Gates of Europe

The Gates of Europe: A History of Ukraine arrived in the mail today.  I barely got started reading it. I think it will be an interesting book. I am excited to be able to be able to learn about that country. I will be reading it during breaks at work. Hopefully I will be able to travel there someday. The book was published in 2015. I will post more as I read.

The Gates of Europe: A History of Ukraine прибув у пошті сьогодні. Я ледве почалася читанні. Я думаю, що це буде цікава книга. Я схвильований, щоб бути в змозі, щоб мати можливість дізнатися про цю країну. Я буду читати його під час перерв у роботі. Сподіваюся, я зможу поїхати туди коли-небудь. Книга була опублікована в 2015 році я відправлю більше, оскільки я прочитав.

The Gates of Europe: A History of Ukraine прибыл в почте сегодня. Я едва началась чтении. Я думаю, что это будет интересная книга. Я взволнован, чтобы быть в состоянии, чтобы иметь возможность узнать об этой стране. Я буду читать его во время перерывов в работе. Надеюсь, я смогу поехать туда когда-нибудь. Книга была опубликована в 2015 году я отправлю больше, поскольку я прочитал.

The Gates of Europe: A History of Ukraine kam heute mit der Post. Ich kaum angefangen zu lesen. Ich denke, es wird ein interessantes Buch. Ich bin begeistert, in der Lage, in der Lage, über dieses Land erfahren sein. Ich werde es in den Pausen bei der Arbeit zu lesen. Hoffentlich werde ich in der Lage, es eines Tages zu reisen. Das Buch wurde im Jahr 2015 veröffentlicht werde ich zu schreiben mehr, als ich zu lesen.

Being a Urinal at Cuir Bar Part Two (Gay Erotic Fiction)

Before my first night at the Cuir Bar I was told that things about my job could change from time to time. I was expected to accept any change to these duties and to wear whatever I was told to wear. I understood that I was always free to seek employment elsewhere if I ever felt the need to do so. As long as I was employed there I was to be obedient to my employers and the bar clientele. I was happy with that.

My first night I was dressed in yellow jock strap, black leather harness with yellow piping,  black leather knee pads and spiked black leather collar. I also had a chastity cage on my cock.

Before the bar I drank from the owner, the manager, the bouncers and the bartenders. The last of the bartenders was aroused by watching me drink from all of the others, so after he peed in my mouth he started fucking my face. After he rewarded me with his load the others gave me their cum too. After I swallowed their loads they circled around me and gave me a nice shower.

Then it was time for the bar to open. I waited in the restroom for quite awhile before the first patron came in to use me. I could tell he had had a few drinks, but he was not drunk. He was wearing a leather vest and leather chaps. He stood in front of me holding his cock. I opened my mouth, and he put his dick in it. I had the pleasure of swallowing all of his beer piss. he said that he would be back. I experienced many different kinds of cocks that night. Short, curved, long, thick, fat, cut, uncut... I had my first taste of smegma that night. Most guys came in several times that night. A few times my mouth was in use when someone else would come in. Sometimes there were guys who could not wait until my mouth was free. These guys would give me showers. I lost count of how many guys started skullfucking me after they had finished peeing. I swallowed dark pee, light pee and everything in between. I swallowed sweet cum, salty cum, many different combinations of those two.

I knew I was going to love my new job.

To be continued...?

Monday, December 14, 2015

Сегодня понедельник (Heute ist Montag).

Oh well, it's Monday, so I'll work today, and I will be off tomorrow. At least my coworkers are being nicer to me. Once in awhile I can even joke with some of them. The supervisors still need to learn more about how to treat people. I still do not want to stay at this job or in this town. It could be worse, but I am not going to say how. It is not a good idea to tempt "worse." I will just focus on making things better. I am getting more hours at work. I need to save some money. I will also work harder on finding another job. Staying in touch with my friends online helps make things better. There are still some people who keep asking for money, but they are not going to get any from me. Too many of them are scammers, and I do not have money to send them. They try to make me feel guilty, but that does not work. I have met some great friends in different countries. It would be great to be able to travel and visit some of them. I sometimes wonder how much some of them resemble their online photos. If they look different that is all right as long as I can talk with them and play with some of them. There is on particular guy in Germany I would love to please. He is Sepp. I want to learn German from him, particularly the commands that he wants me to follow. There are some hot guys in Russia and Poland too. I want to meet some guys in Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine too. Who knows what the future has in store?

To be is life,

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Тимати: 13

I found a CD by Тимати on Amazon. It is entitled "13." I am looking forward to getting it. I have been trying to find out about popular Russian music. I am glad to be able to find a CD that I can afford. It is being shipped from Russia, so it might not get here very soon. I will write about it when I receive it. I feel like a child looking forward to a Christmas present.

I need to look harder for a new job. I really want to move. Someday I will be able to do that, but I hope it is soon.


Я нашел компакт-диск Тимати на Амазонке. Она имеет право "13." Я с нетерпением жду, чтобы получить его. Я пытался узнать о популярной русской музыки. Я рад быть в состоянии найти диск, который я могу себе позволить. Это в настоящее время поставляется из России, поэтому он не может получить здесь очень скоро. Я напишу об этом, когда я получить его. Я чувствую себя ребенком, глядя вперед, чтобы рождественского подарка.

Мне нужно, чтобы посмотреть труднее новую работу. Я действительно хочу, чтобы двигаться. Когда-нибудь я буду в состоянии сделать это, но я надеюсь, что это в ближайшее время.

Доброй ночи.

Open Your Mind

People have a tendency to call things with which they are not familiar strange or weird. What may be considered unusual in one place may be ordinary somewhere else. Sometimes things that people think of as odd become part of the norm and eventually taken for granted. For a long time I hated the word weird, because I was often described with that word. Then I came to realize that the problem was not in me but in those who describe me with that word. I now wear that word with pride. I am not the only man who would love to drink a man's urine while listening to Russian hip hop while he has me on a leash and gives me commands in German or Ukrainian. The last thing that I want to be is part of the American norm. I am the  way I am for a reason. I just haven't found out what that reason is yet.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

First Contact by Evan Mandery

First Contact or, It's Later than You Think  Parrot Sketch Excluded by Evan Mandery is hilarious, thought provoking novel. I had a hard time putting it down. The author was inspired by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. and Douglas Adams, but he has a voice of his own. An ambassador from the planet Rigel-Rigel visits the President of the U.S.A. and leaders of other world leaders. He urges humanity to change their ways in order to avoid the destruction of the planet. The President is a conservative Christian. He mistrusts the Ambassador and his assistant that he brought with him. One of the reasons for this mistrust is based on religion. The President makes a big mistake. The action takes place on Earth, Rigel-Rigel and other planets. The author interjects himself into the novel in places. In one place a mother reads the novel we are reading to her two-year-old son. The son is not impressed with the book. There are references to Woody Allen, Sting, the Police, Monty Python and other bits of pop culture. The book satirizes a certain recent President. It also deals with global warming. If you want to read something to make you laugh and inspire you to introspection and action concerning the globe's present climate crisis I would definitely recommend this one. Time reading it has been time well spent.

