Monday, November 30, 2015

You Need to Know Someone Before You Can Truly Love Them

Lately guys online say that they love me. These are guys who do not know me. We have not met, and have not shared anything about our lives. I tell them that it is not possible to really love someone you do not know. Truly knowing someone is not just knowing facts about that person. Open communication is necessary for people to know each other. It is through telling about our daily lives that we get to know each other. The sharing of things that matter to us aids us to get to know each other. Sometimes it scares me when guys tell me that they think about me all of the time. I do not want someone to be that obsessed with me. I do not think that much about people I love very much. I do enjoy having sex with people I do not know well or with friends. I would probably have sex with someone with whom I want an intimate relationship. I still do not want a a relationship with a friend or lover that is based solely on sex. For me communication is very important. I want to be able to talk about the things that matter to me. I do not want to feel the need to hide any aspect of my life. Sucking, fucking, cuddling and kissing are fun, but other things are needed for a healthy relationship. I enjoy being submissive, but I need to know that there are love and respect. I have a lot to give in a relationship, and I look forward to the day that I am able to give what I have to give.

Boa noite, mes amis.

Miguel Bosé: Papito

A CD by Miguel Bosé is helping me to get started this morning. "Papito" is a CD that has newer recordings of his older songs. He rerecorded these songs other singers, Michael Stipe, Ricky Martin, Shakira, Sasha Sokol and others. I am not familiar with the original recordings of these songs, but I like these updates. "Bambú," recorded with Ricky Martin, stands out. "Morena mía," with Julieta Venegas, is also a fun song. I would like to compare these recordings with the original versions. In the cover photo Miguel Bosé is shirtless and is made to look like he has the collaborators' faces and names tattooed on his arms and upper chest. To be honest one of the things that led me to buy this CD was the photo on the front. He looks sexy in it with his nipples and navel showing. One thing that I like about this CD is that the rhythms are varied, and there is a wide variation of instrumentation and musical styles. If I remember I will check out his older recordingd and those by some of his collaborators, Alaska, Shakira, Alejandro Sanz and Ivete Sangalo for example. Believe it or not I have heard very little by Shakira.

I am not ready to do it yet, but I need to get ready for my work day.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

A Quick Post Before Bed

One thing that i do not like about working where I do is that I have to depend on my sister for a ride to and from work. She has gotten tired of giving me a ride, and I do not like to have to depend on somebody else for transportation. We barely speak during the ride. We have very little in common. This is not a question of either being better than the other. We are just different. Sometimes it seems that we are speaking different languages. I spent a lot of time away from here, and my vocabulary has changed. We sound like we are from different countries, and we are from the same family. I can only be who I am. I am happy with who I am. I have an international point of view. I am not saying i am better than anyone else, but I cannot understand how anybody could limit themselves to music and films in their own language. I want to continue to expand my knowledge of languages. I want to continue to meet people from around the world. Maybe some day I will change my profession to Vlk Leafe: Professional Asshole and International Cocksucker.

Gute Nacht.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

My Least Favorite Question

When meeting people on Facebook and other social media the first question is often "What do you do for a living?" One of the reason I do not like this question is that I fear being judged because of my job. It is not a job that I would want to have, and it does not reflect who I am as a person. I would like to have a job that fits my interests and abilities better. The only thing about this job that fits into my interests is that I am able to speak and hear Spanish. If I had a better job I might not be bothered so much by this question. Sometimes I tell people that I don't want to talk about my job, and sometimes they keep asking about it. I do not mind talking about my job after we have discussed other things first. I prefer for people to know who I am as a person before I talk to them about what I do for a living. We should not judge others because of their jobs. We should not judge other people anyway. What job a person has may not reflect who they are as a person. First it is a good idea to learn what led them to their current position and if it is what they would like to be doing with their lives. I will be happy when my life is not so compartmentalized. Wherever I am I remain the same person.

Gute Nacht, Boa Noite, Доброй ночи, Надобраніч, Noapte buna, Dobrú noc, Dobrou noc, Lahko noč, Bonsoir, Buenas noches.

Slovenija, Slowenien

I just started reading a history of Slovenia. I first started learning about that country through reading about Laibach, who are from Slovenia, and the books of Slavoj Žižek. I first read about Laibach in reading about Rammstein. Some people said that Rammstein were an imitation of Laibach. I learned about Slavoj Žižek in connection with a book about Laibach. This book has beautiful photography and is very interesting. I want to continue educating myself as long as possible. I have read before that there are twenty-five dialects of the Slovenian language in the country. According to this book there are fifty. I will write more about what I learn later.

Pravkar sem začel brati zgodovino Slovenije. Najprej sem začel učiti o tej državi skozi branje o Laibach, ki so iz Slovenije, in knjig Slavoja Žižka. Sem prvič bral o Laibachu v branje o Rammstein. Nekateri pravijo, da so Rammstein imitacija Laibach. Sem se naučil o Slavoja Žižka v povezavi s knjigo o Laibach. Ta knjiga ima lepo fotografijo in je zelo zanimivo. Rad bi še naprej sam vzgojo čim dlje. Prebral sem prej, da obstaja petindvajset narečja slovenskega jezika v državi. Po tej knjigi je petdeset. Bom napisal več o tem, kaj naučim kasneje.

Ich habe gerade angefangen zu lesen eine Geschichte von Slowenien. Ich zum ersten Mal etwas über dieses Land durch das Lesen über Laibach, die aus Slowenien sind, und die Bücher von Slavoj Žižek. Ich zum ersten Mal über Laibach bei der Lektüre über Rammstein. Einige Leute sagten, dass Rammstein waren eine Nachahmung Laibach. Ich erfuhr von Slavoj Žižek in Verbindung mit einem Buch über Laibach. Dieses Buch hat schöne Fotografie und ist sehr interessant. Ich möchte weiterhin mich so lange wie möglich zu erziehen. Ich habe schon gelesen, dass es fünfundzwanzig Dialekte der slowenischen Sprache im Land. Nach diesem Buch gibt es fünfzig. Ich schreibe mehr über das, was ich später erfahren.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Patti Smith

Patti Smith has long been one of my favorite singers and poets. It is hard for me to believe that it has been forty years since her first album with the Patti Smith Group, "Horses," was released. I was introduced to her music by a very good friend. He suggested that I listen to her music instead of that of Janis Ian when I was depressed. He liked both singers. I listen to both, but Patti Smith is more likely to lift my mood. I am listening to "Radio Ethiopia," the second album by the Patti Smith Group. Her lyrics are powerful. Well that is not surprising, since she was a poet before becoming a singer. The performances by all of the musicians on this album are also powerful. This album was more experimental than "Horses." It has some of my favorite songs, "Pissing in a River," "Pumping (My Heart)," "Distant Fingers," and "Ain't It Strange." All of the album is great. There is not anything about the album that I don't like. It holds up to multiple listenings.

Gute Nacht.

Liebe ist für alle da: Rammstein

I am starting of another day with with Rammstein, Their CD, "Liebe ist für alle da." The first song I heard from this CD was "Pussy." It has a video that would be considered. In it the members of the band have sex with women, and it shows them ejaculating. Even if it is heterosexual sex it is still a sexy video. I was surprised when I heard the song, It is not surprising that a lot of this song is in English. "You've got a pussy, I have a dick. So what's the problem? Let's do it quick." TIll speaks about not being able to get laid in Germany. He would not have that problem with me around. "Frühling in Paris." It is built around Édith Piaf's song,"Je ne regrettte rien." That song is one of my favorites. "Frühling in Paris" is Rammstein's softer songs. The photographs on the CD case are interesting. They are reminiscent of Rembrandt's paintings, but they seem to be photographs of human bodies getting cut up on dining room tables. I saw on Wikipedia that Rammstein is planning a new CD. I look froward to its release.

Ich fange an einem anderen Tag mit mit Rammstein, Die CD, "Liebe ist für alle da." Der erste Song, den ich von dieser CD zu hören war "Pussy". Es hat ein Video, das in Betracht gezogen werden würde. In ihm die Mitglieder der Band haben Sex mit Frauen, und es zeigt sie ejakulieren. Auch wenn es heterosexuellen Sex ist es noch ein sexy Video. Ich war überrascht, als ich hörte das Lied, Es ist nicht verwunderlich, dass viele dieser Song ist in englischer Sprache. "You've got a pussy, I have a dick. So what's the problem? Let's do it quick." Bis spricht über nicht in der Lage, um in Deutschland gelegt bekommen. Er würde nicht mit mir haben dieses Problem herum. "Frühling in Paris." Es ist rund Édith Piaf Lied, gebaut "Je ne regrettte rien." Dieser Song ist einer meiner Favoriten. "Frühling in Paris" ist Rammstein weicheren Songs. Die Fotos auf der CD-Hülle sind interessant. Sie erinnern an Rembrandts Gemälden, aber sie scheinen zu sein, Fotos von menschlichen Körpern Aufstehen auf Esstischen geschnitten. Ich sah auf Wikipedia, dass Rammstein plant eine neue CD. Ich freue froward zu seiner Freilassung.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

A Thanksgiving Memory: Eating a Turkey in the Morning

I have spent many Thanksgivings by myself over the years, but I do have some fun memories of one of them. One year I was in the apartment of a friend who was out of town. The night before Thanksgiving I slept in his bed with another friend. When we woke up on Thanksgiving morning I went down between his legs and sucked him off. His cum was my special meal for the day. He did not stay after he got out of bed, but I did enjoy being able to suck him off the first thing in the morning. I later learned some surprising things about him though. He worked as a secretary for a company that provided security for the local coliseum. The people who ran the company were arrested on drug charges. He was charged with manufacturing cocaine and selling cocaine over the phone. I would have never suspected that he would have been involved in anything like that. He was the turkey I ate for Thanksgiving that year, but he was more fun to eat.

I do like waking up in the morning next to a guy who will let me take his cock in my mouth first thing in the morning. Well, I am happy to suck a cock any time. You know that already though.


Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Arthur & George by Julian Barnes

Earlier today I finished reading Arthut & George, a novel by Julian Barnes. It is based on true events from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and George Edalji. George Edalji was an English solicitor. His father was Parsi and a vicar in the Church of England. His mother was English. I do not think I have to explain who Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The book deals with their upbringings. George Edalji and his family are sent anonymous, threatening letters. After he has become la solicitor there are animals slaughtered in the area close to his home. The police had accused him of the anonymous letters along with other misdeeds that he had not done. They accuse him of killing the animals. He is given a jail sentence with labor. The sentence is for seven years, but he is paroled after seven. The police case against him was feeble, but he was still convicted. He appeals to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. He sends articles pertaining to the case. Doyle decides to help him. He is convinced of his innocence. Edalji has not been able to continue his career as a solicitor because of the conviction. Doyle seeks to have his conviction overturned and for Edalji to be compensated financially for the jail term. He succeeds in one but not the other. He thinks that the problems that he had with the police were racially motivated. Edalji does not believe this to be the case. As a result of what happened in this case a court of appeal was initiated in England. It is a very well written book that is hard to put down. It also deals with other aspects of George Edalji's life and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's life, such as Doyle's books and his growing involvement in spiritualism. This book has led me to want to read more books by both Julian Barnes and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Reading this novel was time well spent.

