Sunday, October 19, 2014

octipus rex 26

(From Thomas' Journal)

Getting used to the Hotel Nicholas has been more difficult that I thought it was going to be. I am glad that I have a normal room where I can go when the thirteenth floor is too much for me, When I return from the university I rest a few minutes alone in my room to recover from the shock of seeing the desert, the catnip, the forest and Andre-Richard. I will do this until I get used to the place.
When I tell friends who want to get in touch with me that I live on the thirteenth floor of the Hotel Nicholas and I have no phone, they give me funny looks. Some say, "I understand. You are under a lot of pressure. Have you found a publisher for your latest book?" I wonder what they would say if I told them that I am seeing a woman who lives in a one-room castle on the same floor, not to mention describing the rest of of the floor.
I eat lunch in a diner near campus, two meals a day of that food every day would be too much for me. Eating in Andre-Richard's room is a traumatic experience. I feel like putting on a pair of sunglasses whenever I go in that place.
Vaclav told me that the other animals thought I was being a snob. I do not feel comfortable yet starting a conversation with an animal.

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