Monday, December 15, 2014

I May Never Make Money as a Writer, but That Does nit Mean I will Have Failed as a Writer.

I may not be able to make a living as a writer, but I will not know unless I try. I may never make any money from my writing, but that does not mean that I will have failed as a writer. Not earning money from an undertaking does not mean that one has failed at that  undertaking. If I have entertained some people I will have reached one of my goals as a writer. If I provoke some people to thought another of my goals will have been reached. If I can make people laugh then I will have definitely reached one of my goals. If I am able to get people to see things from a new point that too would be a success for me. If I can arouse some people through some of my writing I will be pleased. My ultimate goal is not to make a lot of writing as a writer, but to achieve some of the goals that I have set for myself. I have been hesitant to think of myself as a writer, because  I have neither had anything published nor have I tried to do so. I am setting out to change the latter and hopefully the former will come to pass. Maybe some day I will be able to discipline myself as a writer to be able to write a complete book and not just little pieces. If I start writing poetry I doubt that it will be like my earlier poems. I have only written one poem that rhymes and has a set meter. It is a limerick I posted earlier. Does one need to be able to write poems that rhyme and have a set meter to be considered a poet? This is a question I have pondered often. I have seen abstract art by artists who were not very good at doing more traditional forms of art. There seems to be something missing in their abstract art. I could not exactly what that is, but to me there is definitely a lack. I sometimes fear that my poetry may be lacking something that I do not realize is not there. I am not going to let me stop writing poetry. I just have not been inspired to write poetry lately. Maybe I will write some more poems when I sit down for longer periods time and write. For a period of time I did not like my earlier poems, but now they sometimes make me laugh again. My main goal in writing is self expression. As time passes I may censor myself less and less.

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