Saturday, April 4, 2015

What Do Republicans Have Against the Working Class?

I do not know what the Republican Party has against the working class. They claim that they are doing things to help the economy. They only work to help the rich. They give tax breaks to the rich and to corporations that ship jobs overseas. They fight against the raising the minimum wage, and some members of that party want to eliminate the minimum wage altogether. They claim that giving tax breaks to the rich will stimulate the economy. The only thing that stimulates is the growth of the wealth of the rich. If they want to stimulate the economy they would raise the minimum wage. If more people had money more money would be spent. They also want to repeal the Affordable Care Act. They claim that it is not working, but the numbers show that it is working. More people have health insurance now. Workers earning the minimum wage cannot live without government assistance, and the Republicans want to cut these programs too. We need to vote these liars out of office and make them live off the wages that they want the workers of this country to live off of.

They also want to eliminate regulations on pollution from factories. They claim that these regulations cost too much and cause the elimination of jobs. They forget that the wages of CEO's cost these some companies more than the regulations. They care nothing about the environment. They forget that we all have to live on this planet, and carbon emissions are causing a great deal of harm. They only care about keeping money in the hands of the megarich so that they can give the Republicans money and buy elections for them.

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