I Want to Be Able to Give of Myself to Friends.

I do not think it would be a good idea for me to live alone now unless I was close to friends. I think this would be true even if I was making enough money to be able to afford to so do. I would still need time by myself, but I need to spend time with other people. Spending too much alone is not good for anybody's physical, emotional or mental health. I need to find balance. I can feel good about who I am without other people confirming that, but it helps to have people who want to spend time with me. I also need to be able to give of myself to others. It also helps me if others what I have to give. I want to be a friend that other people count on. I do not turn my back on friends. I also want to be involved in something larger than myself, be it LGBTQ rights, human rights in general or a peaceful revolution. Also it is not too late for me to be an international cocksucker and someone who pleases men in many countries.

Nie sądzę, że będzie to dobry pomysł dla mnie żyć samotnie teraz, chyba że było blisko do znajomych. Myślę, że byłoby to prawdą, nawet jeśli robił wystarczająco dużo pieniędzy, aby móc sobie pozwolić, aby tak zrobić. Chciałbym jeszcze potrzebują czasu sam, ale potrzebuję, aby spędzić czas z innymi ludźmi. Spędzać zbyt dużo sam nie jest dobre dla fizycznego, emocjonalnego i psychicznego zdrowia czyimś. Muszę znaleźć równowagę. Czuję się dobrze, kim jestem, nie potwierdzając, że inni ludzie, ale to pomaga na ludzi, którzy chcą spędzić czas ze mną. Ja również muszą być w stanie dać z siebie innym. To również pomaga mi, czy inni, co muszę dać. Chcę być przyjacielem, że inni ludzie liczyć. I nie odwracaj się plecami przyjaciół. Ja też chcę być zaangażowany w coś większego niż ja, czy to prawa LGBTQ, prawa człowieka w ogóle, albo pokojowa rewolucja. Także to nie jest za późno dla mnie być międzynarodowa cocksucker i ktoś, kto zechce ludzi w wielu krajach.

Я не думаю, что это будет хорошая идея для меня, чтобы жить в одиночестве в настоящее время, если я не был близко к друзьям. Я думаю, что это было бы верно, даже если я делал достаточно денег, чтобы быть в состоянии позволить себе так делать. Я бы все равно нужно время, сам, но мне нужно, чтобы провести время с другими людьми. Расходы слишком много в одиночку это не хорошо для физического, эмоционального или психического здоровья каждого. Мне нужно найти баланс. Я могу чувствовать себя хорошо о том, кто я без других людей, подтверждая, что, но это помогает, чтобы люди, которые хотят, чтобы провести время со мной. Я также должны быть в состоянии дать о себе другим. Это также помогает мне, если другие, что я должен дать. Я хочу быть другом, что другие люди рассчитывать. Я не отвернусь от друзей. Я также хочу, чтобы участвовать в чем-то большем, чем сам, будь то ЛГБТ права, права человека в целом или мирная революция. Также не слишком поздно для меня, чтобы быть международным членосос и кто угодно мужчин во многих странах.

Eu não acho que seria uma boa idéia para eu viver sozinho agora, a menos que eu estava perto de amigos. Eu acho que isso seria verdadeiro mesmo se eu estava fazendo dinheiro suficiente para ser capaz de dar ao luxo de fazer assim. Eu ainda preciso de tempo por mim, mas eu preciso para passar o tempo com outras pessoas. Passar muito por si só não é bom para, saúde emocional ou mental física de ninguém. Eu preciso encontrar o equilíbrio. I pode se sentir bem sobre quem eu sou, sem outras pessoas confirmando que, mas que ajuda a ter pessoas que querem passar algum tempo comigo. Eu também preciso ser capaz de dar de mim mesmo para os outros. Ele também me ajuda se os outros o que eu tenho para dar. Eu quero ser um amigo que outras pessoas contar. Eu não virar as costas para os amigos. Eu também quero ser envolvido em algo maior do que eu, seja ele de direitos LGBT, direitos humanos em geral ou uma revolução pacífica. Também não é tarde demais para mim ser um cocksucker internacional e alguém que agrada aos homens em muitos países.

Ich glaube nicht, es wäre eine gute Idee für mich, allein zu leben, wenn ich war in der Nähe Freunde sein. Ich denke, das wäre wahr, selbst wenn ich genug Geld, um sich leisten können, dies zu tun. Ich würde immer noch Zeit brauchen von mir, aber ich brauche, um Zeit mit anderen Menschen zu verbringen. Zu viel allein ist nicht gut für die körperliche, emotionale oder geistige Gesundheit niemandes. Ich brauche, um Balance zu finden. Ich kann gut über, wer ich bin, ohne andere Menschen bestätigt wird, dass das Gefühl, aber es hilft, um Menschen, die Zeit mit mir verbringen wollen. Ich muss auch in der Lage, mich an andere weitergeben können. Es hilft mir, auch wenn andere, was ich zu geben habe. Ich möchte ein Freund, dass andere Menschen rechnen sein. Ich weiß nicht wieder Freunde zu machen. Ich möchte auch etwas größer als ich selbst, sei es LGBTQ Rechte, Menschenrechte im Allgemeinen und eine friedliche Revolution beteiligt sein. Auch ist es nicht zu spät für mich eine internationale Schwanzlutscher und jemand, der Menschen in vielen Ländern erfreut zu sein.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Thanks to My Friends

I have friends with whom I am not in contact, but I know that they are still friends. I hope that I can be a loving, caring friend for them too. I have friends on Facebook, Twitter, Tagged and Google+. I have not met many of these friends in person yet, but their friendship still helps me to feel less alone. Being on these sites has helped me to connect with people with whom I share interests. Some of these interests are sexual, but some of them have to do with music, languages, films and other things. I am thankful for being able to meet people with whom I can be open about who I am.

Ich habe Freunde, mit denen ich nicht in Kontakt, aber ich weiß, dass sie immer noch Freunde. Ich hoffe, dass ich eine liebevolle, fürsorgliche Freund für sie zu sein. Ich habe Freunde auf Facebook, Twitter, Tagged und Google+. Ich habe nicht erfüllt viele dieser Freunde in Person noch nicht, aber ihre Freundschaft noch hilft mir, weniger allein fühlen. Wobei auf diesen Seiten hat mir geholfen, mit den Menschen, mit denen ich Interessen teilen zu verbinden. Einige dieser Interessen sind sexuelle, aber einige von ihnen haben, um mit Musik, Sprachen, Filme und andere Dinge zu tun. Ich bin dankbar für die Möglichkeit, Menschen, mit denen ich über wer ich bin offen sein, gerecht zu werden.

У мене є друзі, з якими я не в контакті, але я знаю, що вони як і раніше друзі. Я сподіваюся, що я можу бути люблячим, турботливим другом для них теж. У мене є друзі на Facebook, Twitter, Google+ і влучною. Я не зустрічав багатьох з цих друзів в обличчя ще, але їх дружба ще допомагає мені почувати себе менш самотнім. Перебуваючи на цих сайтах допоміг мені спілкуватися з людьми, з якими я поділяю інтереси. Деякі з цих інтересів сексуальна, але деякі з них мають відношення до музики, мов, фільми і багато іншого. Я вдячний за можливість познайомитися з людьми, з якими я можу бути відкриті про те, хто я.

У меня есть друзья, с которыми я не в контакте, но я знаю, что они по-прежнему друзья. Я надеюсь, что я могу быть любящим, заботливым другом для них тоже. У меня есть друзья на Facebook, Twitter, Google+ и меткой. Я не встречал многих из этих друзей в лицо еще, но их дружба еще помогает мне чувствовать себя менее одиноким. Находясь на этих сайтах помог мне общаться с людьми, с которыми я разделяю интересы. Некоторые из этих интересов сексуальная, но некоторые из них имеют отношение к музыке, языкам, фильмы и многое другое. Я благодарен за возможность познакомиться с людьми, с которыми я могу быть открыты о том, кто я.

Mam przyjaciół, z którymi nie jestem w kontakcie, ale wiem, że nadal są przyjaciółmi. Mam nadzieję, że mogę być kochający, opiekuńczy przyjaciel dla nich. Mam przyjaciół na Facebooku, Twitterze, oznakować i Google+. Nie spotkałem wielu z tych przyjaciół osobiście jeszcze, ale ich przyjaźń nadal pomaga mi czuć się mniej samotnie. Będąc na tych stronach pomógł mi połączyć się z ludźmi, z którymi dzielę interesów. Niektóre z tych zainteresowań są seksualne, ale niektóre z nich mają do czynienia z muzyką, języków, filmów i innych rzeczy. Jestem wdzięczny za możliwość spotkania ludzi z którymi mogę być otwarte na temat, kim jestem.

It Is Time for Peaceful Revolution

I cannot say that I completely trust either major political party in the United States, but I mistrust the Democrats less than I do Republicans. I doubt that members of congress from either party would vote to reduce the outrageously large pensions that they receive when they leave office. This probably is more of a burden than the social services that many conservatives want to reduce. I doubt that either party will do anything to reduce the influence of big money on election and legislation. There are some whom I would trust to fight for this, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders for example, but I doubt that there are many others. I hope I am wrong, but I am skeptical.

Conservatives say that they want to stop the government to stay out of their lives, but they want the government to keep people from doing things that they do not like. They want to stop two men or two women from marrying each other. They want to control women's healthcare decisions. They want to be able to display Christian symbols in government places and to exclude non-Christian ones. They want to exclude non-Christian refugees from entering the country. They want to continue the prohibition of marijuana. They are only interested in freedom for white, rich Christians. They say that raising the minimum wage would cause the loss of jobs, but this has proven not to be true. It stimulates the economy. If people make more money they are less dependent on government services, and more money enters the economy. When tax breaks are given to the rich the money they save sits in their bank accounts benefiting no one but the rich and banks.

It is time for a strong democratic socialist party. Socialism is not evil. It is just another system that can be good or bad. It is time for the 99% in this country to take this country out of the control of the 1%.

Monday, November 23, 2015

A Rant About Freedom and Refugees

The U.S.A. calls itself the land of the free, yet there are people who want to keep non-Christians out of the country. We are supposed to have freedom of religion. Keeping out refugees who are not Christian goes this freedom. I repeat that many people confuse freedom of religion with the freedom to hate and discriminate. What happened to the idea of welcoming those "yearning to breath free." There are those who want to make this a country where people who think and believe differently and look different are excluded. Much has been made of the fact that Native Americans were present at what was considered the first Thanksgiving. The mass genocide that came later is not mentioned in these tales. The so-called Christians who preach hatred of Muslims and members of the LGBTQ communities make me understand more and more what Gandhi meant when he said that he wanted to be a Christian until he met one. Id this really the land of the free? There are those who want only conservative Christians to enjoy this freedom.

