Thursday, January 15, 2015

It is Time for a Peaceful Revolution

I sometimes wonder if it will be possible to get big money out of elections. It seems that the majority of politicians are more interested in the people and corporations who give them a lot of money. The lobbyists have too much influence over politicians. Most of the elected members of Congress do not represent the people who elected them. The Tea Party would probably be happy to have a one-party system with them representing the rich. They would be happy with an oligarchy where the rich get richer and the poor are ignored. I am a pacifist, and I think that what this country needs is a peaceful revolution. I mistrust the Democratic party less than I mistrust the Republican party. We need a strong socialist party that includes fighting rights for all people.

The conservatives ignore that raising the minimum wage would stimulate the economy. There was a time when people were able to support themselves with a minimum wage job. This is no longer true. The wages of CEO's need to be drastically cut. They tend to forget that without workers they would not have their jobs. Perhaps a general strike is needed to get the attention of these sick, heartless fucks.

It is time for the 99% to overthrow the 1%.

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