Don't Just Sit There Do Something

I have often thought, "I am just one person, I can't make any difference." I have learned that that is not true. This is especially true with the internet. Thomas Merton entitled one of his books Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander. If we stand silently while injustice is being done we are complicit in that injustice. If we stand by as a demagogue is elected into office we are complicit in that person's election. If we just touch one person with something we post online that person can share it and the more it is shared the more likely it is to bring about change. It is like the famous pebble dropped into a lake. We do not know who might be reading what we write. There are many examples of people who start out with wanting to help someone else. They do not expect their efforts to go very far, but they touch someone else's heart. What was thought of as a small effort becomes a movement that helps many people. We can also post words of encouragement. Somewhere somebody needs that message. If we talk about our hardships without giving up we may help someone feel less alone. We also may end up getting the support that we need. If we stand up and take a chance we can make a difference. Change can happen if we sit and do nothing, but it will not be the change we want. One voice alone may not get heard, but many voices together cannot be ignored.

Я часто думал, "я только один человек, я не могу делать какие-либо различия." Я узнал, что это не так. Это особенно верно в Интернете. Томас Мертон право одной из своих книг Гипотезы виновного наблюдателем. Если мы стоим молча, а несправедливость делается мы замешаны в этом несправедливость. Если мы стояли в стороне, демагог избирается в офисе мы причастны к выборам этого человека. Если мы просто коснуться одного человека с чем-то мы публикуем в Интернете, что человек может поделиться им и тем более он поделился тем более вероятно, что она принесет перемены. Это как знаменитый галечный упал в озеро. Мы не знаем, кто может читать, что мы пишем. Есть много примеров людей, которые начинают с желания помочь кому-то еще. Они не ожидают, что их усилия, чтобы пойти очень далеко, но они касаются сердца чужое. Что думают как небольшим усилием становится движение, помогает многим людям. Мы также можем создавать слова ободрения. Где-то кто-то должен это сообщение. Если мы говорим о наших трудностях, не давая итог, можно помочь кому-то себя менее одиноким. Мы также можем в конечном итоге получить ту поддержку, которую нам нужно. Если мы стоим и рискнуть, мы можем сделать разницу. Изменение может произойти, если мы сидим и ничего не делать, но это не будет изменение, которое мы хотим. Один голос в одиночку не может достучаться, но многие голоса вместе не могут быть проигнорированы.

Ich habe oft gedacht: "Ich bin nur eine Person, kann ich keinen Unterschied machen." Ich habe gelernt, dass das nicht wahr ist. Dies gilt insbesondere mit dem Internet. Thomas Merton mit dem Titel eines seiner Bücher Vermutungen eines Guilty Bystander. Wenn wir stehen still, während Unrecht getan wird sind wir mitschuldig an dieser Ungerechtigkeit. Wenn wir zusehen, wie ein Demagoge in Amt gewählt sind wir mitschuldig an Wahl dieser Person. Wenn wir nur berühren eine Person mit etwas, das wir veröffentlichen Online kann diese Person es zu teilen und je mehr man es teilt, desto wahrscheinlicher ist es, Änderungen herbeizuführen ist. Es ist wie der berühmte Kies ließ sich in einem See. Wir wissen nicht, wer das Lesen könnte, was wir schreiben. Es gibt viele Beispiele von Menschen, die beginnen mit dem Wunsch, jemand anderen zu helfen. Sie erwarten nicht, dass ihre Bemühungen sehr weit zu gehen, aber sie sind das Herz jemand anderem zu berühren. Was man von so einer kleinen Anstrengung dachte, wird eine Bewegung, die viele Menschen hilft. Wir können auch Worte der Ermutigung zu schreiben. Irgendwo jemand muss diese Botschaft. Wenn wir über unsere Nöte zu sprechen, ohne dabei können wir Ihnen helfen jemand fühlen sich weniger allein. Wir können auch am Ende immer die Unterstützung, die wir brauchen. Wenn wir aufstehen und nehmen Sie eine Chance können wir einen Unterschied machen. Veränderung kann geschehen, wenn wir sitzen und nichts tun, aber es wird nicht die Veränderung, die wir wollen. Einer Stimme allein nicht zu hören bekommen, aber viele Stimmen zusammen kann nicht ignoriert werden.

Często myślałem: "Jestem tylko jedna osoba, nie mogę żadnej różnicy." Dowiedziałem się, że to nie jest prawda. Jest to szczególnie prawdziwe w Internecie. Thomas Merton prawo jednej ze swoich książek przypuszczenia o Guilty obserwatora. Jeśli stoimy w milczeniu, podczas gdy niesprawiedliwość jest wykonywana jesteśmy współwinni tej niesprawiedliwości. Jeśli stoimy jako demagog zostaje wybrany do biura jesteśmy współwinni wyboru tej osoby. Jeśli po prostu dotknąć jedną osobę z czymś zamieścimy w Internecie, że człowiek może udostępnić i im bardziej jest on dzielony, tym bardziej prawdopodobne jest to, aby wprowadzić zmiany. To jest jak słynna żwirowa spadł do jeziora. Nie wiemy, kto może być czytanie tego, co piszemy. Istnieje wiele przykładów ludzi, którzy zaczynają się z chęci pomocy kogoś innego. Oni nie oczekują, że ich wysiłki iść bardzo daleko, ale one dotknąć serce kogoś innego. To, co było traktowane jako mały wysiłek staje się ruch, który pomaga wielu ludziom. Możemy również dodawać słowa zachęty. Gdzieś ktoś musi tę wiadomość. Jeśli mówimy o naszych trudów, nie rezygnując możemy komuś pomóc czuć się mniej samotnie. Mamy również może skończyć się coraz wsparcie, czego potrzebujemy. Jeśli staniemy się i zaryzykować możemy coś zmienić. Zmiana może się zdarzyć, jeśli będziemy siedzieć i nic nie robić, ale to nie będzie zmiana chcemy. Sam jeden głos nie może się słyszało, ale wiele głosów razem nie może być ignorowane.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Focusing on My Attention on People with Whom I Share Common Interests

It seems obvious now that I think about it, but I need to focus on the fact that I am meeting people around the world with whom I share common interests instead of lamenting that I do not have anybody where I am with whom I can share these things. I have been able to meet some awesome and interesting people around the world. With the internet I am able to connect with these people. I know that I am not alone in enjoying the things that I enjoy. I will not concern myself with the fact that there always people who will hate the things that I enjoy. I will continue to share my tastes in music, films, literature, politics, sex and other things with those who want to read about them. I am not aiming to please anybody, but it does help to meet people with whom I can share these things. I am also open to the views and tastes from around. I am open to constructive criticism. Fortunately I have not had to deal with hateful comments on my blog. I will not allow hate speech in my comments here or on my Facebook timelines. There are no exceptions to this. There are outlets for that elsewhere. Thank you for reading. Na shledanou.