Dream Morning (Adult Content)

Waking up this morning is proving to be a bit difficult this morning. I wish I could wake up next to a man. I would wake up ready to serve him. The first thing I would do is to kneel by him and take his cock in my mouth and drink his first pee of the morning. I would then go start coffee brewing. I would then use the toilet myself. Then I would cook breakfast for us. I would cook whatever he wants. I would serve him breakfast wherever he wants. If his sausage is the only thing he wants me to eat I will be happy with that, knowing that I will get a creamy reward. I would give him a morning tongue bath, paying particular attention to his cock, balls, hole, pits and feet. I would gladly help him get ready for his day and to get ready for my own day. His needs would come first, of course. I will happy when this dream becomes reality.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Tři Sestry and Doga

Tři Sestry is one of my favorite groups. I first saw their name in the title of a song by Orlík. I have one CD by Tři Sestry. I had another, but I loaned it to someone who never returned it. Fortunately I can listen to more of their music on YouTube. "Metalice," one of the songs on the CD that I have, starts off with a line from The Beatles' song, "She Loves You." Then they say "Beatles fuck off." They are a Czech punk band. I have been a punk since 1979, so it should surprise no one that I would be a fan of their music.

Doga is a Czech metal band whose music I found on YouTube. I just listened to one of their CD's, "Detox," there. I do not know anything about the band. I will do research later. German and Slavic languages seem to fit metal music well. This is one band whose I like upon hearing the first time. I hope I can find more music by them.

It is time for me to masturbate then go to bed. Goodnight.

Tři Sestry je jedna z mých oblíbených skupin. Poprvé jsem viděl své jméno v názvu skladby, která byla Orlík. Mám jedno CD od Tři sestry. Měl jsem jiný, ale půjčil jsem si to s někým, kdo ji nikdy se vrátil. Naštěstí můžu poslouchat více jejich hudby na YouTube. "Metalice," řekl jeden z písní na CD, které mám, začíná s linkou z písní Beatles, "She loves you." Pak řeknou "Beatles fuck off." Jsou česká punková kapela. Byl jsem punková od roku 1979, takže by to mělo překvapovat nikoho, že bych byl fanoušek jejich hudby.

Doga je česká metalová kapela jehož hudba jsem našel na serveru YouTube. Jen jsem poslouchal jednu z jejich CD, "Detox", tam. Nevím nic o kapele. Budu dělat výzkum později. Němečtí a slovanské jazyky se zdá, aby se vešly metal dobře. To je jedna kapela, jejíž Líbí se mi, když slyšel poprvé. Doufám, že se mi podaří najít více hudby jimi.

Je na čase, abych se masturbovat a pak jít do postele. Dobrou noc.

Tři Sestry ist eine meiner Lieblingsgruppen. Ich sah zuerst ihren Namen in den Titel der einen Song von Orlík. Ich habe eine CD von Tři Sestry. Ich hatte eine andere, aber ich lieh es für jemanden, der noch nie gab es zurück. Glücklicherweise kann ich mehr von ihrer Musik auf YouTube zu hören. "Metalice", einer der Songs auf der CD, die ich habe, beginnt mit einer Linie vom Lied der Beatles, "She Loves You". Dann sagen sie "Beatles fuck off." Sie sind eine tschechische Punkband. Ich habe seit 1979 ein Punk, so sollte es niemanden, dass ich ein Fan ihrer Musik überraschen.

Doga ist eine tschechische-Metal-Band, deren Musik ich auf YouTube gefunden. Ich hörte eine ihrer CDs, "Detox", gibt. Ich weiß nichts über die Band wissen. Ich werde Forschungs später. Deutsch und slawischen Sprachen scheinen Metal-Musik gut passen. Dies ist eine Band, deren Ich mag beim Hören der ersten Zeit. Ich hoffe, ich kann alles von ihnen zu finden.

Es ist Zeit für mich, dann masturbiere ins Bett gehen. Gute Nacht.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Post with Adult Content

I am often reminded of something that Ilka Chase, an actress and novelist, said in her 1942 autobiography, Past Imperfect. She said that the reason that she was not promiscuous was the lack of opportunity. I do not remember the quote. That is how I feel at times. I would gladly suck lots of cocks, but I will have to wait until have the opportunity. If the men in this town don't want me to suck their cocks they don't know what they are missing. There is a guy I could suck, maybe I will call him with the land line. He has a nice cock and yummy cum. He wants to fuck me, but it hurts me too much to be fucked. I hope that if I am ever in a relationship with someone I really love I will be able to relax enough that it does not hurt. The last time I was fucked was in 2003. This was by a guy with a small dick. He wore a condom. I wanted to see him cum, but he had already cum in the condom. He said he would call again, but I never heard from him. He seemed to enjoy fucking me. He did cum while doing it. I do enjoy fucking a man, but I usually cannot cum until he does. There have been two exceptions to this. I was in a mall restroom when a guy handed me a condom under the stall and stuck his ass in the stall where I was so that I could fuck. It was a hot fuck. The other time was with a man who came to see me when I was home alone. We cuddled, kissed and sucked before I fucked him. I almost same while he was sucking me. I fucked him bareback and shot my load in his ass. We are in contact from time to time, but we have not been able to get together. He lives out of town. My cock-shaped hole that some people call my mouth needs to be filled.

I will continue the escapades of the Cuir Bar urinal when I am not at tired.

Gute Nacht, mes amis.

Сегодня суббота. (Heute ist Samstag.)

I am listening to "Rosenrot" by Rammstein. It is interesting to me that titles for their albums have titles that have a softer tone than their music, "Rosenrot," Herseleid," Sehnsucht," etc. My favorite dong on this disc is "Mann gegen Mann." The video has a pile of naked men. The word "Schwuler" is repeated throughout the song. This is not the first song in which they played with sexuality. In addition the title of the song bisexuality is referred to in the song. They also did this with their song "Zwitter." The album has a photograph of an icebreaker with "Rosenrot" on its bow. Another fun song on this disc is "Te quiero puta." I have gotten behind on their discs. In addition to loving their music and finding Till Lindemann's voice sexy, I continue to learn more German through listening to their songs and looking at the lyrice. I enjoy their wordplay.

Ich bin auf "Rosenrot" Hören von Rammstein. Es ist interessant, dass Titel für ihre Alben haben Titel, die einen weicheren Klang als ihre Musik, "Rosenrot" Herseleid, "Sehnsucht", etc. Meine Lieblings-dong auf dieser Scheibe ist zu haben "Mann gegen Mann." Das Video hat einen Stapel von nackten Männern. Das Wort "Schwuler" wird in dem Lied wiederholt. Dies ist nicht das erste Lied, in dem sie mit der Sexualität gespielt. Neben dem Titel des Songs bisexuality wird in dem Lied bezeichnet. Sie taten dies auch mit ihrem Song "Zwitter". Das Album hat eine Fotografie eines Eisbrechers mit "Rosenrot" auf dem Bogen. Eine weitere tolle Songs auf dieser Scheibe ist "Te quiero puta." Ich habe hinter auf ihre Scheiben bekommen. Neben liebevoll ihre Musik und Feststellung Till Lindemann Stimme sexy, ich weiterhin mehr Deutsche durch Hören ihrer Songs und schaut in die lyrice zu lernen. Ich genieße ihren Wortspielen.

Я слушаю "Rosenrot" по Rammstein. Интересно мне, что названия для своих альбомов есть названия, которые имеют более мягкий тон, чем их музыки, "Rosenrot" Herseleid "Sehnsucht" и т.д. Мой любимый дон на этом диске "Манн геген Манн." Видео имеет кучу голых мужчин. Слово "Schwuler" повторяется на протяжении всей песни. Это не первая песня, в которой они играли с сексуальностью. Кроме того, название песни бисексуальности упоминается в песне. Они также сделали это с их песней "Zwitter." Альбом имеет фотографию ледокола с "Rosenrot" на его носу. Другой забавный песня на этом диске "Те Quiero Puta». Я получил за свои диски. В дополнение к любящим свою музыку и вывод До голосом Линдемана сексуальный, я продолжаю учиться больше по-немецки, слушая их песни и, глядя на lyrice. Мне нравится их игра слов.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Is the Republican Party Turning into an American Version of the Nazi Party?

People have been comparing Donald Trump with Adolf Hitler, and this comparison is becoming more believable. Many Republicans are making statements that seem more and more like what happened during World War II. It was not just in Europe that people of certain races, religions, sexual orientations, ethnicities, etc. were persecuted. In the U.S. Japanese Americans were put into prison camps and their belongings were taken away. They were not killed, but they were persecuted because of their ethnicity. Many Japanese American were compensated for their losses, but it was too little, too late. Not allowing people to come into this country because of their religion goes against the concept of freedom of religion. I know that not all Christians are anti Muslim, just as just a very small portion of Muslims are terrorists. Some of the worst acts of terrorism in this country were not carried by Muslims. Remember Timothy McVeigh? As I have said before, too many people confuse freedom of religion with the right to discriminate and hate.

Neuč vtáka lietať

"Neuč vtáka lietať," by Richard Müller, is one of my favorite CD's. I am listening to it right now. He is one of my favorite singers. I love the music on the CD, and it brings back good memories. It brings back memories of a friend with whom I lost contact. He reminded me of my love for Slavic languages, and he helped me to start learning Czech and Slovak. He introduced me to some great Czech and Slovak music. If what someone told me is true he thought I was mostly interested in his cock. That is not true. I would have sucked it if he wanted, but what I liked most about him was that I could talk with him about my love for languages and music from around the world. He did not make me feel like I was trying to feel different. This CD also brings back memories of the short time I spent in Prague in 2004. I enjoyed learning to go into stores and carry out transactions in Czech. I really long to go back and immerse myself in the language  and drink the great beer there. I also want to learn Slovak. I wish I understood more of the lyrics on this CD. My favorite song is the title song, "Neuč vtáka lietať." One song, "Milenky Krista" features the organ of the church Svätý František z Asisi. I am not giving up my dream of going back to Europe.

"Neuč vtáky lietať," od Richarda Müllera, je jedným z mojich obľúbených CD. Ja som počúvať to práve teraz. On je jeden z mojich obľúbených spevákov. Mám rád hudbu na CD, a to privádza späť dobré spomienky. Prináša spomienky na priateľovi, s ktorým som stratil kontakt. Pripomenul mi moju lásku k slovanských jazykov, a on mi pomohol začať sa učiť po česky a slovenský. Predstavil ma nejaké veľké českej a slovenské hudby. Ak je to, čo niekto mi povedal, je pravda, že som myslel, že najväčší záujem o jeho penis. To nie je pravda. Ja by som si cucal, keby chcel, ale to, čo sa mi páčilo najviac na ňom bolo, že som mohol hovoriť s ním o svojej láske k jazyky a hudbu z celého sveta. Nemal sa cítim, akoby som sa snažil cítiť inak. Toto CD prináša spomienky na krátku dobu som strávil v Prahe v roku 2004. Páčilo sa mi učiť sa ísť do obchodov a vykonávať transakcie v slovenčine. Naozaj som dlho sa vrátiť a ponoriť v jazyku a piť výborné pivo tam. Tiež som sa chcú naučiť slovenský. Želám si, aby som pochopil, viac textov na tomto CD. Moja obľúbená pieseň je pieseň titulu, "Neuč vtáky lietať." Jedna pieseň, "Milenky Krista" predstavuje orgán cirkvi Svätý František z Asis. Nie som vzdávam svoj sen o návrate do Európy.

