Sunday, February 1, 2015

Nudity Is Not Always a Prelude to Sex

I previously touched on the view that nudity is not always the prelude to sex and that a healthier attitude towards nudity is needed. I want to write more on these subjects. In the U.S we are taught that the body is something that needs to be hidden, especially breasts, vaginas, penises, testicles and asses. These can be arousing to people, but that does not mean that when they are shown that it has anything to do with sex. They are just parts of the human anatomy. There have been too many cases where a rapist has tried to justify the rape by saying that she/he was asking for sex by the way she/he was dressed. The view that the above mentioned parts of the body need to remain hidden from the view of others except as a prelude to sex contributes to that point of view. Also, there are also many people who are drawn to things that are seen as being forbidden. I personally find male underarms and bellies sexy.  A healthier attitude would be just to accept them as another part of the body. If we covered every part of the human body that could arouse someone sexually every part of both men and women would be covered. I am not saying that being sexually aroused by these things is a bad thing. What I am saying is that we need to learn that that we do not always have to associate them with sex. I am including myself in this. A healthy view of nudity lessens the likelihood of people being objectified in regards to the above listed body parts and other parts of the anatomy. Many nudists are not trying to be sexually provocative. They just have a healthy attitude about their own bodies. There are times when all of the parts of the outer human body can be objects of desire, but this needs to be with the consent on the parts of all involved. We cannot always keep prurient thoughts from entering our minds, but we should not let thoughts get out of control. A balance needs to be found. No one should be made uncomfortable because of the fear of sexual violence. As I have stated before and will continue to say, all people are worthy of being treated with respect. No one should be objectified. We all have feelings. We may think that a man or woman is incredibly sexy, but that does not give us to treat them as objects who are there for our pleasure.

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