Es scheint jetzt, dass ich darüber nachdenke offensichtlich, aber ich brauche, um auf die Tatsache konzentrieren, dass ich Begegnungen mit Menschen auf der ganzen Welt, mit denen ich gemeinsame Interessen statt beklagt, dass ich nicht jemand, wo ich bin, mit dem ich diese teilen Dinge. Ich habe in der Lage gewesen, um einige tolle und interessante Menschen auf der ganzen Welt gerecht zu werden. Mit dem Internet bin ich in der Lage, mit diesen Menschen zu verbinden. Ich weiß, dass ich nicht allein bin in den Genuss der Dinge, die ich genieße. Ich werde mich mit der Tatsache nichts an, dass es immer Leute, die Dinge, die ich genieße hassen wird. Ich werde weiterhin meinen Geschmack in Musik, Filme, Literatur, Politik, Sex und andere Dinge, mit denen, um über sie zu lesen möchten, zu teilen. Ich bin nicht mit dem Ziel, jedem zu gefallen, aber es hilft den Menschen, mit denen ich diese Dinge teilen. Ich bin auch offen für die Ansichten und Geschmäcker aus der ganzen. Ich bin offen für konstruktive Kritik. Zum Glück habe ich nicht hatte mit hasserfüllte Kommentare in meinem Blog zu tun. Ich werde nicht zulassen, dass Hassreden in meine Kommentare hier oder auf meiner Facebook-Timelines. Es gibt keine Ausnahmen. Gibt es Absatzmöglichkeiten für die an anderer Stelle. Vielen Dank für das Lesen. Na shledanou.

Теперь, когда я думаю об этом кажется очевидным, но мне нужно, чтобы сосредоточиться на том, что я встречаюсь людей по всему миру, с которыми я разделяю общих интересов, а не сокрушаться, что у меня нет никого, где я, с кем я могу поделиться этим вещи. Я был в состоянии удовлетворить некоторые удивительные и интересные люди во всем мире. С интернетом я могу связаться с этими людьми. Я знаю, что я не одинок в пользовании вещи, которые нравятся. Я не буду касаться себя с тем, что там всегда люди, которые ненавидят то, что Вы любите. Я буду продолжать делиться мои вкусы в музыке, фильмах, литературе, политике, сексе и других вещей, с теми, кто хочет читать о них. Я не стремимся, чтобы угодить никому, но оно помогает познакомиться с людьми, с которыми я могу поделиться эти вещи. Я также открыт для взглядов и вкусов со всего. Я открыт для конструктивной критики. К счастью, я не должен был иметь дело с ненавистными комментариев на моем блоге. Я не позволю речь ненависти в моих комментариях здесь или на моих сроках Facebook. Там нет исключений. Есть выходы для этого в другом месте. Спасибо за чтение. Nа shledanou.

Тепер, коли я думаю про це здається очевидним, але мені потрібно, щоб зосередитися на тому, що я зустрічаюся людей по всьому світу, з якими я поділяю спільних інтересів, а не журитися, що у мене немає нікого, де я, з ким я можу поділитися цим речі. Я був в змозі задовольнити деякі дивовижні і цікаві люди в усьому світі. З інтернетом я можу зв'язатися з цими людьми. Я знаю, що я не самотній у користуванні речі, які подобаються. Я не буду торкатися себе з тим, що там завжди люди, які ненавидять те, що Ви любите. Я буду продовжувати ділитися мої смаки в музиці, фільмах, літературі, політику, секс та інших речей, з тими, хто хоче читати про них. Я не прагнемо, щоб догодити нікому, але воно допомагає познайомитися з людьми, з якими я можу поділитися ці речі. Я також відкритий для поглядів і смаків з усього. Я відкритий для конструктивної критики. На щастя, я не повинен був мати справу з ненависними коментарів на моєму блозі. Я не дозволю мова ненависті в моїх коментарі тут або на моїх строках Facebook. Там немає винятків. Є виходи для цього в іншому місці. Спасибі за читання. Nа shledanou.

Zdá se jasné, teď, když jsem o tom přemýšlet, ale musím se soustředit na to, že jsem setkání s lidmi po celém světě, s nimiž sdílím společné zájmy, místo běduje, že nemám nikoho, kde jsem, se kterým mohu sdílet tyto věci. Byl jsem schopen splnit nějaké úžasné a zajímavých lidí po celém světě. S internetem jsem schopen spojit s těmito lidmi. Já vím, že nejsem sám užívat věci, které mě baví. Nebudu se týkat jsem s tím, že tam vždycky lidé, kteří budou nenávidět věci, které mě baví. Budu i nadále sdílet své vkus v hudbě, filmech, literatury, politiky, pohlaví a další věci, s těmi, kteří chtějí, aby o nich četl. Nejsem s cílem potěšit někoho, ale to pomůže setkat se s lidmi, s nimiž mohu sdílet tyto věci. Jsem také otevřený názorům a chutí z celého. Jsem otevřený konstruktivní kritiku. Naštěstí jsem se musel vypořádat s nenávistným komentáře na mém blogu. Nedopustím, aby projevy nenávisti v mé poznámky zde nebo na můj Facebook časové ose. Neexistují žádné výjimky z tohoto. K dispozici jsou vývody pro tento jinde. Děkuji vám za čtení. Na shledanou.

Медленный старт для день

I am starting off the day slowly. Полина Гагарина is helping me to wake up with her song from
МОНСТРЫ НА КАНИКУЛАХ 2. It is definitely a fun song. I have been having fun listening to Russian music I had not heard before. I will try to find CD's by the musicians that are new to me. I will have to wait until I have more money, but the money situation is getting better. Good music, good coffee and a good mood arre the start of a good day.

Я начинаю свой день медленно. Полина Гагарина помогает мне проснуться с песней из
МОНСТРЫ НА КАНИКУЛАХ 2. Это, безусловно, забавная песня. Я весело слушать русскую музыку я не слышал. Я постараюсь, чтобы найти компакт-диск с музыкантами, которые являются новыми для меня. Мне придется ждать, пока у меня больше денег, но деньги, ситуация улучшается. Хорошая музыка, хороший кофе и хорошее настроение являются начало хорошего дня.