"Neuč vtáka lietať," od Richarda Müllera, je jedním z mých oblíbených CD. Já jsem poslouchat to právě teď. On je jeden z mých oblíbených zpěváků. Mám rád hudbu na CD, a to přivádí zpět dobré vzpomínky. Přináší vzpomínky na příteli, s nímž jsem ztratil kontakt. Připomněl mi mou lásku k slovanských jazyků, a on mi pomohl začít se učit česky a slovensky. Představil mě nějaké velké české a slovenské hudby. Pokud je to, co někdo mi řekl, je pravda, že jsem myslel, že největší zájem o jeho penis. To není pravda. Já bych si cucal, kdyby chtěl, ale to, co se mi líbilo nejvíc na něm bylo, že jsem mohl mluvit s ním o své lásce k jazyky a hudbu z celého světa. Neměl se cítím, jako bych se snažil cítit jinak. Toto CD přináší vzpomínky na krátkou dobu jsem strávil v Praze v roce 2004. Líbilo se mi učit se jít do obchodů a provádět transakce v češtině. Opravdu jsem dlouho se vrátit a ponořit v jazyce a pít výborné pivo tam. Také jsem se chtějí naučit slovensky. Přeji si, abych pochopil, více textů na tomto CD. Moje oblíbená píseň je píseň titulu, "Neuč vtáka lietať." Jedna píseň, "Milenky Krista" představuje orgán církve Svätý František z Asisi. Nejsem vzdávám svůj sen o návratu do Evropy.

"Neuč vtáka lietať," von Richard Müller, ist einer meiner Lieblings-CDs. Ich bin, es zu hören gerade jetzt. Er ist einer meiner Lieblingssänger. Ich liebe die Musik auf der CD, und es bringt gute Erinnerungen. Es weckt Erinnerungen an einen Freund, mit dem ich den Kontakt verloren. Er erinnerte mich an meine Liebe für slawische Sprachen, und er hat mir geholfen, zu lernen Tschechisch und Slowakisch. Er stellte mich einigen großen tschechischen und slowakischen Musik. Wenn das, was jemand sagte mir, ist wahr, dachte er ich hauptsächlich interessiert sein Schwanz. Das ist nicht wahr. Ich würde es angesaugt werden können, wenn er wollte, aber was mir am besten gefallen an ihm war, dass ich mit ihm über meine Liebe zu Sprachen und Musik aus der ganzen Welt zu sprechen. Er hat mich nicht das Gefühl, ich habe versucht, anders zu fühlen. Diese CD bringt auch die Erinnerung an die kurze Zeit verbrachte ich in Prag im Jahr 2004. Ich genoss das Lernen zu in die Läden gehen und Durchführung von Geschäften in Tschechien zurück. Ich wirklich lange zurück und vertiefe mich in der Sprache und trinken die große Bier gibt. Ich möchte auch auf slowakisch zu lernen. Ich wünschte, ich verstand mehrere der Texte auf dieser CD. Mein Lieblingslied ist der Titelsong, "Neuč vtáka lietať." Ein Song, "milenky Krista" verfügt über die Orgel der Kirche Svätý František z Asisi. Ich gebe nicht auf meinen Traum zurück nach Europa.

"Neuč vtáka lietať," Ричард Мюллер, является одним из моих любимых компакт-дисков. Я слушаю его прямо сейчас. Он является одним из моих любимых певцов. Я люблю музыку на компакт-диске, и это возвращает хорошие воспоминания. Это возвращает воспоминания о другом, с которым я потерял контакт. Он напомнил мне о моей любви к славянским языкам, и он помог мне начать обучение чешских и словацких. Он познакомил меня с какой-то большой чешской и словацкой музыки. Если кто-то сказал, что меня это правда, что он думал, что я был в основном заинтересованы в его член. Это неправда. Я бы сосал его, если он хотел, но то, что мне понравилось больше всего о нем, что я мог говорить с ним о моей любви к языкам и музыке со всего мира. Он не заставляет меня чувствовать себя, как я пытался чувствовать себя иначе. Этот компакт-диск также приносит воспоминания о короткого времени я провел в Праге в 2004 году я наслаждался учиться идти в магазины и осуществлять сделки на чешском языке. Я действительно долго, чтобы вернуться и погрузиться в язык и пить отличное пиво там. Я также хочу, чтобы узнать, словацкий. Я хотел понимать больше лирики на этом диске. Моя любимая песня это название песни, "Neuč vtáka lietať." Одна песня, "Миленький Криста" показывает орган церкви Светы Франтишек г Asisi. Я не даю мою мечту о возвращении в Европу.

"Neuč vtáka lietať" Richard Müller, to jedna z moich ulubionych płyt CD. Słucham go teraz. On jest jednym z moich ulubionych wokalistów. Kocham muzykę na CD, i przywraca dobre wspomnienia. Przywraca wspomnienia z przyjacielem, z którym stracił kontakt. Przypomniał mi o mojej miłości do języków słowiańskich, a on pomógł mi, aby rozpocząć naukę czeskim i słowackim. Wprowadził mnie do jakiejś wielkiej muzyki czeskiej i słowackiej. Jeśli to, co ktoś mi powiedział, jest prawdą, że myślała, że ​​jestem zainteresowany głównie jego kogut. To nie jest prawda. Ja bym dupy to jeśli chciał, ale to, co lubię najbardziej w nim było, że mogę rozmawiać z nim o mojej miłości do języków i muzyki z całego świata. Nie czuję się jak starałem się czuć inaczej. Ta płyta przynosi również wspomnienia z krótkiego czasu spędzonego w Pradze w roku 2004. I bardzo zadowoleni z nauki, aby przejść do sklepów i przeprowadzania transakcji w języku czeskim. I naprawdę długo, aby wrócić i zanurzyć się w języku i wypić świetne piwo tam. Chciałbym także dowiedzieć się, słowackim. Szkoda, że ​​nie zrozumiał więcej tekstów na tej płycie. Moja ulubiona piosenka to utwór tytułowy, "Neuč vtáka lietať." Jedna piosenka, "Milenky Krista" posiada na organach kościoła Svätý František z Asisi. Ja nie daję się moje marzenie o powrocie do Europy.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

I Am not Going to Let the Holidays Get me Down (AC)

I have often gotten sad during the holiday seasons, because I usually have spent them alone. I have let myself fall into the trap of believing that during this time of the year it is more important to be with friends and family. I think it is as important to have the support of friends and family and to give this support to others. I may be far from my friends, but they are all in my thoughts and in my heart. I am going to let myself be OK during the holidays even if I am by myself. I know that there are people who care about me. We just cannot be together right now. This is not a permanent condition. I may not be perfect, but I am happy with who I am. If anybody does not like that I am a cocksucking slut they can go fuck themselves. I do not need the permission of anybody to enjoy being who I am. I have made up my mind that I am not going to let the holiday season bring me down. I am going to keep my head up, unless I find a guy who wants to put something in my mouth.

Nico: The Marble Index

Nico was one of the most original singers to emerge in the 1960's. She it known to some people because of the Velvet Underground'd first album, "The Velvet Underground and Nico." As a teenager she appeared in Fellini's "La dolce vita." She then became a model. Later she met Andy Warhol, and this led to her appearance on that album. She sang some of Lou Reed's best lyrics on that album. "All Tomorrow's Parties" is one of my favorite songs. Nico never had any hit songs, but she had dedicated followers. She had a somewhat detached sounding voice. On "The Marble Index" she sang and played the harmonium.John Cale played instruments on this album and did the arrangements. Her music is reminds me of some of the composers of the Twentieth Century, particularly Schönberg and Webern. In concert she would often perform by herself, singing and playing the harmonium.  To me her recording of the Doors' "The End" was much more chilling than the original. The recordings of her live performance are among my favorites. She may seem detached at times, but there is an intensity to her singing. Among the musicians with whom she worked are Jackson Browne, Brian Eno and Marc Almond. She died in Ibiza when she had a heart attack while riding her bicycle. She hit her head and had a brain hemorrhage. It is said that she was on her way to buy drugs. (The manner of her death led me to start wearing a helmet when riding a bicycle.)

Na shledanou.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Xiu Xiu: A Promise

Xiu Xiu is one of the bands whose music I had to listen to a few times before I could grow to appreciate it. I have become very fond of their music. Jamie Stewart's voice can be delicate , and it can have a harder. His voice can have a heartbreaking quality. Their recording of Tracy Chapman's song "Fast Car" comes close to bringing me to tears. I enjoy the originality of their instrumentation and arrangements. There is something about there sound that reminds me of Nico. I am not saying they are imitating her. Their originality and unusual arrangements remind me of her. One of my favorite lines from one of their songs is from the song, "Walnut House:"  "Hurting my butthole like a lover would." "Sad Pony Guerrilla Girl" is a poignant song. Jamie Stewart, the band's sole constant member, has said that he is bisexual and queer. I want to hear more of their music.

Gute Nacht.

Should Workers Be Happy to Have Jobs or Should Employers be Happy to Have Workers?

Many employers and workers say that, no matter how bad a job is and how low the pay is, the workers should be happy that they have jobs. The employers should be grateful that they have workers who are willing to put up with their shit and work for them. If they did not have employees they would not be able to stay in business. Workers who are worked too much or have too much stress are less productive and make more mistakes. Workers who feel their work is appreciated are more likely to do a good job. Employees who are well paid are more likely to feel good about themselves and feel that their work has value. Treating workers like they are replaceable parts of a machine leads to lower productivity. Supervisors who treat those who work under them with respect are more likely to be treated with respect in return. I work best with minimum supervision as long as I am given all of the information that I need to do a job. I do a better job if the focus of supervisors is on rewarding good work instead of punishing mistakes. If workers do not feel that good work is appreciated they are more likely not to give a shit.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

A Note About Seeing a Sweet Guy and Elections

I spent time with a sweetheart this afternoon. I met him at a mall after he got off work. We had not been able to see each other for a few months. We always greet each other with a kiss. We went to get something to eat. Now he knows where I live. We kissed in the mall, at the place where we ate and in his truck. He is a sweet guy. I wish I could get him to move with me to where I have friends. It was nice to spend time with him.

There are people who want to make election day a federal holiday in the United States to insure that everyone will be able to vote. This is a nice idea, but not everybody in the U.S.A. gets federal holidays off from work. At my current job the only holidays on which we do not word are Thanksgiving and Christmas. We have to work all of the federal holidays. Most people who work in retail, food service, health service and industrial positions have to work on these holidays. Unfortunately making election day a federal holiday would not make it easier for many people to vote. The electoral college, the people who really elect the president of the U.S., is one reason that many people do not vote in the presidential election. Many people think that their votes do not matter. The electoral college should be eliminated. People should directly elect the president. When we vote for the president not all votes carry the same weight. How much somebody's vote is worth is dependent upon which state they live in. This needs to change. I still get angry when people refer to the President of the U.S.A. as the leader of the free world. He is the leader of the U.S.A. only. Not all of the people in this country enjoy the same freedom.


