Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Issue I have with Many Christians and the Cross

Jesus did say, "Take up your cross and follow me." I think he was talking about the hardships that we all face. I have heard Protestants saying in reference to crosses and crucifixes that Jesus did not stay on the cross but he rose from the dead. Jesus never said to turn the cross into a holy symbol. He never said to focus on the cross and ignore his teachings.  Many Christians want to pick the teachings of Jesus that fit into their agendas. There is too much emphasis put on the blood of Jesus and not enough on what he actually said. Not all of the teachings of Jesus are meant to be taken literally. I think that most people know this is true of the parables. but I think this is also true of what he said about taking up one's cross. He never said that the way to get into heaven was by means of the cross. He never said that he wanted his followers to build expensive churches and ignore the needs of the poor and the disenfranchised. He never said to judge other people. He definitely never said to put up gold crosses and crucifixes and to wear these things. He also never said to act as if you were better than other people. He did say to take care of the poor and sick and those in prison. If you want to be a Christian pay more attention to what Jesus taught. Stop staring at the cross and look at the teachings of Jesus.

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