Я починаю свій день повільно. Поліна Гагаріна допомагає мені прокинутися з піснею з
Монстри на канікулах 2. Це, безумовно, кумедна пісня. Я весело слухати російську музику я не чув. Я постараюся, щоб знайти компакт-диск з музикантами, які є новими для мене. Мені доведеться чекати, поки у мене більше грошей, але гроші, ситуація поліпшується. Гарна музика, гарний кави і гарний настрій є початок гарного дня.

Ich fange Sie den Tag langsam. Полина Гагарина hilft mir zu wecken mit ihrem Song aus
МОНСТРЫ НА КАНИКУЛАХ 2. Es ist definitiv ein lustiges Lied. Ich habe Spaß zuzuhören russischen Musik hatte ich noch nicht gehört. Ich werde versuchen, CDs von den Musikern, die mir neu sind zu finden. Ich werde warten, bis ich mehr Geld, aber das Geld Situation wird immer besser. Gute Musik, guter Kaffee und gute Laune sind der Beginn einer guten Tag.

Eu começo o dia devagar. Полина Гагарина está me ajudando a acordar com sua canção de
МОНСТРЫ НА КАНИКУЛАХ 2. É definitivamente uma música divertida. Eu tenho tido o divertimento escutar a música russa eu não tinha ouvido antes. Vou tentar encontrar CDs pelos músicos que são novos para mim. Vou ter que esperar até que eu tenha mais dinheiro, mas o dinheiro situação está ficando melhor. Boa música, bom café e um bom humor são o início de um bom dia.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

We Need More than Two Political Parties in the U.S.A. (A couple of other thoughts too) (AC)

We need more than two political parties in the U.S.A. As it is now we really have a moderate party and a conservative party. There is a part of the Republican Party, the Tea Party, who want to move even further to the right. We definitely need a strong Socialist Party. There was a rather strong socialist party in the early Twentieth Century. I considered myself a socialist when I was in college, and I that is what I consider myself again. Socialism has a bad reputation in this country, but that is reputation built on emotion instead of fact. The political in this country is corrupt and is in need of major overhauls. Until there are major change in the political landscape in the U.S.A. I will be one of the voices calling for peaceful revolution.

Christians who are closed minded are adding to the pull I feel towards atheism. Too many so-called Christians are spouting hate-filled speech. They want everybody to believe as they do. They act the same way towards other Christians who do not accept their own brand of Christianity. There are other reasons for my move away from main-stream Christianity. This is not a move that I will make quickly.

On a completely different note. I remember when "Tommy," the film version of The Who's rock opera came out in 1975. I bought the soundtrack before I saw the movie. I was 16 at the time. One short song stuck out for me at the time. It was "Fiddling About" sung by Uncle Ernie. It was about molestation, but at the time I wanted to have a man "fiddle about" with me. I did not think of it as a bad thing but as something that would be enjoyable. Now I know how much fun it can be between two consenting men.

Are socialism and democracy compatible?

Are socialism and democracy compatible? I think they are. Many in the U.S.A. think of socialism as being evil. It is neither good or evil. It depends on whether the freedoms of the people are respected. Among the most important of these rights are freedom of speech, freedom of religion and rights concerning sexual orientation and gender identity. Free elections are also necessary. If those who are elected to office start to abuse their power the people should have the power to vote them out of office. Impeachment of abusers of power should always be allowed. Influence from the megarich, corporations and PAC's has become too great in the U.S.A. In lobbyists and PAC's yield too much power. This is something that needs to be fixed. No single group of people should have any more power than others based on wealth, race, religion or political party affiliation. Everyone has a voice, and it is time for all of to speak out.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

We Need to Stand Up Against Trump

That Donald Trump is the frontrunner among the Republicans running for the Presidency of the U.S.A. If those who are supporting him actually support his xenophobic views this is a very bad sign indeed. He started speaking out against Mexican immigrants. Not he has started speaking out against Muslims even though most Muslims do not support the terrorists who are attacking around the world. If his bigotry goes unchecked where will it stop? I do not want to find out the answer to that question. He needs to be stopped. We need to speak up against his hate-filled agenda. The other Republicans running against him are pretty scary, but he is the worst. Who else will he go after next? The LGBTQ Community? Atheists? Those from other religious beliefs? The time to act is now before it is too late.

Wednesday Morning Musings

I wish that things that I knew how to do some of the things that come naturally for others. Other people are able to make small talk, but it is difficult for me. I can talk about language, literature, music, and the things that interest me. The state of my bedroom usually reflects the state of my mind, and now my bedroom is a mess. Another of my problems is still a lack of self confidence. I still have difficulty thinking of myself as an intelligent person. I wish I knew how to use the talents that I have to make a living. I encourage others not to let their feeling of self worth be defined by others, but I have difficulty doing this myself. I know that there are things I could do to get out of my current situation, but I really do not know how to do these things. Actually I will be able to figure things out. I just need to remember to break things down into pieces that I can handle. I am getting better at handling money. I may have to start selling some things. They are just things really. I need to stop beating myself up about the things that I cannot do. For now I need help figuring out a plan for getting out of where I am. I do have intelligence. My brain is just wired differently. If I can figure out how to travel across Europe, I should be able to do figure out what I need to do. That does not mean that I do not want input from others. I still cannot drive. I have gotten rid of fears. I need to get rid of the fears that I have left. I do not yet know what do, but with help I will be able to figure this out. I am not going to change who I am, but I am not going to continue thinking of myself as inadequate. I have all of the tools I need to succeed. I just need to find the toolbox.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Russian Guys on Tagged

Suddenly I am meeting guys from Russia on Tagged. They are all cute guys. I would like to travel to Russia. I do not whether or not to believe what they say in their emails. I would not travel that far just to meet a man. I have no way to know if they are really sending photos of themselves or if they are telling me the truth. I have wanted to travel there anyway. I would love to drink Russian vodka, Russian beer, eat Russian food, listen to Russian music, watch Russian films and TV and suck Russian cocks. Of course I want to see the country and visit places where tourists do not usually see.

Вдруг я встречаюсь с парнями России меткой. Они все милые ребята. Я хотел бы поехать в Россию. Я не ли или не верить, что они говорят в своих электронных писем. Я не путешествовать так далеко только для удовлетворения человеком. У меня нет возможности узнать, если они действительно отправки фотографии себя или, если они говорят правду. Я хотел поехать туда в любом случае. Я хотел бы пить русскую водку, российское пиво, едят русской еды, слушать русскую музыку, смотреть русские фильмы и телевидение и сосать петухи российских. Конечно, я хочу, чтобы увидеть страну и посетить места, где туристы обычно не видеть.

Tout le monde a besoin de tout le monde

Nobody can live without the help and support of other people. I am reminded of Manau's song, "Tout le monde a besoing de tout le monde." (That is one of my favorite songs.) Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. The best situation for me would to be able to receive and give support. As important as receiving support from others is knowing that one has something to give others. I know that I have a place in this world. I know that my current situation is temporary. Sometimes I get overwhelmed when I look at everything that I need to do. I need to break these things down into things that I can handle. One does not eat an entire meal in one bite. I know that I have support of friends around the world, and that helps me. All of us are important. I have to remind myself that that includes me.