Monday, November 16, 2015

Loka Nunda (Explicit Version)

There are several reasons I like Loka Nunda. He has a great voice. His music is a lot of fun. He is a sexy gay skinhead. His videos are hot. his lyrics are sexy. In the song "Hung Punk Dude" he repeats the phrases "give head" and  "hot skinhead child" and "big hung punk dude" and "making me horny dirty skin fucker." he recorded "Cum Together" with Lynda Lush. He says "I'm going to piss on you." She sings about kidnapping two skinheads and making them fuck them until they bleed. Another great song is "Hot Leather Boy." He also did a great cover of David Bowie's song,"Putting out the Fire with Gasoline." There are sexy photos of him kissing hot men. Loka Nunda is pierced and tattooed with a shaved head, and I find all of these things incredibly sexy. He also recorded with another of my favorite singers, Nina Hagen. He is one of my friends and a contact on Linkedin. He seems like a very nice guy. He could definitely use me as a cum dump and urinal. I would enjoy making him feel good even if he wasn't such a very talented musician.

Downtown Memories (Adult Content)

I miss the days when I could go downtown in this town and easily find guys who wanted somebody to suck them off. At one time when you went into the men's restroom there would be men sucking and ducking in all three stalls at some times during the day. There would be men on benches who wanted to be sucked but did not want to do it in the public restroom. They would start a conversation and they would let you know what they really wanted. Sometimes men, when they saw me coming out of the restroom, would approach me and ask if I was looking for a friend. This would often lead me to going home with them and giving them head. I got several loads of yummy cum that way. Once a mature gentleman asked me to go for a ride with him in his car. We parked on the side of the road, and I played with his cock. Once I went to the restroom in the YMCA with a guy who called himself "the queen of the south" sucked me off. He did a great job, and I shot a load in his mouth. Another time as I was walking to the grocery store a sexy black guy approached me and asked me to go home with him. When we got there we took off our clothes and cuddled. I sucked his yummy cock and was rewarded with a mouthful of delicious cum. The restrooms were closed for awhile. Most of the businesses are closed now, but once in awhile there are still men walking looking for head. I would always be happy to give it to them.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Sinead O'Connor

I am listening to Sinead O'Connor's first Album, "The Lion and the Cobra." She is a very talented singer and songwriter. Her first two albums show what a wide range she has vocally. I have not heard her other albums yet. Her singing has a lot of emotional impact. Her voice has more of an edge at times on "The Lion and the Cobra" than it does on "I Do not Want What I Haven't Got." I am still blown away by the power in her vocals on both of these albums. "Just Like U Said It Would Be" and "Troy" give me goosebumps. The second album has some very moving songs as well. "I Am Stretched on Your Grave," "Three Babies" and "Black Boys on Mopeds" are very powerful songs. She sings about personal pain. She also sings about racism and other issues. One of the things that I admire about her is that she stands up for her beliefs. I want to hear her more recent recordings. Sometimes with my wide range of interests it is hard to keep up with all of them.

Gute nacht.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

I Am Vlk, Я Влк, Ich bin Vlk, Sou Vlk

I can understand that people who knew me for years as Bruce may have difficulty changing what they call me, but for me I am no longer Bruce. It was not as the result of a whim that I changed my first name to Vlk. This name reflects who I am. It reflects my love for languages, especially for Slavic languages. It also reflects the spiritual and emotional connection I feel with Central and Eastern Europe. I may be romanticizing a part of the world of which I have only seen a small part. I know that I am moved by the music from that part of the world. I can understand the humor from that part of the world better than I do the humor of my own country. Before I chose Vlk as a name I asked a Slovak friend what he thought would be a good Slovak name if I chose to change my name. He said that I would know when I found the right one. He was right. I saw the name Vlk in a Slovak language text book. I liked the name immediately. Later when going to furry conventions the friend for whom I was working asked me for a nickname to put on my name tag. My immediate thought was of that name. Later after I moved to Kansas I no longer felt like the same person that I was in North Carolina. It was then that I decided to change my name. Initially after it was legally changed I was unsure briefly as to whether or not I had made the right decision. That did not last long. i am happy with my decision. This was a decision I made for myself alone, and I am glad that I made it. I am Vlk.

Я не могу понять, что люди, которые знали меня в течение многих лет, как Брюс могут возникнуть трудности изменить то, что они называют меня, но для меня, я больше не являюсь Брюс. Это было не так в результате прихоти, что я изменил мое имя, чтобы Vlk. Это название отражает, кто я. Это отражает мою любовь к языкам, особенно для славянских языков. Это также отражает духовную и эмоциональную связь я чувствую себя с Центральной и Восточной Европе. Я, может быть романтизации часть мира, о котором я только видел небольшую часть. Я знаю, что я тронут музыки из этой части мира. Я могу понять, юмор из этой части мира лучше, чем я юмор моей стране. Прежде, чем я выбрал Vlk как имя я попросил друга Словацкий, что он думает будет хорошее название Словацкий если я выбрал, чтобы изменить мое имя. Он сказал, что я буду знать, когда я нашел правильный. Он был прав. Я увидел имя Vlk в Словацкой текста язык книги. Я сразу же понравилось название. Позже, когда собирается пушистых конвенций друга, для которого я работал попросили меня за прозвищем поставить на мое имя тега. Мой непосредственный мыслью было таким именем. Позже, когда я переехал в Канзас, я больше не чувствовал себя таким же человеком, что я был в Северной Каролине. Именно тогда я решил изменить свое имя. Первоначально после того как было официально изменил я не был уверен, кратко, был ли или не я сделал правильное решение. Это не продлится долго. я доволен моим решением. Это было решение, которое я сделал для себя один, и я рад, что я сделал это. Я Влк.

Eu posso entender que as pessoas que me conheciam há anos como Bruce pode ter dificuldade em mudar o que eles me chamam, mas para mim eu já não sou Bruce. Não era como o resultado de um capricho que eu mudei meu nome para Vlk. Este nome reflete quem eu sou. Ela reflete o meu amor por idiomas, especialmente para línguas eslavas. Ele também reflete a conexão espiritual e emocional que eu sinto com a Europa Central e Oriental. I podem ser romantizar uma parte do mundo do que vi apenas uma pequena parte. Eu sei que eu sou movido pela música daquela parte do mundo. Eu posso entender o humor de que parte do mundo melhor do que eu o humor do meu próprio país. Antes eu escolhi Vlk como um nome que eu perguntei a um amigo o que ele achava Eslovaca seria um bom nome Eslovaca se eu escolhi para mudar meu nome. Ele disse que eu saberia quando eu encontrei o caminho certo. Ele estava certo. Eu vi o nome Vlk em um livro de texto língua eslovaca. Eu gostei do nome imediatamente. Mais tarde, quando indo para convenções furry do amigo para quem eu trabalhava me pediu um apelido para colocar no meu crachá. Meu pensamento imediato foi com esse nome. Mais tarde, depois que me mudei para Kansas eu já não sentia como a mesma pessoa que eu era na Carolina do Norte. Foi então que eu decidi mudar meu nome. Inicialmente depois que se mudou legalmente I foi brevemente inseguro quanto à possibilidade ou não que eu tinha tomado a decisão certa. Isso não durou muito tempo. eu estou feliz com a minha decisão. Esta foi uma decisão que tomei só para mim, e eu estou feliz que eu fiz isso. Sou Vlk.

Ich kann verstehen, dass Menschen, die mich seit Jahren als Bruce wusste, kann Schwierigkeiten haben, zu ändern, was sie mich anrufen, aber für mich ich bin nicht mehr Bruce. Es war nicht als Ergebnis einer Laune heraus, die ich änderte meinen Vornamen zu Vlk. Dieser Name spiegelt, wer ich bin. Sie spiegelt meine Liebe zu Sprachen, insbesondere für die slawischen Sprachen. Es spiegelt auch die geistige und emotionale Verbindung Ich fühle mich mit Mittel- und Osteuropa. Ich kann werden romantisierende ein Teil der Welt, von denen ich nur einen kleinen Teil gesehen. Ich weiß, dass ich von der Musik aus diesem Teil der Welt bewegt. Ich kann den Humor aus diesem Teil der Welt besser zu verstehen, als ich den Humor von meinem eigenen Land. Bevor ich wählte Vlk als Name Ich fragte einen slowakischen Freund, was er dachte wäre eine gute slowakischen Namen, wenn ich beschlossen, meinen Namen zu ändern. Er sagte, dass ich weiß, wenn ich das Richtige gefunden. Er hatte recht. Ich sah den Namen Vlk in einem slowakischen Sprache Lehrbuch. Ich den Namen sofort gefallen. Später, wenn man zu pelzigen Konventionen der Freund, für die ich arbeitete für einen Kurznamen bat mich, auf meinem Namensschild setzen. Mein erster Gedanke war, mit diesem Namen. Später, nachdem ich nach Kansas Ich fühlte mich nicht mehr wie die gleiche Person, die ich in North Carolina war. Es war dann, dass ich beschloss, meinen Namen zu ändern. Anfänglich, nachdem sie rechtskräftig wurde geändert Ich war unsicher kurz, ob ich die richtige Entscheidung getroffen hatte. Das hielt nicht lange an. Ich bin mit meiner Entscheidung zufrieden. Das war eine Entscheidung, die ich für mich allein gestellt, und ich bin froh, dass ich es geschafft. Ich bin Vlk.

Starting off the Day with Hank 3

I am starting off the day listening to Hank 3: Brothers of the 4X4. This is a fun way to start the day. It is much more fun than most of the crap that they call country music now. I do not care about labels on music and people, but what they play on the country music station my sister sometimes listens too I find annoying. I have never liked listening to the radio anyway. The best radio stations I have heard are Radio Luxembourg in France and the Bonton radio station in Prague. Both of these played a wide variety of music. I am too much of a control freak to listen to the radio much. I am not that way in all areas, but I like to choose what music I hear. I may go from listening to Hank 3 to Yoko Ono to Pansy Division to Tublatanka to Pussy Riot to Dead Kennedys to Shostakovich to Rammstein to Jacques Brel, etc... This morning I am in the mood for Hank 3. I wish I had been able to buy some Czech country music when I was in Prague, maybe another time.

Well it is almost time for another work day. I will make it through this day by not giving a shit what other people think about me.

I hope all my friends are having a good weekend.

