Friday, October 16, 2015

Quick Post

It looks like I will be working more hours at work. I still wish the pay was better, but at least I am making some money. I will not be able to catch up on my phone bill for a few weeks, but there are more important things. I have to have insurance, food and a place to live. If I do not eat enough I get depressed, and I think you know how I am when I am depressed. My inner asshole is still alive.

Some of  my co-workers are being nicer to me.

I am listening to Gogol Bordello before leaving to work. Great music.


It looks like I will be working more hours at work. I still wish the pay was better, but at least I am making some money. I will not be able to catch up on my phone bill for a few weeks, but there are more important things. I have to have insurance, food and a place to live. If I do not eat enough I get depressed, and I think you know how I am when I am depressed. My inner asshole is still alive.

Some of  my co-workers are being nicer to me.

I am listening to Gogol Bordello before leaving to work. Great music.


Je vais travailler davantage. Je voudrais gagner une salauire plus grande, mais au moins je fais un peu d'argent. Je ne serai pas en mesure de rattraper son retard sur ma facture de téléphone pendant quelques semaines, mais il ya des choses plus importantes. Je dois avoir l'assurance, de la nourriture et un endroit pour vivre. Si je ne mange pas assez, je suis déprimé, et je pense que vous savez comment je suis quand je suis déprimé. Mon trou du cul intérieure est encore en vie.

Certains de mes collègues sont plus agréable pour moi.

Je suis à l'écoute de Gogol Bordello avant de partir travailler. Bonne musique.


Похоже, я буду работать больше часов на работе. Я до сих пор жаль, что зарплата была лучше, но по крайней мере я делаю деньги. Я не буду в состоянии догнать на моем телефонном счете в течение нескольких недель, но есть более важные вещи,. Я должен иметь страховой, еду и место, чтобы жить. Если я не едят достаточно, я впадаю в депрессию, и я думаю, что вы знаете, как я, когда я в депрессии. Мой внутренний мудак жив.

Некоторые из моих коллег в настоящее время лучше для меня.

Я слушаю Gogol Bordello, прежде чем выходить на работу. Отличная музыка.



  1. One thing I truly admire about you is that you DO write. The hardest thing is to put words on paper and that is a major hurdle you've overcome. And you do it in multiple languages. Unfortunately your blog is NSFW, so I'll have to catch it at home when I can.

    1. I know other languages, but mostly I use Google Translate on my blog. Until I learn more of the Slavic languages. I have to make changes to the translations sometimes, especially with French. I sometimes use the translator to get the written accents and other markings right. I wish I could write all of these without using the translator. MY knowledge of the Slavic languages is very feeble. Thank you for the nice comment.