Monday, December 7, 2015

I Need Help from Friends

I no longer have transportation to my job. I am trying to find a new job. I do not know what I am going to do. By myself I cannot do what I need to do. Asking for help is very hard for me to do, but I desperately need help. Words of encouragement help. but I also need to be with people with whom I can share my interests. I need to be held. I cannot go on by myself.

Я больше не придется транспортировку моей работы. Я пытаюсь найти новую работу. Я не знаю, что я собираюсь делать. По себе я не могу делать то, что мне нужно делать. Обращение за помощью очень трудно для меня, чтобы сделать, но я отчаянно нуждаются в помощи. Слова ободрения помощи. но я также должны быть с людьми, с которыми я могу поделиться своими интересами. Мне нужно проходить. Я не могу пойти на один.

Я більше не доведеться транспортування моєї роботи. Я намагаюся знайти нову роботу. Я не знаю, що я збираюся робити. По собі я не можу робити те, що мені потрібно робити. Звернення за допомогою дуже важко для мене, щоб зробити, але я відчайдушно потребують допомоги. Слова підбадьорення допомоги. але я також повинні бути з людьми, з якими я можу поділитися своїми інтересами. Мені потрібно проходити. Я не можу піти на один.

Ich habe nicht mehr den Transport zu meinem Job. Ich versuche, einen neuen Job zu finden. Ich weiß nicht, was ich tun werde. Alleine kann ich nicht tun, was ich tun muss. Um Hilfe zu bitten ist sehr schwer für mich zu tun, aber ich brauche Hilfe verzweifelt. Worte der Ermutigung Hilfe. aber ich muss auch mit Menschen, mit denen ich meine Interessen teilen. Ich muss gehalten werden. Ich kann es nicht weiter gehen von mir.

Duluth by Gore Vidal

Duluth, written by Gore Vidal in 1983, is a highly original and entertaining novel. It takes place in a Duluth, Minnesota that is very different from the Duluth in reality. The Duluth in the novel is on Lake Superior as is the real Duluth. Yet the Duluth of the novel is also close to Mexico and New Orleans. On the shore of Lake Superior there are Palm Trees. There are several realities in the novel, the "real" Duluth. There is also a television series, "Duluth." There are is a romance by Rosemary Klein Kantor that is serialized in a women's magazine. Characters die in one "reality" and go to another "reality." There are fictive laws that govern these occurrences. In the "real" Duluth a space ship has landed. In the police chief's office there is a map with a red pin indicating where the ship is. If  the chief moves the pin the space ship moves to that location. The novel also deals with racism and the question of illegal aliens. I prefer Vidal's satirical writings like this to his historical novels. He was a interesting writer.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Discovering more new music: Бумбокс, Егор Крид and more

I always like discovering new music. Well it is new music to me. I know that I am not discovering them. I have subscribed to some Russian and Ukrainian music channels on YouTube. Бумбокс, Егор Крид, Тимaти and MC Doni are among those whose music I enjoy. I think MC Doni and Егор Крид are sexy. Тимaти did a song with several other musicians. It is called "Tattoo." The video for this song has some sexy guys with tattoos. I hope that I will be able to find some Ukrainian music. Listening to Russian pop and hip hop has helped me to remember what I learned so long ago. "Я люблю тебя," is a phrase I hear in a lot of songs. I am fond of how that sounds, and it is fun to say. Years ago my instructor told me that I was mispronouncing it, but I was using the pronunciation that I heard in operas. Years later I was told that I was pronouncing it correctly. I have been told that I pronounce the little I know of Russian without accent. It is funny that people say I speak English with an accent.

There are some language videos on YouTube, I will have to check them out sometime. Sometimes I forget when to use direct and indirect articles in English. I do this more frequently when I am writing.

Once I took a test in a men's fashion magazine. It was about "American Style." It was possible to have a negative score. My score was -287. (That is approximate.) I just remember the interpretation of my score. It said that I was not born in the United States and that I definitely did not grow up speaking English. I was born is the U.S.A., I grew here speaking English. Some of the views I had about fashion were more European at that time. These styles eventually became accepted here. This interpretation made me smile.


I Am Who I Am

I do want people to enjoy what I post here, but I am not going to write things that do not reflect who I am. I may write some fiction pieces, but those will be clearly be labeled as such. I am not going to posts to show myself in any particular light. Telling the truth is much simpler. I may repeat myself at times, but I would prefer repeating things that are true than to state things that are not true. I am still a bit unsure about posting things about my thoughts on religion. I am still on a journey there, and I do not know where I will end up. I view myself as a citizen of the world not just of one country. I do not want to limit myself. I appreciate my readers. I am not perfect, but I am happy with who I am. All of life is a journey.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

A Book About Ukraine I Just Ordered

I just ordered The Gates of Ukraine: A History of Ukraine by Сергій Миколайович Плохій. It is a subject about which I have wanted to learn. I definitely want to learn more about that country. I also want to learn about other countries in Central and Eastern Europe. Briefly I worked with someone from Ukraine while I was in Kansas. I wished that we could have become friends. We did have some nice conversations. I know that I will never finish learning all that I want to learn about the languages and countries of that part of the world, but that is a good things. I will always have things to learn. Learning languages and learning about the histories and cultures of other countries is exciting to me. I especially love to connect on a personal level with people from other countries. I will write about that book after I read it. I am definitely looking forward to that.


Я тільки що замовив Врата України: Історія України Сергій Миколайович Плохій. Це тема, про яку я хотів вчитися. Я безумовно хочу, щоб дізнатися більше про цю країну. Я також хочу, щоб дізнатися про інші країни Центральної та Східної Європи. Коротко я працював з кимось із України, поки я був в Канзасі. Я хотіла, щоб ми могли стати друзями. У нас були деякі хороші бесіди. Я знаю, що я ніколи не буду закінчувати навчання все, що я хочу, щоб дізнатися про мови і країнах цієї частини світу, але це хороші речі. У мене завжди буде чому повчитися. Вивчення мов і дізнатися про історії та культури інших країн є захоплюючим для мене. Я особливо люблю, щоб підключити на особистому рівні з людьми з інших країн. Я напишу про це книгу після того як я прочитав його. Я безумовно з нетерпінням чекаю цього.