Ich beginne den Tag ausklingen zu hören Hank 3: Brüder der 4X4. Dies ist eine tolle Möglichkeit, den Tag zu beginnen. Es ist viel mehr Spaß als die meisten der Mist, dass sie Country-Musik jetzt anrufen. Ich weiß nicht wie Etiketten auf Musik und die Menschen kümmern, aber das, was sie auf der Country-Musik-Station spielen, meine Schwester hört manchmal zu finde ich ärgerlich. Ich habe noch nie gemocht Radiohören sowieso. Die besten Radiosender Ich habe gehört, sind Radio Luxemburg in Frankreich und den Bonton Radiosender in Prag. Beide spielten eine große Auswahl an Musik. Ich bin zu sehr ein Kontrollfreak, um Radio zu viel zu hören. Ich bin nicht so in allen Bereichen, aber Ich mag, um zu wählen, welche Musik ich höre. Ich kann von Hören auf Hank 3 bis Yoko Ono, um Pansy Division Tublatanka um Pussy Riot! zu Dead Kennedys über Schostakowitsch bis Rammstein zu Jacques Brel, etc ... Heute morgen bin ich in der Stimmung für Hank 3. gehe ich wünschte, ich hatte Lage, einige tschechische Country-Musik zu kaufen, als ich in Prag, vielleicht ein anderes Mal.

Nun, es ist fast Zeit für einen weiteren Arbeitstages. Ich werde es durch diesen Tag zu machen, indem nicht geben einen Dreck, was andere Leute über mich denken.

Ich hoffe, dass alle meine Freunde haben ein gutes Wochenende.

Я начинаю выходной день, слушая Хэнк 3: Братья 4X4. Это интересный способ начать день. Это гораздо больше удовольствия, чем большинство дерьма, что они называют кантри в настоящее время. Я не заботятся о лейблах по музыке и людей, но то, что они играют на кантри-музыки станции моя сестра иногда слушает тоже найти раздражает. Я никогда не любил слушать радио в любом случае. Лучшие радиостанции я услышал радио-Люксембург во Франции и радиостанция Бонтон в Праге. Оба эти играют разнообразную музыку. Я слишком много контроля урод слушать радио много. Я не тот путь во всех областях, но мне нравится, чтобы выбрать то, что музыка, которую я слышал. Я могу перейти от прослушивания Хэнк 3 к Йоко Оно в Пэнси дивизии Tublatanka к Pussy Riot! в Dead Kennedys Шостаковичу к Rammstein в Жака Бреля, и т.д. ... Сегодня утром я нахожусь в настроении для Хэнка 3. Я хотел было возможность купить Чешская кантри, когда я был в Праге, может быть, в другой раз.

Ну это почти время для другого рабочего дня. Я сделаю это через сей день не дает дерьмо, что другие люди думают обо мне.

Я надеюсь, что все мои друзья, имеющие хорошие выходные.

Eu estou começando o dia ouvindo Hank 3: Irmãos do 4X4. Esta é uma maneira divertida de começar o dia. É muito mais divertido do que a maioria da porcaria que eles chamam de música country agora. Eu não me importo sobre rótulos sobre a música e as pessoas, mas o que eles jogam na estação de música country minha irmã às vezes escuta também acho chato. Eu nunca gostei de ouvir o rádio de qualquer maneira. Os melhores estações de rádio que tenho ouvido são Radio Luxembourg em França e na estação de rádio Bonton em Praga. Ambos tiveram um grande variedade de música. Eu sou demasiado de um anormal de controle para ouvir rádio muito. Eu não sou assim em todas as áreas, mas eu gosto de escolher qual a música que eu ouço. I pode ir de ouvir Hank 3 a Yoko Ono para Pansy Division para Tublatanka para Pussy Riot! para Dead Kennedys para Shostakovich para Rammstein de Jacques Brel, etc ... Esta manhã eu estou no clima para Hank 3. Eu gostaria de ter sido capaz de comprar alguma música country Checa quando eu estava em Praga, talvez outra vez.

Bem, é quase tempo para mais um dia de trabalho. Vou fazê-lo através deste dia, não dando a mínima para o que as outras pessoas pensam sobre mim.

Espero que todos os meus amigos estão tendo um bom fim de semana.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Rob Lowe: Stories I Tell My friends and listening to Lutosławski

I just finished reading Rob Lowe Lowe's autobiography, Stories I Tell My Friends. It is an interesting entertaining book. I have wanted to see some of his movies, but I have not yet. The one I most wanted to see is "Bad Influence." I also want to see "I melt with You," "Hotel New Hampshire," The Outsiders," ""Square Dance" and others. I am not sure why I have not seen them yet. I never paid much attention to the scandal about his sex video. I would like to see the complete version of "The Outsiders" with his more emotional scenes that were cut out of the original release. I was surprised to learn that he was not very popular in school when he was growing up. really I did not know much about him before reading this book. I saw it when I was in the library, and I was drawn to it by the title. He has another book that I would now like to read. The book is well written and entertaining.

I am listening to music by Witold Lutosławski, The disc to which I am listening has "Fanfare for Los Angeles Orchestra," Concerto for Piano and Orchestra, "Chantefleurs et chantefables: and Symphony No. 2. "Chantefleurs et chantefable" is a song cycle based on Robert Desnos, a French poet I whom I find interesting. The songs were by Dawn Upshaw on this disc. I would like to use the fanfare as a processional if I ever needed to use one. The pieces on this disc were performed by the Kis Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra and conducted by Esa-Pekka Salonen. I want to hear more of Lutosławski's music. He is among my favorite composers.


Właśnie skończyłem czytać autobiografię Rob Lowe Lowe, Stories mówię moim znajomym. Jest to ciekawa wciągająca książka. Chciałem zobaczyć niektóre z jego filmów, ale nie mam jeszcze. Jeden najbardziej chciałem zobaczyć to "Bad Influence". Ja też chcę zobaczyć "I stopić z Tobą", "Hotel New Hampshire", The Outsiders "," "Square Dance" i innych. Nie jestem pewien, dlaczego nie widziałem ich jeszcze. Nigdy nie zwracał uwagi na temat jego skandal seks wideo. Chciałbym, aby zobaczyć pełną wersję "The Outsiders" z jego bardziej emocjonalnych scen, które zostały wycięte z oryginalnego wydania. Byłem zaskoczony, że nie był bardzo popularny w szkole, kiedy dorastałem. Naprawdę mam przed przeczytaniu tej książki nie wiem zbyt wiele o nim. Widziałem go, gdy byłem w bibliotece, a ciągnęło mnie do niego przez tytuł. On ma inną książkę, która Chciałbym teraz przeczytać. Książka jest dobrze napisana i zabawna.

Słucham muzyki Witolda Lutosławskiego, płyta, do której słucham ma "Fanfara dla Los Angeles Orchestra," Koncert na fortepian i orkiestrę, "Chantefleurs et chantefables: i Symfonia nr 2" Chantefleurs et chantefable "to piosenka Cykl oparty na Roberta Desnosa, francuskiego poety I kogo mogę znaleźć interesujące. Piosenki były przez Dawn Upshaw na tej płycie. Chciałbym użyć fanfary jako procesyjny jeśli kiedykolwiek potrzebne do korzystania z jednego. Utwory na tej płycie zostały wykonane przez Kis Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra pod dyrekcją Esa-Pekka Salonen. Chcę usłyszeć więcej muzyki Lutosławskiego. Jest wśród moich ulubionych kompozytorów.


Ich beendete gerade zu lesen Rob Lowe Lowe Autobiographie, Stories I Tell My Friends. Es ist eine interessante unterhaltsames Buch. Ich wollte einige seiner Filme zu sehen, aber ich noch nicht. Der, den ich am meisten wollte sehen, ist "Bad Influence". Ich möchte auch sehen, "Ich Schmelze mit Sie", "Hotel New Hampshire" The Outsiders "," "Square Dance" und andere. Ich bin nicht sicher, warum ich habe sie noch nicht gesehen. Ich habe nie viel Aufmerksamkeit auf den Skandal um seine Sex-Video. Ich möchte die vollständige Version von "The Outsiders" mit seinen mehr emotionalen Szenen, die aus der ursprünglichen Version abgeschnitten waren zu sehen. Ich war überrascht zu erfahren, dass er nicht sehr beliebt in der Schule, als er aufwuchs. Ich wusste wirklich nicht viel über ihn vor der Lektüre dieses Buches kennen. Ich habe es gesehen, als ich in der Bibliothek, und ich wurde durch den Titel, um sie gezogen. Er hat ein weiteres Buch, das ich jetzt gerne lesen. Das Buch ist gut geschrieben und unterhaltsam.

Ich bin das Hören von Musik von Witold Lutoslawski, der Disc, auf die ich hören muss "Fanfare für Los Angeles Orchestra," Konzert für Klavier und Orchester, "Chantefleurs et Chantefables: und Symphony No. 2" Chantefleurs et Chantefable "ist ein Lied Zyklus basierend auf Robert Desnos, einer Französisch Dichter I, die ich interessant finde. Die Songs wurden von Dawn Upshaw auf dieser CD. Ich möchte die Fanfare als Prozessions verwenden, wenn ich jemals zu einem Einsatz benötigt werden. Die Stücke auf dieser CD wurden durchgeführt, von der Kis Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra und Esa-Pekka Salonen durchgeführt. Ich möchte mehr von Lutoslawskis Musik zu hören. Er gehört zu meinen Lieblingskomponisten.

Gute Nacht.

Acabei de ler a autobiografia de Rob Lowe Lowe, Stories Eu digo aos meus amigos. É um livro divertido interessante. Eu queria ver alguns de seus filmes, mas eu não tenho ainda. O que eu mais queria ver é "Bad Influence". Eu também quero ver "I Melt With You", "Hotel New Hampshire," The Outsiders "," "Square Dance" e outros. Eu não sou certo porque eu não os vi ainda. Eu nunca prestou muita atenção ao escândalo sobre seu vídeo de sexo. Eu gostaria de ver a versão completa de "The Outsiders" com suas cenas mais emocionais que foram cortados para fora da versão original. Fiquei surpreso ao saber que ele não era muito popular na escola quando ele estava crescendo. realmente eu não sei muito sobre ele antes de ler este livro. Eu vi isso quando eu estava na biblioteca, e eu estava atraído por ela pelo título. Ele tem um outro livro que eu gostaria agora de ler. O livro é bem escrito e divertido.

Eu estou escutando a música por Witold Lutosławski, O disco para o qual eu estou escutando tem "Fanfare for Orchestra Los Angeles," Concerto para Piano e Orquestra ", Chantefleurs et chantefables: e Symphony No. 2." Chantefleurs et Chantefable "é uma canção ciclo baseado em Robert Desnos, um poeta francês eu quem eu achar interessante. As canções eram por Dawn Upshaw neste disco. Eu gostaria de usar o alarde como um processional se eu precisasse usar um. Foram realizadas As peças deste disco pela Orquestra Filarmônica Kis Angeles e conduzida por Esa-Pekka Salonen. Eu quero ouvir mais da música de Lutosławski. Ele está entre meus compositores favoritos.

Boa noite.

