Monday, November 10, 2014

Immigration Reforms Are Needed in the U.S.A.: Blood Flows Through the History of this Country

People in the U.S. tend to forget that English was not the language that was originally spoken on this continent. Before Europeans came here and robbed the people living here of their land there were many languages spoken. Yet there are many who want to protect English as the only official language of the country. They do not want to make changes to an immigration policy that is badly in need of reform. There is no one coming and taking the land away from us by force as was done to those who were living here when Europeans decided to colonize this continent. Those people who were forced off of their own land are still treated as second-class citizens. There are many languages that were once spoken here that have died off. I have seen editorial cartons showing Native Americans saying they wish they had had stricter immigration policies. People laugh at that, but it is a view that I can understand. If a day comes when we see signs in stores saying "English spoken here" that might be a bit of justice. I doubt that real justice will be done for the people who were originally here. People tend to forget that the history of this country flows with the blood of people, those native to this continent and those brought here against their own will to be slaves. We need to change immigration policies that rip families apart. We need to be open to letting people who want to come to this country for opportunity to come here. We will all be enriched by the introduction of people of different cultures. Our culture, our economy and our progress are enriched by people from many different cultures. People tend to forget that this country is not just one cultures. It is a quilt of many cultures. We also need to treat the Native Americans as first-class citizens.
More needs to be said on this topic.

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