Я только что заказал Врата Украины: История Украины Сергій Миколайович Плохій. Это тема, о которой я хотел учиться. Я определенно хочу, чтобы узнать больше об этой стране. Я также хочу, чтобы узнать о других странах Центральной и Восточной Европы. Кратко я работал с кем-то из Украины, пока я был в Канзасе. Я хотела, чтобы мы могли стать друзьями. У нас были некоторые хорошие беседы. Я знаю, что я никогда не буду заканчивать обучение все, что я хочу, чтобы узнать о языках и странах этой части мира, но это хорошие вещи. У меня всегда будет чему поучиться. Изучение языков и узнать о истории и культуры других стран является захватывающим для меня. Я особенно люблю, чтобы подключить на личном уровне с людьми из других стран. Я напишу об этом книгу после того как я прочитал его. Я определенно с нетерпением жду этого.

Доброй ночи.

Сегодня суббота, и он будет хороший день.

Today is Saturday, and it is going to be a good day. I may have to work, but I will make it through this day. I am going to do the best job that I can. I am not going to worry what other people think about me. I will help others when they need help, but not if they are just being lazy. I am not going to worry about whether or not I fit in. I am not going to worry about what kind of accent people think I have. I am going to relax and enjoy being me.

Сегодня суббота, и он будет хороший день. Я, возможно, придется работать, но я сделаю это через это день. Я собираюсь сделать лучшую работу, что я могу. Я не собираюсь беспокоиться, что другие люди думают обо мне. Я помогу другим, когда они нуждаются в помощи, но не, если они просто лениться. Я не собираюсь беспокоиться о том, или не подходят я. Я не собираюсь беспокоиться о том, какие люди думают, акцент у меня есть. Я собираюсь отдохнуть и насладиться будучи мной.

Šodien ir sestdiena, un tas būs laba diena. Man var būt jāstrādā, bet es būs darīt to caur šo dienu. Es esmu gatavojas darīt labāko darbu, ka es varu. Es neesmu gatavojas jāuztraucas, ko citi cilvēki domā par mani. Es palīdzēt citiem, kad viņiem nepieciešama palīdzība, bet ne tad, ja tie ir vienkārši ir slinks. Es neesmu gatavojas jāuztraucas par to, vai es fit. Es neesmu gatavojas jāuztraucas par to, kāda veida akcentu cilvēki domā, man ir. Es esmu gatavojas atpūsties un baudīt to man.

Danes je sobota, in da se bo dober dan. I ima lahko delo, vendar bom prišel skozi ta dan. Bom naredil najboljše delo, ki sem lahko. Ne bom skrbi, kaj drugi ljudje mislijo o meni. Bom pomagati drugim, ko potrebujejo pomoč, ne pa tudi, če so le leni. Ne bom skrbeti, ali nisem ustrezal. Ne bom skrbeti, kakšen naglas ljudi misli imam. Grem, da se sprostite in uživajte mi bitje.

Heute ist Samstag, und es wird ein guter Tag. Ich kann, um zu arbeiten, aber ich werde es durch diesen Tag zu machen. Ich werde den besten Job, dass ich kann. Ich werde mich nicht zu kümmern, was andere Leute über mich denken. Ich will anderen helfen, wenn sie Hilfe benötigen, aber nicht, wenn sie einfach nur faul sind. Ich werde mich nicht darüber, ob ich fit in Sorge. Ich werde mich nicht, welche Art von Akzent Leute denken, ich habe zu kümmern. Ich werde zu entspannen und es genießen, mich.

Gaur larunbata, da, eta egun ona izango. Lanera izango diat, baina egingo dut egun honen bitartez. Lan onena egin nahi dut, ahal duten noa. Ez naiz besteek nitaz pentsatzen kezkatu behar. Beste batzuk, eta horretarako laguntza behar dute lagundu egingo dut, baina ez bada besterik ez dira alferra izatea. Ez naiz ala ez dator bat dut kezkatu egingo da. Ez naiz azentu jendearekin zer uste dut dute kezkatu behar. Erlaxatu eta niri izateaz gozatu dut.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Work Is Going Better

Work is going, but I still do not want to stay there. I am getting along better with most of my co-workers. I can joke and talk in Spanish and English with some of them. That makes the days go better. The job itself is still pretty crappy. Too much lifting for not enough money. I have gotten in better shape though. The company does not show any appreciation for the workers. Only negative feedback is usually given by supervisors. It is not a permanent situation. I still have dreams. We all need those.

Gute Nacht.

Ще п'ятницю тут (Ein weiterer Freitag ist hier).

It's Friday again. I still have to work tomorrow, but it is my pay day. I am getting closer to having my cell phone back. I should have it back in four weeks. It is interested how dependent we can get on technology. I would prefer having friends with me in person, but at least I can stay in touch with friends through my computer and soon with my phone.

I am happy to be able to discover some new Russian music. I just listened to a song by a group named Мачете, now a song by Elvira T. I wish I understood more of the lyrics, but I understand some. That is exciting to me.

The way that Russian was taught in the class where I learned it was odd. We learned how to pronounce the letters, but not what to call the letters. We also did not learn how to recite the alphabet. I would not be able to spell a word verbally. We learned how to count to four. We only learned the singular forms of words. The instructors did not have very good Russian accents, so I had to depend on operas for that. I have been told that my Russian pronunciation is very good. We also learned how to write in script, not printing. My handwriting is awful. Oh, well.

I am starting the day in a good because of the discovery of Russian music that is new to me.

Добрый день, мои друзья.

Thursday, December 3, 2015


I am listening to s song by T9, a Russian hip hop. I have been trying to find out the names of current Russian musicians. I like this song. I always like hearing new music. So far I really like T9's music. I look forward to hearing more of their music. If anybody can recommend current music from Russia, Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine or Hungary please leave a comment with links or names of musicians. I like a wide variety of music.

Goodnight. I look forward to hearing more new music.

Я слушаю песню ов T9, русский хип-хоп. Я пытался выяснить имена нынешних российских музыкантов. Мне нравится эта песня. Я всегда люблю слышать новую музыку. До сих пор я очень люблю музыку T9 в. Я с нетерпением жду, чтобы услышать больше их музыки. Если кто-нибудь может порекомендовать текущий музыку из России, Германии, Польши, Чехии, Словакии, Украины и Венгрии, пожалуйста, оставьте комментарий со ссылками или имена музыкантов. Мне нравится широкий спектр музыки.

Доброй ночи. Я с нетерпением ждем больше новой музыки.

Ich bin zum Lied hören von T9, einen russischen Hip-Hop. Ich habe versucht, um herauszufinden, die Namen der aktuellen russischen Musikern. Ich mag das Lied. Ich habe immer gerne hören, neue Musik. Bisher habe ich wirklich wie T9 Musik. Ich freue mich auf mehr von ihrer Musik. Wenn jemand kann aktuelle Musik aus Russland, Deutschland, Polen, der Tschechischen Republik, der Slowakei, der Ukraine oder Ungarn empfehlen bitte einen Kommentar mit Link oder Namen von Musikern. Ich mag eine große Auswahl an Musik.