I Need a Change

I need to move as fast as I can to get out of the situation. My hours are increasing at work, but financial problems are only part of my situation. I need to be with people with whom I can laugh and talk openly. What makes me so lonely, even when I am with people at work, is that I do not have people about things that matter to me. It does help to be able to express myself here, but I need real companionship. I am starting to sell some things. I hope to be able to move closer to my friends. I also want to be able to be a support to them emotionally as well as to be supported emotionally by them. I know that I have friends. I just need desperately to be closer to them. I am going to continue to reach out to others for help until I get into a better place. I also reach out to others to help them in whatever that I can. I am happy with who I am. I am just not happy with my current situation.  Hopefully I will be able to change that before too long.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

MC Solaar

I am listening to MC Solaar's CD "Prose Combat" before going to bed. He is from Senegal and raps mostly in French. I enjoy his mix of jazz and hip hop. His song in French are helping me to brush yp on my French. "Nouneau Western" is one of my favorites of his songs. I want to hear more of his more recent music. His political views are  interesting. His raps flow very well. "La fin justifie les moyens" Is another song I enjoy very much. As I learn more about his music and political views I will write more.

It is time for me to get ready for bed, my brain is already falling asleep. Bonsoir.

Echo and the Bunnymen

Echo and the Bunnymen are my favorite band from the 1980's and my favorite band from Liverpool. I am listening to their first album, "Crocodiles." The first album I bought by them was their third one, "Porcupine." I then bought the other two. I had them on vinyl. They are called neo-prychedelia. One of the reasons I was drawn to their music is that it struck me as being different from other music that I was hearing at the time. I have only heard their first four albums though. I may eventually get the other ones, but there are more pressing things now. In addition to their music they had great album covers. The photography is great. I also like the name of the band. My favorite song from their first album is "Happy Death Men." It is somewhat discordant. It reminds me in ways of the music of John Cage and other 20th century composers. The reason that I stopped buying their albums was that I had little money, and was not buying much new music. Still after thirty years I still enjoy listening to their music. To me they seem like precursors of the Goth movement.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

"Rubber Soul" and "Walk on Water"

I bought a copy of a CD version of the album "Rubber Soul" by The Beatles, because it has one of my favorite songs, "Norwegian Wood." On the other hand it also has a song that I find very annoying song, "Michelle." Besides having lyrics in bad French it is one of those songs that sticks in your mind after you hear it. Most of the rest of the album is mediocre at best. It has to be one of the most overrated albums that I have heard. I much prefer the Velvet Underground. They were much more original.

"Walk on Water" is an Israeli movie that I watched recently. It is about an Israeli assassin. At the beginning of the film he kills a Hamas leader with a lethal injection. He does this as he is walking past the man as he is walking with his wife and young son. After this his boss finds out that a man who had been responsible for the death of thousands of people in a concentration camp during World War II may be still alive. His granddaughter is living on a kibbutz, and her brother is going to visit her. The boss wants the assassin to pose as a tour guide and get information on the grandfather, who by the time this action is taking place would be very old.  Meanwhile the assassin's wife commits suicide, and there is concern about his emotional state. He takes on the new assignment. One of the reasons that he is given the assignment is that he speaks German, but he does not reveal that to the brother and sister. The brother and sister had been told that their grandfather had died shortly after the war. The sister had left home when she found out that her parents had helped the grandfather escape to South America. There is going to be a birthday for their party for their father, but she refuses to go. The assassin had bugged her room at the kibbutz, but they did not reveal anything about the grandfather until their last conversation. He had stopped listening at this point. He gave the tape to his boss. The brother returns to Germany. Before the brother returns to Germany the assassin learns that he is gay. After he returns to Germany the assassin is sent to Germany, because there are rumors that the grandfather might return there. Things get even more interesting from there. The assassin undergoes changes. I recommend this movie. It was directed by Eytan Fox who is openly gay. He also directed "Yossi and Jagger." I will write about that later.

Morning Thoughts with Adult Content

I am working on getting money to pay my past due phone bill. It is easier to stay in touch with people if I have internet and a phone. I would like to be with someone and spend less time online. I would still try to keep up with my blog and some friends on Google+ and Facebook, but I need to spend time with people with whom I can relax, laugh, talk and maybe drink a few beers. It would be nice to spend some time sucking cock and pleasing a man in other ways.

There are some guys who, when they see me online, immediately want to see nude photos of me. They claim to love me, yet they do not seem to be interested in anything I have to say. I would not mind a guy just wanting me to give him blow jobs, but if someone claims to love he would be interested in me as a person too. He would at least say hi and ask how things are going. Maybe I should ask for money from the guys who want to treat me like a porn site. I do not mind if a guy pulls his cock out and asks me to suck it if we are together. I do not necessarily need foreplay in that situation. I would enjoy it if he used me as a urinal too, but if a guy claims to love me I would appreciate some signs of that love. If I thought I could make money selling nude photos of myself I would gladly do that, but at my age I cannot seriously think that I would make money doing that. I would love to make videos of myself sucking cock and pleasing men, but I do not think that many men would want to pay money to see me doing that. I definitely need the money, but I just like to suck cock in front of an audience. As I have said before I am an exhibitionist. I am also proud of my ability to please a man, and I love being obedient. What would be great would be to be able to combine my oral skills with languages and giving head in videos. I would love to be an international cum dump and urinal.


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Secrets from My Youth

At times when I was growing up I was a lazy student. I would sometimes try to see what I could get away with. When I was taking shop class we were supposed to bend a piece of soft metal and attach it to another piece of metal to make a coat rack. We were also supposed to make a drawing of it before making it. They were all supposed to look alike. I saw a piece of metal that was already curled in a way that I liked. I drew the piece of metal and attached it to the flat piece. the teacher thought that I was being original. I was just being lazy. In the same class we were supposed to do a big project. I did not feel like doing one, so I din't. Somehow I was given an A+ as a grade for my project. I do not know how that happened. In art class for one of my projects I stole the design from an ad for panty hose. I do not think I changed very much, but the teacher probably had not seen the ads. She thought my design was very clever and original. I did study a lot in high school, but before that I put as little effort into my school work as I could get away with. I was just good at looking clever while being extremely lazy.

Witches of Eastwick by John Updike

I recently reread Witches of Eastwick by John Updike. In 1987 there a movie very loosely based on this book was made with Cher, Susan Sarandon, Michelle Pfeiffer and Jack Nicholson. The movie has little in common with the novel. In the movie the witches seem to be sort of acidental witches. They are witches on purpose in the book. In the movie they conjure up the character played by Jack Nicholson. The novel starts with his appearance as he buys a house in Eastwick. The character played by Cher is called Alex in the movie, and in the book she is called Lexa. The characters of the witches are stronger in the book than they are in the movie. They are a bit more malevolent in the book too. Some characters are combined in the movie, but that is not unusual. One thing that I find annoying in the book is a frequent reference to the way in which one of the witches pronounces the letter "s" and how she drops the letter "r" at the end of words. What becomes to the character played by Jack Nicholson at the end of the movie is very different than what he does at the end of the book. He is done away with at the end of the film, but at the end of the book he runs away with one of the novel's character. The point is made too many times. The movie is a fun piece of light entertainment, but the book has more weight. I like both in different ways.

Shiner: A Film by Christian Calson

"Shiner," a film directed by Christian Calson, deals with S & M. It was influenced by the films of Jean Genet and other underground, mostly gay, filmmakers. Some have said that the acting is bad in the movie, but I think that the style of acting was intentional. Some parts are uncomfortable to watch, but these are intended to be awkward. There is a shy gay guy who stalks an amateur boxer with low self esteem. They meet several times as the boxer is leaving the gym.The stalker has stolen shoes and other items from the boxer. These encounters are some of the most uncomfortable moments in the movie. The stalker is too shy to act out on his desires, and the boxer does not understand how anyone could find him desirable. I think he would have let the stalker suck him. There is a heterosexual couple in which the woman hits the man. They both enjoy this. There are two straight guys who spend a lot of time together, one of them does not seem completely straight. One of the guys gets turned on by being hit by the other. He jerks off while the other one punches him until he is bleeding. He also goes out gay baiting. He picks up a guy in a bar and after the gay guy sucks him he beats him. The gay guy ends up having to go to the hospital. After one of the beatings the two guys are in bed together. His head is on the belly of the other. There is blood on the other guys boxers. Maybe the one who liked to be punched sucked the other guy off. I think that the director accomplishes what he aimed to do with this film. Some people compare this movie to "Fight Club," but the resemblances are very superficial. They are two very different kinds of movies.

Monday, November 9, 2015

"Der Himmel über Berlin" and "M"

Among the movies I watched were "Der Himmel über Berlin" and "M." "Der Himmel über Berlin," directed by Wim Wenders, was called "Wings of Desire" in the U.S.A. "City of Angels" was an American filmed inspired by this film. Bruno Ganz played an angel among many in Berlin. They wander around the city unseen except by some children. They sometimes touch the lives of the people they pass. Damiel, played by Bruno Ganz, falls in love with a trapeze artist in a small circus. He longs to experience human senses, but in order to know love and experience these senses he has to become mortal. Peter Falk appears as himself. He is in Berlin making a movie. When he is close to angels he feels their presence without being able to see them. Damiel decides to become human. After his transformation he encounters Peter Falk on the location where he is filming, and we learn that Peter Falk had been an angel who had decided to become human. In the film there are glimpses into the lives of the people touched by the angels.Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds perform songs in a club in the film. It is a beautifully made film. Mostly it is in black and white with occasional color.

"M" is a classic psychological thriller that was directed by Fritz Lang in Germany in 1931. Peter Lorre played serial killer who has been killing children. There almost no music in the movie. Hans Beckert, the character played by Peter Lorre, whistles a tune when he is luring the children he is about to kill. The absence of other music gives his whistling a chilling aspect. The sets in the film are stark. There is no violence seen on the screen. It is a very suspenseful film. Peter Lorre had a very expressive face, and he was very successful in showing interior madness in this film. This movie is also a very strong social commentary. It is a film that is truly a classic.

Things Are Starting to Look Brighter

I am going to try to figure out a way to get back to Lawrence, Kansas. A friend has offered to let me stay with his family for a few months or a bit longer. I would have to store a lot of things somewhere until I can find another place. I would definitely need to be sure that I would have some private space to do things on my computer and masturbate. He has young daughters. He is one of my best friends. He is someone from whom I do not need to hide things. I definitely miss him and other friends in Kansas. I would probably be able to get my old job back there. It is hard work, but the pay is more than I am making now, and the benefits are better. They do not treat their employees well, but they treat them better then the company for whom I am currently working. The big benefit would be that I would living with someone with whom I can laugh and enjoy good beer and company. It will also be good to be around an open-minded Christian. My faith is still shaky, and I may not share some of my questions with him. That is the only thing I might have to hide from him. He knows I am a cocksucker. He joked about my ears being love handles. The major project before moving out there would be packing all of my stuff safely for shipping. At least it is a good thing that may happen.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Krzysztof Penderecki

I am listening to a CD of music by Penderecki. The pieces on this CD are Anaklasis, for string orchestra and percussion, Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima, Fonogrammi, De Natura Sonoris No. 1, Capriccio, Canticum Canticorum Salomonis, De Natura Sonoris No. 2 and The Dream of Jacob. Anaklasis was performed by the London Symphony Orchestra, and the others were performed by the Polish Radio National Symphony Orchestra. All were conducted by Penderecki. I have a few CD's of his music, and I want to get more. I am always profoundly moved by his music. Another CD has Emanationen, Partita, Cello Concerto and Symphony No. 1. I also have his Polish Requiem. Some people find it challenging to listen to his music, but I do not think that the aim of music is always to relax us. Music can move us in many different. Sometimes it can make us want to dance. Sometimes music can reflect the horrors of war. Sometimes music can help us to focus our attention. It can communicate to us in many ways. As I would not want to be without food I do not want to live without music.

