Monday, October 13, 2014

octipus rex 10

(From Martin's Journal)

i returned from paris where i had an exhibition of my paintings in the luxembourg gardens. fortunately i sold several pieces.
i was very tired when i arrived at my apartment so i made plans to go see herbert the next day. i was looking forward to seeing the hotel nicholas and i was especially looking forward to seeing herbert.
as i had planned i went to see herbert, joy, andre-richard, john and the hotel nicholas. herbert was right, i loved it.
herbert and i went to his room and we talked about my trip. in his room were two chairs; one could contemplate sitting in these chairs, but one could never sit in them. i suggested that he use the chairs that i had imported from atlantis. while there i met vaclav, a black cat who lives in a room behind herbert's room.
herbert then took me on another tour of the thirteenth floor to introduce me to the animals who live there. i made the acquaintance of albert, a conceited penguin, gainesborough, the tsar of the kangaroo rats and francesca, the empress of the swans. i was not happy to return alone to my drab apartment.

(From Vaclav's Journal)
today Martin finally moved in with Herbert. I now have someone with whom I can talk during the day when Aleksandr is not around. Martin said that he will spend most of his weekdays around here painting. he is about the same height as Herbert and is slightly chubby. he has silky black hair and deep brown eyes.
after we drank some tea he did a painting of me reading a book. I had not realised that I am such a beautiful cat.

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