Gute Nacht. Ich freue mich auf weitere neue Musik.

Słucham ów piosenki przez T9, rosyjskiego hip hop. Próbowałam dowiedzieć się nazwiska obecnych rosyjskich muzyków. Lubie tą piosenkę. Zawsze jak słuchanie nowej muzyki. Do tej pory bardzo lubię muzykę T9 jest. I czekamy na więcej ich muzyki. Jeśli ktoś może polecić aktualną muzykę z Rosji, Niemiec, Polski, Czech, Słowacji, Ukrainy i Węgier proszę o komentarze z linkami lub nazwisk muzyków odejść. Lubię szeroki wybór muzyki.

Dobranoc. I czekamy na więcej nowej muzyki.

Já jsem poslouchal píseň pomocí T9, ruský hip hopu. Snažil jsem se zjistit jména současných ruských hudebníků. Líbí se mi tento song. Vždycky jsem rád slyšel novou hudbu. Zatím se mi moc líbí T9 hudba. Těším se na jednání více jejich hudby. Pokud se někdo může doporučit současnou hudbu z Ruska, Německa, Polska, České republice, na Slovensku, na Ukrajině nebo v Maďarsku, prosím zanechat komentář s odkazy nebo jména hudebníků. Mám rád širokou škálu hudby.

Dobrou noc. Těším se na jednání více novou hudbu.

Ja som počúval pieseň pomocou T9, ruský hip hopu. Snažil som sa zistiť mená súčasných ruských hudobníkov. Páči sa mi tento song. Vždy som rád počul novú hudbu. Zatiaľ sa mi veľmi páči T9 hudba. Teším sa na rokovania viac ich hudby. Ak sa niekto môže odporučiť súčasnú hudbu z Ruska, Nemecka, Poľska, Českej republike, na slovenských, na Ukrajine alebo v Maďarsku, prosím zanechať komentár s odkazy alebo mená hudobníkov. Mám rád širokú škálu hudby.

Dobrú noc. Teším sa na rokovania viac novú hudbu.

Я слухаю пісню ів T9, російська хіп-хоп. Я намагався з'ясувати імена нинішніх російських музикантів. Я люблю цю пісню. Я завжди люблю чути нову музику. До цих пір я дуже люблю музику T9 в. Я з нетерпінням чекаю, щоб почути більше їх музики. Якщо хто-небудь може порекомендувати поточний музику з Росії, Німеччини, Польщі, Чехії, Словаччини, України та Угорщини, будь ласка, залиште коментар з посиланнями або імена музикантів. Мені подобається широкий спектр музики.

Надобраніч. Я з нетерпінням чекаємо більше нової музики.

Hallgatom s dal T9, egy orosz hip-hop. Már próbálják kideríteni a nevét jelenlegi orosz zenészek. Szeretem ezt a dalt. Mindig szeretem hallani az új zene. Eddig nagyon szeretem T9 zenéje. Alig várom, hogy a tárgyaláson több zenéjüket. Ha valaki tud ajánlani aktuális zenei Oroszországból, Németországból, Lengyelországból, a Cseh Köztársaság, Szlovákia, Ukrajna, illetve Magyarország szóljon hozzá linkeket, neveket zenészek. Szeretem sokféle zenét.

Jó éjszakát. Alig várom, hogy a tárgyaláson több új zenét.

I Want Never to Stop Learning,

I hope never to stop learning as long as I am able. Along with continuing to learn languages I want to learn the histories of different countries. One of the countries about which I would like to learn is Portugal. I think I would be able to learn how to communicate in that country. I studied Brazilian Portuguese, but I should be able to learn to communicate in both countries. I would like to learn how the language developed. I can understand people from both Portugal and Brazil somewhat. I need practice. I love the fados that I have heard from Portugal.

I read a history of the Basque people. It was a very interesting book. I would like to learn more about that language. I know almost nothing about it. I only know that nobody really knows its origin. Some say that the only language it resembles is Hungarian. I wonder if some day there will be a Basque nation.

I also want to learn about Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, and other countries.

I need to plan my time better so I can be a better blogger.

Na shledanou.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Reminiscing About MY First Relationship

Before my first real relationship I had had roommates whom I saw nude, and this was not usually a prelude to sex. I did not automatically think that because a man was nude he necessarily wanted to do something of a sexual nature. Sometimes male roommates would be passing by from the shower to their bedrooms. This caused problems in my first relationship later. He would sometimes go from the shower to his bedroom nude. I did not know until some time had passed that he had expected me to follow him into his bedroom to play around. It would have been nice if he had given a bit more of a hint. Well, to be honest,  sexual play with him was boring. He mostly wanted to cuddle and rub our cocks together. The few times I sucked him off he insisted on wearing a condom. I did not like that taste. This was in the early 1990's, so this was understandable. He never gave any indication that he wanted me to suck him more frequently, but he later said that he wished that I had done so. One of the main problems in our relationship was that he did not want anyone to know that we were lovers, not even people who knew we were both gay. He was afraid that there would be rumors if we split up. I tried to get him to focus more on keeping the relationship going instead of what would happen if we broke up. That was one of the main cause of our  breakup. I am not blameless in the relationship not lasting. I was not experienced with relationships. I do not want to be in another relationship with someone who does not want to acknowledge the relationship in front of others.

I Enjoy Spontaneity.

I have always preferred to give gifts to loved ones spontaneously rather than on occasions when gifts are expected. I like to give out of love rather than obligation. One of my exes could not understand. This does not mean that I would not give gifts on holidays and birthday. I just enjoy doing it more on other occasions. Sometimes I would see something that would make me think of him, and I would buy it for him. I am good at remembering what people like, and I enjoy giving things that the receiver will like. I would prefer receiving gifts in the same way. There is less pressure when gifts are given spontaneously. One of my exes would want me to do things for him when he did things for me. I preferred doing things out of love rather than out of a feeling of obligation. He was also my first relationship that was based more on love rather than sex, so I was learning. We are still friends, and his friendship is valuable to me. I hope someday to find someone to whom I can show love spontaneously and whom I can please.

Guten Tag.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Not Being Able to Communicate Means Not Being Able to Have a Relationship

On Facebook, Tagged and Google+ I keep getting contacted by guys who say that they want to be in a relationship with me. With some of these men there is a communication problem. Sometimes we do not speak the same language. Sometimes they only communicate with emojis. I try to let these people that without communication that a relationship is impossible. Even if we met in person how can I have a relationship with someone when we cannot talk to each other. It is possible that with time we could each learn the other's language, but I do not think I would want to move to another country to be with someone I do not know. I would be tempted to do this with someone in Germany, Russia, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Ukraine or another country in that part of the world. I would be making the move not just to meet one person, but, as I have said before. I feel drawn to that part of the world. As for the guys who only communicate in emojis: I would think that if someone loved me he would have things to tell me. Some guys have accused me of being mean, but open communication is essential for any relationship. I would love to be able to suck the cocks of guys in many countries, but I would also love to be in a relationship with w man with whom I could travel around Europe. Whether or not I would suck multiple cocks would be a decision we would make together, but I would want to please him.