Krzysztof is one of my favorite names. If I had not already changed my first name to Vlk I might consider changing it to Krzysztof. Who knows what the future holds? Maybe my name could comeday be Vlk Krzysztof Smrt. It would be fun to see how much automated computerized calls would fuck that up.

Gute Nacht, mes amis.

Das Experiment

"Das Experiment" is one of the films I watched recently. It is a German film starring one of my favorite actors, Moritz Bleibtreu. It was based on the novel Black Box by Mario Giordano. Its story is similar to an experiment that took place in Stanford, California. Moritz Bleibtreu plays a taxi driver who answers an ad for an psychological experiment dealing with the roles of prisoners and guards. The use of violence is supposed to be forbidden, and participants are given the promise that they would be able to leave if they are not able to complete the experiment. Bleibtreu's character had previously worked as a reporter for a newspaper. He gets the paper to agree to letting him write about the experiment. Some participants will be prisoners, and some will be guards. Things quickly get out of control. The experiment goes on longer than it should. The guards abuse their authority. There are some scenes that would arouse some fetishists. One of these is a scene where the character played by Moritz Bleibtreu is humiliated by the guards. They shave his head, then after several guards urinate on him. After that he is forced to clean toilets with his tunic. After he cleans the toilet with it he is forced to wear it dirty with urine and feces. He is forced to clean feces off of a toilet with his fingernail. The guards wear full uniforms, and the prisoners only wear short tunics without undwear. The prisoners are forced to address the prison guards formally, but the prisoners are only referred to by their numbers. It is a very intense, well-made film. Bleibtreu's character has the number 77 in the film, but on the cover of the DVD his number is 82. The film shows another aspect of the wide range of Moritz Bleibtreu's acting ability. Oliver Stokowski, who is #82 in the film, is another of my favorites. It is an accurate portrayal of what can happen when people are given too much authority.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

"Everything Is Illuminated"

"Everything Is Illuminated" is one of my favorite films. It is one that i have watched multiple times. It is one that makes me laugh, cry and think. There are some things that have been changed from the book on which it is based, but it is still a very good movie. I want to get another copy of the book. Elijah Wood and Eugene Hutz star in it. The character played by Eugene Hutz uses the same style of syntax as he used in the book by Jonathan Safran Foer. Elijah Wood plays a young Jewish man who goes to Ukraine to find a woman who helped his grandfather leave the country during the Nazi occupation during World War II. Eugene Hutz plays his tour guide along with his grandfather who is the driver. The grandfather claims to be blind and has a seeing eye bitch, Sammy Davis Jr. Jr. Music by Gogol Bordello appears in the soundtrack. The band is in a humorous scene in the movie. The character played by Elijah Wood is called Jonathan Safran Foer, the same name as the author of the book. In addition to going on a journey to find the village where Jonathan's grandfather had lived in Ukraine, the characters make a journey of discovery of their own past and the past of their families. The characters also get to know and appreciate each other. Watching this movie is a journey worth taking.

Fena je späť. (Сука вернулась.)

I still have hopes of going back to Lawrence, Kansas and staying there until I can go to Europe or somewhere that I can get in international LGBTQ rights. After I get my phone turned back on I need to get my birth certificate changed and a new Passport. I have a lot of catching up to do on Facebook and with email. I will never be completely caught up with Facebook, but that's all right. I also will try to get caught up some on Google+. I am glad that I will be able to get in touch with friends online.

I really need to be around people with whom I can talk openly and laugh freely. I long to be able to have uncensored conversations. I have never been very good at small talk. I am getting better, but I do not want to spend a lot of time with chitchat. What is important is for me to find people who will accept me completely as I am and who will be their true selves with me. I do not want to act differently in different places. I am not saying I would suck dick everywhere, but I am not going to hide the fact that I suck cock. I want to be in a place where I do not have to hide my views on sexuality, religion, politics, music, film, languages, etc. I do not have the time to worry about what other people think about me. I also want to be able to be with people with whom I can drink a good beer. I have not been able to afford good beer lately, so I have not been drinking beer. Beer is one of the things on which I am not going to compromise. I will not buy cheap beer. I might drink it if a friend gave it to me, but I am not going to buy it for myself. It is not a grave matter, but I have to have some standards. Some people might think that it is fucked up that I have higher standards for beer than I do for what cocks I suck, oh well. I am proud of being a slut and a beer snob. I feel the same way about cigars. I will not smoke cheap cigars. I also have standards for Vodka, only Russian, Polish, or Czech Vodka please. As for Vodka it is not the price that matters but the country of origin. If I want a good wine I would want one from France, Italy or Germany, but France is not where I go for good liquor. The pretentious snobs can keep Grey Goose. I'll stick with the stuff from people who know how to make the real stuff.

I am back, and it feels good. Je vous aime, mes amis. Kocham was, moich przyjaciół, Я люблю вас, мои друзья. Miluji vás, moji přátelé. Milujem vás, moji priatelia. Ljubim te, moje prijatelje. Te iubesc, prietenii mei.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Music Keeps Me Sane

It is good that I do not need to have internet access in order to play music and watch movies on my computer. The music of Gogol Bordello has definitely helped my mood. I watched a DVD of one of their concerts. I would definitely love to see them in concert. This concert footage is about eight years old, but they are still putting out great music. I definitely would not stand still. Their music makes me want to move. Eugene Hutz, the lead singer and main songwriter of the band, talked about the influences of the band's music. One side of his family is Gypsy. He also talked about the music of Georgia, the country not the state in the U.S.A. He piqued my interest in music from that country. I have been interested in learning about Georgia, but I do not know if I would be able to learn the language. It is in that part of the world to which I am attracted. I will write more soon, but it is time for me to go to bed.


Это хорошо, что мне не нужно иметь доступ к интернету для того, чтобы играть музыку и смотреть фильмы на моем компьютере. Музыка Gogol Bordello определенно помогло мое настроение. Я смотрел DVD одного из их концертов Отзывы. Я бы, безусловно, любовь, чтобы увидеть их на концерте. Этот концерт кадры около восьми лет, но они по-прежнему выпускают отличную музыку. Я определенно не будет стоять на месте. Их музыка заставляет меня хотеть двигаться. Гудзь, солист и основной автор песен группы, рассказал о влияний музыки группы. Одна сторона его семьи цыган. Кроме того, он говорил о музыке Грузии, страна не государство в США Он возбудил мое интерес к музыке из этой страны. Я был заинтересован в получении информации о Грузии, но я не знаю, если я буду в состоянии выучить язык. Именно в этой части мира к которой я Привлеченные. Я напишу более скоро, но это время для меня, чтобы лечь в постель.

Спокойной ночи.

To dobrze, że nie muszę mieć dostęp do internetu w celu odtwarzania muzyki i oglądania filmów na komputerze. Muzyka Gogol Bordello na pewno pomógł mi nastrój. Patrzyłem DVD z jednym z ich koncertów Recenzje. I na pewno chciałbym zobaczyć ich na koncercie. Ten materiał filmowy koncert jest około ośmiu lat, ale nadal są one oddanie się świetną muzykę. I na pewno nie będzie stać. Ich muzyka sprawia, że chce się przenieść. Eugene Hütz, wokalista i główny tekściarz zespołu, mówił o wpływy muzyki zespołu. Jedna strona jego rodziny jest Cygan. Ponadto mówił o muzyce Gruzji, kraju, a nie państwa w USA On wzbudził moje zainteresowanie muzyką z tego kraju. Byłem zainteresowany nauką o Gruzji, ale nie wiem, czy będę w stanie nauczyć się języka. To właśnie w tej części świata, do których pociągają mnie. Napiszę więcej wkrótce, ale to jest czas dla mnie, aby pójść do łóżka.


კარგია, რომ მე არ უნდა ინტერნეტით იმისათვის, რომ ითამაშოს მუსიკა და უყუროთ ფილმებს ჩემი კომპიუტერი. მუსიკა Gogol Bordello ნამდვილად დაეხმარა ჩემი განწყობა. მე ვუყურე DVD ერთი მიმოხილვა მათი კონცერტები. მე ნამდვილად მიყვარს, რომ მათ კონცერტი. ეს კონცერტის კადრები დაახლოებით რვა წლის, მაგრამ ისინი კვლავ ავრცელებენ დიდი მუსიკა. მე ნამდვილად არ დადგეს მაინც. მათი მუსიკა რაც მე მინდა გადავიდეს. ევგენი hutz, ტყვიის მომღერალი და ძირითადი სიმღერების ავტორი ბენდი, ისაუბრა გავლენა ჯგუფის მუსიკა. ერთ მხარეს მისი ოჯახის Gypsy. ასევე მან ისაუბრა მუსიკაზე, ქვეყნის და არა სახელმწიფო ამერიკის შეერთებულ შტატებში მან piqued ჩემი ინტერესი მუსიკა ქვეყნიდან. მე უკვე დაინტერესებული სწავლის შესახებ საქართველოში, მაგრამ მე არ ვიცი, თუ მე შეძლებს ვისწავლოთ ენა. ეს არის იმ ნაწილში, მსოფლიოს, რომელიც მე მოზიდული. დავწერ უფრო მალე, მაგრამ ეს დრო ჩემთვის წასვლა საწოლი.


Back to my regular schedule

Internet is back on at home. I will be back to my regular schedule without the whining. YAY!!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

I am still going through rough times. It does not help that I do not have anyone with whom I can talk. I feel totally cut off. I know things will work out, but it is not easy. I am in danger of losing my cell phone service completely. What I need most is emotional support. It is not easy not having anyone with whom I can laugh and share my interests. This may be boring to read about, but I am desperate for friends. I am able to enjoy music and movies during the evening. I wish I had more time to write posts.

One of the things I was thinking about earlier is one of the reason that people are afraid to seek psychological help when they need it. In 1989 I was in a mental hospital for about nine months. Being in a mental hospital is probably like being in jail. You are not able to make your decisions about what you eat or when you eat. You are very limited in your choices of how to spend your time. As a patient in a mental hospital you are treated as if you were less intelligent, and often you are not treated like an adult. You are treated as "less than." Psychiatrists can ruin people's lives with a false diagnosis. People who are eccentric are often seen as being mentally ill. Mental illness is not something that one needs to be ashamed of, but not all those who are labelled as being mentally should have this label.

I will try to be more entertaining soon, but this is what is on my mind right now.