Dobrou noc.

Slovenia: A History by Stane Stanič

I finished reading Slovenia, a history by Stane Stanič. It is an interesting book with beautiful photography. Reading this book makes me want even more to visit this country. It may be a small country, but it is rich in history and culture. According to the author of this book, Thomas Jefferson was influenced by this country when writing the Declaration of Independence. It has had a long history of the rights of the people. In spite of other countries trying to wipe out their national identity, the Slovene people have proved to be resilient and strong. How they gained their independence in 1991 proves this. Slovenia is diverse geographically. There are many caves to be explored. One has a concert hall that seats 10,000 people. I have long wanted to try cross-country skiing. I hope that by the time I am able to visit this country it will still be possible to do that there. I would also like to try the beers and wines of that country. There is also a large literary output in Slovenia. They also have a long musical and artistic history. The Slovene Philharmonic Orchestra has roots that go back many years. This book also makes me want to learn more about this country and its language.

I would also like to learn more about the author of this book. He became a journalist when he was fifteen years old. He was accused of "spying on the behalf of America," and he spent five years in jail. He later specialized in scientific writing. He has been involved in the making of about seventy documentaries. I have not been able to find out anything about him online.

According to Wikipedia Slovenia is the most liberal towards the LGBT community in Central Europe. Discrimination based on sexual orientation is not legal. There are gay clubs in Ljubljana. There has still been gay bashing in this country.

Will I ever be able to spend time in Slovenia and learn the language? I know that I will not be able to learn all of the languages that I want to learn, but I will not give up trying to learn as much as I can.

Sem prebral v Slovenia, zgodovino Stane Stanič. To je zanimiva knjiga z lepo fotografijo. Branju te knjige me želijo še več, da obiščete to državo. Lahko je majhna država, vendar je bogata z zgodovino in kulturo. Po mnenju avtorja te knjige, je bil Thomas Jefferson pod vplivom te države pri pisanju deklaracije o neodvisnosti. Prav je imel dolgo zgodovino pravic ljudi. Kljub drugih državah trudijo, da bi izbrisala svoje nacionalne identitete, so se Slovenci izkazali za odporne in močne. Kako so pridobili svojo neodvisnost leta 1991 dokazuje to. Slovenija je raznolika geografsko. Obstajajo številne jame, da je treba raziskati. Eno je, koncertno dvorano, ki Sedeži 10.000 ljudi. Sem že dolgo želel preizkusiti v teku na smučeh. Upam, da do takrat, ko sem lahko obiskali to državo, bo še vedno mogoče storiti, da obstaja. Prav tako bi rad, da bi poskušali piva in vina v tej državi. Obstaja tudi velika literarna proizvodnja v Sloveniji. Imajo tudi dolgo glasbeno in umetniško zgodovino. Orkester Slovenske filharmonije ima korenine, ki segajo mnogo let nazaj. Ta knjiga je tudi me želijo izvedeti več o tej državi in ​​njenem jeziku.

Prav tako bi radi izvedeli več o avtorju te knjige. Je postal novinar, ko je bil star petnajst let. Bil je obtožen "vohunjenja o imenu Amerike," in je preživel pet let v zaporu. Kasneje je specializirano znanstvenega pisanja. Sodeloval je pri nastajanju približno sedemdeset dokumentarcev. Nisem mogla izvedeti ničesar o njem na spletu.

Po Wikipedia Sloveniji je najbolj liberalna proti LGBT skupnosti v Srednji Evropi. Diskriminacija na podlagi spolne usmerjenosti, ni zakonito. Obstajajo gej klube v Ljubljani. Tam je vedno bil gej bashing v tej državi.

Bom kdaj lahko preživijo čas v Sloveniji in se naučijo jezika? Vem, da se ne bodo mogli naučiti vse jezike, da želim, da se naučijo, vendar ne bom dal gor poskuša toliko, kot sem lahko naučijo.

Ich beendete das Lesen Slowenien, eine Geschichte von Stane Stanič. Es ist ein interessantes Buch mit schönen Fotografie. Die Lektüre dieses Buches macht mich noch mehr wollen, dieses Land zu besuchen. Es kann ein kleines Land sein, aber es ist reich an Geschichte und Kultur ist. Laut dem Autor dieses Buches, wurde Thomas Jefferson von diesem Land beim Schreiben der Unabhängigkeitserklärung beeinflusst. Es hat eine lange Geschichte der Rechte des Volkes hatten. Trotz der in anderen Ländern versuchen, auszulöschen ihre nationale Identität, haben die slowenischen Volkes bewiesen robust und stark zu sein. Wie sie ihre Unabhängigkeit im Jahr 1991 gewonnen beweist dies. Slowenien ist vielfältig geographisch. Es gibt viele Höhlen, erkundet zu werden. Man hat ein Konzertsaal, der 10.000 Menschen Platz bietet. Ich habe lange wollte Langlaufen versuchen. Ich hoffe, dass durch die Zeit, Ich bin in der Lage, dieses Land zu besuchen wird es noch möglich sein, dass es zu tun. Ich möchte auch die Biere und Weine des Landes zu versuchen. Es gibt auch eine große literarische Produktion in Slowenien. Sie haben auch eine lange musikalische und künstlerische Geschichte. Die slowenische Philharmonie hat Wurzeln, die viele Jahre zurückgehen. Dieses Buch macht auch mir den Wunsch, mehr über das Land und seine Sprache zu lernen.

Ich würde auch gerne mehr über den Autor dieses Buches lernen. Er wurde Journalist, als er 15 Jahre alt war. Er wurde beschuldigt, "Spionage im Auftrag von Amerika", und er verbrachte fünf Jahre im Gefängnis. Später spezialisierte sich auf wissenschaftliches Schreiben. Er hat bei der Herstellung von etwa siebzig Dokumentarfilmen beteiligt. Ich habe nicht in der Lage, etwas über ihn herauszufinden Online.

Laut Wikipedia Slowenien ist die liberale Richtung der LGBT-Gemeinschaft in Mitteleuropa. Diskriminierung aufgrund der sexuellen Orientierung ist nicht legal. Es gibt Homosexuell Clubs in Ljubljana. Dass noch immer Homosexuell bashing in diesem Land.

Werde ich jemals in der Lage, Zeit in Slowenien und die Sprache zu lernen sein? Ich weiß, dass ich nicht in der Lage, alle Sprachen, die ich lernen will lernen, aber ich werde nicht aufgeben, versuchen, so viel wie ich kann, zu lernen.